416 research outputs found

    On the Internationalization of CAD Learning Through an English Glossary

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    Comunicació presentada al XXIX Congreso International INGEGRAF 2019 "La transformación Digital en la Ingeniería Gráfica” (20-21 Junio 2019, Logroño - La Rioja)The internationalization of higher education is an essential factor to improve the quality and efficiency of Spanish universities, providing students with the main skills, and knowledge to interact effectively in an international and multicultural work context as professionals. The internationalization of universities must be a transversal process, not exclusive of its territorial dimension, aimed at advancing towards a society and a knowledge economy that propitiate a solid and stable model of development and growth. To this end, professors in the area of Graphic Expression for Engineering at the Universitat Jaume I (UJI) have developed an online glossary of specific terms in English related to the 3D modelling CAD tools used in Graphic Engineering subjects. This new online tool seeks to train students to increase their technical vocabulary in English and improve their learning and communication skills to face possible collaborations in future European projects. The glossary is introduced weekly to the students during the course. Subsequently, a survey is conducted to the students to verify the effectiveness of the training. This work collects the results and conclusions of this analysis

    L'Especialització de la indústria manufacturera catalana

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    Highly Adiabatic Time-Optimal Quantum Driving at Low Energy Cost

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    Time-efficient control schemes for manipulating quantum systems are of great importance in quantum technologies, where environmental forces rapidly degrade the quality of pure states over time. In this Letter, we formulate an approach to time-optimal control that circumvents the boundary-value problem that plagues the quantum brachistochrone equation at the expense of relaxing the form of the control Hamiltonian. In this setting, a coupled system of equations, one for the control Hamiltonian and another one for the duration of the protocol, realizes an ansatz-free approach to quantum control theory. We show how driven systems, in the form of a Landau-Zener type Hamiltonian, can be efficiently maneuvered to speed up a given state transformation in a highly adiabatic manner and with a low energy cost

    Interplay between the Gentlest Ascent Dynamics Method and Conjugate Directions to Locate Transition States

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    An algorithm to locate transition states on a potential energy surface (PES) is proposed and described. The technique is based on the GAD method where the gradient of the PES is projected into a given direction and also perpendicular to it. In the proposed method, named GAD-CD, the projection is not only applied to the gradient but also to the Hessian matrix. Then, the resulting Hessian matrix is block diagonal. The direction is updated according to the GAD method. Furthermore, to ensure stability and to avoid a high computational cost, a trust region technique is incorporated and the Hessian matrix is updated at each iteration. The performance of the algorithm in comparison with the standard ascent dynamics is discussed for a simple two dimensional model PES. Its efficiency for describing the reaction mechanisms involving small and medium size molecular systems is demonstrated for five molecular systems of interest

    Tipos y tendencias de trabajo de los menores delincuentes de Barcelona: resultados de una encuesta

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    El presente estudio se compone de dos partes bien diferenciadas, una anécdota que explica por qué se hizo este estudio y un resumen de la investigación de Piquer y Jover sobre tipos y tendencias de trabajo de los menores delincuentes de Barcelona

    Hematoma epidural cervical tras latigazo cervical

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    Se describe un hematoma epidural a nivel cervical en un varón de 43 años, tras un traumatismo menor tipo latigazo cervical. Su sintomatología inicial obligó a descartar patología cardiaca llegándose al diagnóstico tras estudio mediante resonancia nuclear magnética. El cuadro clínico parcial y no progresivo desaconsejó la cirugía, observándose su reabsorción con nuevo control de resonancia. Se realza una revisión de la bibliografía, señalándose las principales características de esta entidad poco frecuente.We repor a case of cervical epidural hematoma in a 43 year-old man, after soft-tissue cervical spine strain (known as a “whiplast”). At the beginnig, because previous presumptive cardiac pain in this patient, we need to discart cardiac cause. We made the diagnostic of cervical epidural hematoma with the use of magnetic resonance imaging. The incomplete, not severe and nonprogressing defficits led us to conservative treatment; and the hematoma resolved spontaneously, as documented with a new magnetic resonance imaging. The medical literature relating to this uncommon entity has been reviewe

    Who participates in R&D subsidy programs? The case of spanish manufacturing firms

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    Empirical evidence on the effectiveness of R&D subsidies to firms has produced mixed results so far. One possible explanation is that firms and project selection rules may be quite heterogeneous both across agencies and across industries, leading to different outcomes in terms of the induced additional private effort. Here we focus on the participation stage. Using a sample of Spanish firms, we test for differences across agencies and industries. Our results suggest that firms in the same industry face different hurdles to participate in different agencies' programs, that participation patterns may reflect a combination of agency goals, and that patterns differ across high-tech and low-tech industries

    Microstructural and magnetic characterization of Fe- and Ir-based multilayers

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    Nominal [Fe(t)/Ir(t'')](n) (M/Mtype), [FeOx(t)/IrOx(t'')](n) (O/O), and [Fe(t)/IrOx(t'')](n) (M/O) multilayers have been prepared by magnetron sputtering at room temperature. Composition, structure, and magnetic behavior have been analyzed. In the M/M samples, the Fe and Ir phases are identified as bcc and fcc, respectively. The magnetism evolves from bulklike iron to granular behavior as the thickness of the Fe layers decreases. An induced magnetic moment, ferromagnetically coupled to Fe, is observed on Ir by x-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD). Besides, the presence of negative remanent magnetization is observed in the M/M samples. As for the M/O samples, the stronger affinity of iron for oxygen displaces the oxygen atoms giving rise to actual heterostructures that strongly differ from the nominal ones. For similar thickness of the two layers the Fe layer become oxidized while a mixture of metal and oxide phases is found in the Ir layer. The increase of the Fe thickness leads to a metallic Ir layer and a highly coercive (similar to 4.4 kOe) core-shell metal-oxide structure in the Fe layers