5,768 research outputs found

    Long Range Forces from Pseudoscalar Exchange

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    Using dispersion theoretic techniques, we consider coherent long range forces arising from double pseudoscalar exchange among fermions. We find that Yukawa type coupling leads to 1/r31/r^3 spin independent attractive potentials whereas derivative coupling renders 1/r51/r^5 spin independent repulsive potentials.Comment: 27 pages, REVTeX, 3 figures included using epsfi

    Correlated tunneling into a superconductor in a multiprobe hybrid structure

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    We consider tunneling in a hybrid system consisting of a superconductor with two or more probe electrodes which can be either normal metals or polarized ferromagnets. In particular we study transport at subgap voltages and temperatures. Besides Andreev pair tunneling at each contact, in multi-probe structures subgap transport involves additional channels, which are due to coherent propagation of two particles (electrons or holes), each originating from a different probe electrode. The relevant processes are electron cotunneling through the superconductor and conversion of two electrons stemming from different probes in a Cooper pair. These processes are non-local and decay when the distance between the pair of involved contacts is larger than the superconducting coherence length. The conductance matrix of a the three terminal hybrid structure is calculated. The multi-probe processes enhance the conductance of each contact. If the contacts are magnetically polarized the contribution of the various conduction channels may be separately detected.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, accepted in Europhysics Letters, minor changes, 3 references adde

    Long Range Forces from Two Neutrino Exchange Revisited

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    The exchange of two massless neutrinos gives rise to a long range force which couples to weakly charged matter. As has been noted previously in the literature, the potential for this force is \VN \propto G_{F}^2 / r^5 with monopole-monople, spin-spin and more complicated interactions. Unfortunately, this is far too small to be observed in present day experiments. We calculate \VN explicitly in the electroweak theory, and show that under very general assumptions forces arising from the exchange of two massless fermions can at best yield 1/r51 / r^5 potentials.Comment: 5 pages + 1 figure (not included), UFIFT-HEP-92-28/HUTP-92-A04

    Fredholm's Minors of Arbitrary Order: Their Representations as a Determinant of Resolvents and in Terms of Free Fermions and an Explicit Formula for Their Functional Derivative

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    We study the Fredholm minors associated with a Fredholm equation of the second type. We present a couple of new linear recursion relations involving the nnth and n−1n-1th minors, whose solution is a representation of the nnth minor as an n×nn\times n determinant of resolvents. The latter is given a simple interpretation in terms of a path integral over non-interacting fermions. We also provide an explicit formula for the functional derivative of a Fredholm minor of order nn with respect to the kernel. Our formula is a linear combination of the nnth and the n±1n\pm 1th minors.Comment: 17 pages, Latex, no figures connection to supplementary compound matrices mentioned, references added, typos correcte

    Effects of Bose-Einstein Condensation on forces among bodies sitting in a boson heat bath

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    We explore the consequences of Bose-Einstein condensation on two-scalar-exchange mediated forces among bodies that sit in a boson gas. We find that below the condensation temperature the range of the forces becomes infinite while it is finite at temperatures above condensation.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Programmable telemetry system Patent

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    Time division multiplexed telemetry transmitting system controlled by programmed memor

    Long range neutrino forces in the cosmic relic neutrino background

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    Neutrinos mediate long range forces among macroscopic bodies in vacuum. When the bodies are placed in the neutrino cosmic background, these forces are modified. Indeed, at distances long compared to the scale T−1T^{-1}, the relic neutrinos completely screen off the 2-neutrino exchange force, whereas for small distances the interaction remains unaffected.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Addendum to Finite-size effects on multibody neutrino exchange

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    The interaction energy of the neutrons due to massless neutrino exchange in a neutron star has recently been proved, using an effective theory, to be extremely small and infrared-safe. Our comment here is of conceptual order: two approaches to compute the total interaction energy density have recently been proposed. Here, we study the connection between these two approaches. From CP invariance, we argue that the resulting interaction energy has to be even in the parameter b=−GFnn/2b=-G_F n_n /\sqrt{2}, which expresses the static neutrino potential created by a neutron medium of density nnn_n.Comment: Latex file (Revtex), 9 pages, 1 figure, one reference change
