98,471 research outputs found

    St Therese of Lisieux\u27s perception of God

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    (i) The way her writing can inform us of how we come to view God (ii) In this light, what might we learn from Thérèse today? It is probably true to say that, at the level of \u27popular\u27 faith, Thérèse of Lisieux has been adopted by many as their \u27go-to\u27 person-in heaven. As such, she has been experienced as someone who bestowed special, even miraculous, favours—something she gave permission for in her lifetime. However, here we\u27re not talking about a beyond-death Thérèse we might have personally experienced. The Thérèse I will speak about is from research, specifically with respect to the feelings and events she recorded about her life

    Extended temperature range rocket injector

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    A rocket injector is provided with multiple sets of manifolds for supplying propellants to injector elements. Sensors transmit the temperatures of the propellants to a suitable controller which is operably connnected to valves between these manifolds and propellant storage tanks. When cryogenic propellant temperatures are sensed, only a portion of the valves are opened to furnish propellants to some of the manifolds. When lower temperatures are sensed, additional valves are opened to furnish propellants to more of the manifolds

    Implications of the isotope effects on the magnetization, magnetic torque and susceptibility

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    We analyze the magnetization, magnetic torque and susceptibility data of La2-xSrxCu(16,18)O4 and YBa2(63,65)CuO7-x near Tc in terms of the universal 3D-XY scaling relations. It is shown that the isotope effect on Tc mirrors that on the anisotropy. Invoking the generic behavior of the anisotropy the doping dependence of the isotope effects on the critical properties, including Tc, correlation lengths and magnetic penetration depths are traced back to a change of the mobile carrier concentration.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Magnetic field induced 3D to 1D crossover in Sr0:9La0:1CuO2

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    The effect of the magnetic field on the critical behavior of Sr0:9La0:1CuO2 is explored in terms of reversible magnetization data. As the correlation length transverse to the magnetic field Hi,applied along the i-axis, cannot grow beyond the limiting magnetic length LHi, related to the average distance between vortex lines, one expects a magnetic field induced finite size effect. Invoking the scaling theory of critical phenomena we provide clear evidence for this effect. It implies that in type II superconductors there is a 3D to 1D crossover line Hpi(T). Consequently, below Tc and above Hpi(T) uperconductivity is confined to cylinders with diameter LHi(1D). Accordingly, there is no continuous phase transition in the (H,T)-plane along the Hc2-lines as predicted by the mean-field treatment.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Magnetic Field Induced Phase Transitions in YBa2Cu4O8

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    The cc-axis resistivity measurements in YBa_2Cu_4O_8 from Hussey et al. for magnetic field orientations along the c-axis as well as within the ab-plane are analyzed and interpreted using the scaling theory for static and dynamic classical critical phenomena. We identify a superconductor to normal conductor transition for both field orientations as well as a normal conductor to insulator transition at a critical field H_c||a with dynamical critical exponent z=1, leading to a multicritical point where superconducting, normal conducting and insulating phases coexist

    Auxiliary propulsion technology for advanced Earth-to-orbit vehicles

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    The payload which can be delivered to orbit by advanced Earth-to-Orbit vehicles is significantly increased by advanced subsystem technology. Any weight which can be saved by advanced subsystem design can be converted to payload at Main Engine Cut Off (MECO) given the same launch vehicle performance. The auxiliary propulsion subsystem and the impetus for the current hydrogen/oxygen technology program is examined. A review of the auxiliary propulsion requirements of advanced Earth-to-Orbit (ETO) vehicles and their proposed missions is given first. Then the performance benefits of hydrogen/oxygen auxiliary propulsion are illustrated using current shuttle data. The proposed auxiliary propulsion subsystem implementation includes liquid hydrogen/liquid oxygen (LH2/LO2) primary Reaction Control System (RCS) engines and gaseous hydrogen/gaseous oxygen (GH2/GO2) vernier RCS engines. A distribution system for the liquid cryogens to the engines is outlined. The possibility of providing one dual-phase engine that can operate on either liquid or gaseous propellants is being explored, as well as the simultaneous firing of redundant primary RCS thrusters to provide Orbital Maneuvering System (OMS) level impulse. Scavenging of propellants from integral main engine tankage is proposed to utilize main engine tank residuals and to combine launch vehicle and subsystem reserves

    The politics of strategic budgeteering

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    This paper analyzes how opportunistic governments choose between alternative fiscal policies in order to increases their chances of re-election. To increase the provision of public goods shortly before elections – and thus, to generate a fiscal political business cycles – governments may either increase deficits or redistribute governmental resources from longterm efficient sources to short-term efficient public programs. We argue that incumbents who face highly competed elections principally have an incentive to spend more on public goods even though these investments are not efficient in the long term. In principal, they would do so by increasing the deficits (with re-balancing the budget after the election). However, our model demonstrates that incumbents would even electioneer at the cost of long-term investments if the extent of fiscal transparency does not allow them to finance the provision of public goods with higher deficits. In other words, if elections are close and voters may observe the governmental deficit, then governments tend to increase the provision of public goods – and consequently, their electoral prospects – by a redistribution of budget resources from long-term efficient investment to a short-term provision of public goods. We test the predictions with new data on the composition of government consumption for 17 OECD countries over 35 years. The preliminary findings suggest that governments indeed reshuffle resources from long-term efficient investment to short-term public goods before elections especially if elections are contested
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