485 research outputs found

    Anomalous material-dependent transport of focused, laser-driven proton beams.

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    Intense lasers can accelerate protons in sufficient numbers and energy that the resulting beam can heat materials to exotic warm (10 s of eV temperature) states. Here we show with experimental data that a laser-driven proton beam focused onto a target heated it in a localized spot with size strongly dependent upon material and as small as 35 μm radius. Simulations indicate that cold stopping power values cannot model the intense proton beam transport in solid targets well enough to match the large differences observed. In the experiment a 74 J, 670 fs laser drove a focusing proton beam that transported through different thicknesses of solid Mylar, Al, Cu or Au, eventually heating a rear, thin, Au witness layer. The XUV emission seen from the rear of the Au indicated a clear dependence of proton beam transport upon atomic number, Z, of the transport layer: a larger and brighter emission spot was measured after proton transport through the lower Z foils even with equal mass density for supposed equivalent proton stopping range. Beam transport dynamics pertaining to the observed heated spot were investigated numerically with a particle-in-cell (PIC) code. In simulations protons moving through an Al transport layer result in higher Au temperature responsible for higher Au radiant emittance compared to a Cu transport case. The inferred finding that proton stopping varies with temperature in different materials, considerably changing the beam heating profile, can guide applications seeking to controllably heat targets with intense proton beams

    Energy Levels and Transition Probabilities for Nitrogen-Like Fe xx

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    Energies of the 700 lowest levels in Fexx have been obtained using the multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock method. Configuration interaction method on the basis set of transformed radial orbitals with variable parameters taking into account relativistic corrections in the Breit-Pauli approximation was used to crosscheck our presented results. Transition probabilities, oscillator and line strengths are presented for electric dipole (E1), electric quadrupole (E2) and magnetic dipole (M1) transitions among these levels. The total radiative transition probabilities from each level are also provided. Results are compared with data compiled by NIST and with other theoretical work

    Radiation Science Using Z-Pinch X-Rays

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    Present-day Z-pinch experiments generate 200 TW peak power, 5–10 ns duration x-ray bursts that provide new possibilities to advance radiation science. The experiments support both the underlying atomic and plasma physics, as well as inertial confinement fusion and astrophysics applications. A typical configuration consists of a sample located 1–10 cm away from the pinch, where it is heated to 10–100 eV temperatures by the pinch radiation. The spectrally-resolved sample-plasma absorption is measured by aiming x-ray spectrographs through the sample at the pinch. The pinch plasma thus both heats the sample and serves as a backlighter. Opacitymeasurements with this source are promising because of the large sample size, the relatively long radiation duration, and the possibility to measureopacities at temperatures above 100 eV. Initial opacity experiments are under way with CH-tamped NaBr foil samples. The Na serves as a thermometer and absorption spectra are recorded to determine the opacity of Br with a partially-filled M-shell. The large sample size and brightness of the Z pinch as a backlighter are also exploited in a novel method measuring re-emission from radiation-heated gold plasmas. The method uses a CH-tamped layered foil with Al+MgF2 facing the radiationsource. A gold backing layer that covers a portion of the foil absorbs radiation from the source and provides re-emission that further heats the Al+MgF2. The Al and Mg heating is measured using space-resolved Kα absorption spectroscopy and the difference between the two regions enables a determination of the gold re-emission. Measurements are also performed at lower densities where photoionization is expected to dominate over collisions. Absorption spectra have been obtained for both Ne-like Fe and He-like Ne, confirming production of the relevant charge states needed to benchmark atomic kinetics models. Refinement of the methods described here is in progress to address multiple issues for radiation science

    Impurity generation during intense lower hybrid heating experiments on the Alcator C tokamak

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    and disposal, in whole or in part by or for the United States govern-ment is permitted. By acceptance of this article, the publisher and/or recipient ac-knowledges the U.S. Government's right to retain a non-exclusive, royalty-free license in and to any copyright covering this paper. Experiments are underway on the Alcator C Tokamak with over 1 MW of RF power injected into the plasma at a frequency of 4.6 GHz to study both heating and current drive effects. During these studies, impurity genera-tion from limiter structures has been observed. The RF induced impurity influx is a strongly nonlinear function of net injected power. For Prf < 500 kW, only small effects are seen. As Prf approaches 1 MW, however, sharp increases in impurity influxes and Zeff are observed. Three different lim-iter materials have been used during these studies: molybdenum, graphite, and silicon-carbide coated graphite. In each case, the materials of the limiter structure are seen to dominate the increased impurity influx. In a typical case, with Prf = 1.0 MW e = 1.3 x 1014 cm- 3, and the SiC coated limiters, Zeff is seen to increase from 1.5 before the RF pulse to about 4 during the heating. At the same time, central Te increases from 2000 eV to 3000 eV and central Ti from 1200 eV to 1800 eV. Similar effects are seen in both H2 and D2 working gas discharges. The contribution to impurity genera-tion of nonthermal electrons, which are produced by the RF, is under investi-gation. Changes in edge plasma temperature and density, as well as the possibility that the particle transport is affected by the RF, are also being examined. Results of the experiments with the three different limiter materials are compared, and contributions of impurity radiation to the overall power balance are estimated

    X-ray Astronomy in the Laboratory with a Miniature Compact Object Produced by Laser-Driven Implosion

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    Laboratory spectroscopy of non-thermal equilibrium plasmas photoionized by intense radiation is a key to understanding compact objects, such as black holes, based on astronomical observations. This paper describes an experiment to study photoionizing plasmas in laboratory under well-defined and genuine conditions. Photoionized plasma is here generated using a 0.5-keV Planckian x-ray source created by means of a laser-driven implosion. The measured x-ray spectrum from the photoionized silicon plasma resembles those observed from the binary stars Cygnus X-3 and Vela X-1 with the Chandra x-ray satellite. This demonstrates that an extreme radiation field was produced in the laboratory, however, the theoretical interpretation of the laboratory spectrum significantly contradicts the generally accepted explanations in x-ray astronomy. This model experiment offers a novel test bed for validation and verification of computational codes used in x-ray astronomy.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures are included. This is the original submitted version of the manuscript to be published in Nature Physic

    Modelling, Design And Diagnostics For A Photoionised Plasma Experiment

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    Photoionised plasmas are common in astrophysical environments and new high resolution spectra from such sources have been recorded in recent years by the Chandra and XMM-Newton satellites. These provide a wealth of spectroscopic information and have motivated recent efforts aimed at obtaining a detailed understanding of the atomic-kinetic and radiative characteristics of photoionised plasmas. The Z-pinch facility at the Sandia National Laboratories is the most powerful terrestrial source of X-rays and provides an opportunity to produce photoionised plasmas in a well characterised radiation environment. We present modelling work and experimental design considerations for a forthcoming experiment at Sandia in which X-rays from a collapsing Z-pinch will be used to photoionise low density neon contained in a gas cell. View factor calculations were used to evaluate the radiation environment at the gas cell; the hydrodynamic characteristics of the gas cell were examined using the Helios-CR code, in particular looking at the heating, temperature and ionisation of the neon and the absorption of radiation. Emission and absorption spectra were also computed, giving estimates of spectra likely to be observed experimentally

    Molecular evidence of Ebola Reston virus infection in Philippine bats

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    Background: In 2008-09, evidence of Reston ebolavirus (RESTV) infection was found in domestic pigs and pig workers in the Philippines. With species of bats having been shown to be the cryptic reservoir of filoviruses elsewhere, the Philippine government, in conjunction with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, assembled a multi-disciplinary and multi-institutional team to investigate Philippine bats as the possible reservoir of RESTV. Methods: The team undertook surveillance of bat populations at multiple locations during 2010 using both serology and molecular assays. Results: A total of 464 bats from 21 species were sampled. We found both molecular and serologic evidence of RESTV infection in multiple bat species. RNA was detected with quantitative PCR (qPCR) in oropharyngeal swabs taken from Miniopterus schreibersii, with three samples yielding a product on conventional hemi-nested PCR whose sequences differed from a Philippine pig isolate by a single nucleotide. Uncorroborated qPCR detections may indicate RESTV nucleic acid in several additional bat species (M. australis, C. brachyotis and Ch. plicata). We also detected anti-RESTV antibodies in three bats (Acerodon jubatus) using both Western blot and ELISA. Conclusions: The findings suggest that ebolavirus infection is taxonomically widespread in Philippine bats, but the evident low prevalence and low viral load warrants expanded surveillance to elaborate the findings, and more broadly, to determine the taxonomic and geographic occurrence of ebolaviruses in bats in the region. © 2015 Jayme et al

    TRH: Pathophysiologic and clinical implications

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    Thyrotropin releasing hormone is thought to be a tonic stimulator of the pituitary TSH secretion regulating the setpoint of the thyrotrophs to the suppressive effect of thyroid hormones. The peptide stimulates the release of normal and elevated prolactin. ACTH and GH may increase in response to exogenous TRH in pituitary ACTH and GH hypersecretion syndromes and in some extrapituitary diseases. The pathophysiological implications of extrahypothalamic TRH in humans are essentially unknown. The TSH response to TRH is nowadays widely used as a diganostic amplifier in thyroid diseases being suppressed in borderline and overt hyperthyroid states and increased in primary thyroid failure. In hypothyroid states of hypothalamic origin, TSH increases in response to exogenous TRH often with a delayed and/or exaggerated time course. But in patients with pituitary tumors and suprasellar extension TSH may also respond to TRH despite secondary hypothyroidism. This TSH increase may indicate a suprasellar cause for the secondary hypothyroidism, probably due to portal vessel occlusion. The TSH released in these cases is shown to be biologically inactive
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