407 research outputs found

    Photoluminescence spectroscopy of bandgap reduction in dilute InNAs alloys

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    Photoluminescence (PL) has been observed from dilute InNxAs1–x epilayers grown by molecular-beam epitaxy. The PL spectra unambiguously show band gap reduction with increasing N content. The variation of the PL spectra with temperature is indicative of carrier detrapping from localized to extended states as the temperature is increased. The redshift of the free exciton PL peak with increasing N content and temperature is reproduced by the band anticrossing model, implemented via a (5×5) k·p Hamiltonian

    Interwell relaxation times in p-Si/SiGe asymmetric quantum well structures: the role of interface roughness

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    We report the direct determination of nonradiative lifetimes in Si∕SiGe asymmetric quantum well structures designed to access spatially indirect (diagonal) interwell transitions between heavy-hole ground states, at photon energies below the optical phonon energy. We show both experimentally and theoretically, using a six-band k∙p model and a time-domain rate equation scheme, that, for the interface quality currently achievable experimentally (with an average step height â©Ÿ1 Å), interface roughness will dominate all other scattering processes up to about 200 K. By comparing our results obtained for two different structures we deduce that in this regime both barrier and well widths play an important role in the determination of the carrier lifetime. Comparison with recently published experimental and theoretical data obtained for mid-infrared GaAs∕AlxGa1−xAs multiple quantum well systems leads us to the conclusion that the dominant role of interface roughness scattering at low temperature is a general feature of a wide range of semiconductor heterostructures not limited to IV-IV material

    The substellar population of the young cluster lambda Orionis

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    By collecting optical and infrared photometry and low resolution spectroscopy, we have identified a large number of low mass stars and brown dwarf candidates belonging to the young cluster (~5 Myr) associated with the binary star lambda Orionis. The lowest mass object found is a M8.5 with an estimated mass of 0.02 Msun (~0.01 Msun for objects without spectroscopic confirmation). For those objects with spectroscopy, the measured strength of the Halpha emission line follows a distribution similar to other clusters with the same age range, with larger equivalent widths for cooler spectral types. Three of the brown dwarfs have Halpha emission equivalent widths of order 100 \AA, suggestive that they may have accretion disks and thus are the substellar equivalent of Classical T Tauri stars. We have derived the Initial Mass Function for the cluster. For the substellar regime, the index of the mass spectrum is alpha=0.60$+-0.06, very similar to other young associations.Comment: Astrophysica Journal, accepted April 2, 200

    An Investigation of Be/X-ray Pulsars with OGLE-III Data

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    We have studied five seasons of OGLE-III data for eight SMC Be/X-ray pulsars for which no other survey data were available. We have determined orbital periods for four of these binary systems, one of which also shows nonradial pulsations. Optical identification of SMC X-2 is reconsidered, but no periods were found for either of the two possible candidates

    Band anticrossing in GaNxSb1–x

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    Fourier transform infrared absorption measurements are presented from the dilute nitride semiconductor GaNSb with nitrogen incorporations between 0.2% and 1.0%. The divergence of transitions from the valence band to E– and E+ can be seen with increasing nitrogen incorporation, consistent with theoretical predictions. The GaNSb band structure has been modeled using a five-band k·p Hamiltonian and a band anticrossing fitting has been obtained using a nitrogen level of 0.78 eV above the valence band maximum and a coupling parameter of 2.6 eV

    Young core collapse supernova remnants and their supernovae

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    Massive star supernovae can be divided into four categories depending on the amount of mass loss from the progenitor star and the star's radius: red supergiant stars with most of the H envelope intact (SN IIP), stars with some H but most lost (IIL, IIb), stars with all H lost (Ib, Ic), and blue supergiant stars with a massive H envelope (SN 1987A-like). Various aspects of the immediate aftermath of the supernova are expected to develop in different ways depending on the supernova category: mixing in the supernova, fallback on the central compact object, expansion of any pulsar wind nebula, interaction with circumstellar matter, and photoionization by shock breakout radiation. The observed properties of young supernova remnants allow many of them to be placed in one of the supernova categories; all the categories are represented except for the SN 1987A-like type. Of the remnants with central pulsars, the pulsar properties do not appear to be related to the supernova category. There is no evidence that the supernova categories form a mass sequence, as would be expected in a single star scenario for the evolution. Models for young pulsar wind nebulae expanding into supernova ejecta indicate initial pulsar periods of 10-100 ms and approximate equipartition between particle and magnetic energies. Ages are obtained for pulsar nebulae, including an age of 2400 pm 500 yr for 3C58, which is not consistent with an origin in SN 1181. There is no evidence that mass fallback plays a role in neutron star properties.Comment: 43 pages, ApJ, revised, discussion of 3C58 changed, in press for Feb. 1, 200

    Study of the Cir X--1 Broad Band Spectrum at Orbital Phases Close to the Apoastron

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    We report on the results of a BeppoSAX (1.8--200 keV) observation of the peculiar X-ray binary source Circinus X--1 (Cir X--1) at the orbital phases between 0.61 and 0.63. We find that three components are needed to fit the broad band spectrum: a blackbody component, at a temperature of ∌0.6\sim 0.6 keV, a Comptonized component, with a seed-photon temperature of ∌1.2\sim 1.2 keV, electron temperature of ∌6\sim 6 keV and optical depth of ∌1.7\sim 1.7, and a power-law component dominating the spectrum at energies higher than 20 keV. We interpret the blackbody as the emission from the accretion disk, while the Comptonized component probably comes from a corona surrounding the inner part of the system. This spectrum is different from that observed at the periastron (Iaria et al. 2001a) because of the presence of the blackbody component. We discuss the implications of this difference and the presence of the power-law component.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, accepted by Ap

    Observations of the Crab Nebula and its pulsar in the far-ultraviolet and in the optical

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    We present HST/STIS far-UV observations of the Crab nebula and its pulsar. Broad, blueshifted absorption arising in the nebula is seen in C IV 1550, reaching about 2500 km/s. This can be interpreted as evidence for a fast outer shell, and we adopt a spherically symmetric model to constrain the properties of this. We find that the density appears to decrease outward in the shell. A lower limit to the mass is 0.3 solar masses with an accompanying kinetic energy of 1.5EE{49} ergs. A massive 10^{51} erg shell cannot be excluded, but is less likely if the density profile is much steeper than R^{-4} and the velocity is <6000 km/s. The observations cover the region 1140-1720 A. With the time-tag mode of the spectrograph we obtain the pulse profile. It is similar to that in the near-UV, although the primary peak is marginally narrower. Together with the near-UV data, and new optical data from NOT, our spectrum of the pulsar covers the entire region from 1140-9250 A. Dereddening the spectrum gives a flat spectrum for E(B-V)=0.52, R=3.1. This dereddened spectrum of the Crab pulsar can be fitted by a power law with spectral index alpha_{\nu} = 0.11 +/- 0.04. The main uncertainty is the amount and characteristics of the interstel- lar reddening, and we have investigated the dependence of \alpha_{\nu} on E(B-V) and R. In the extended emission covered by our 25" x 0.5" slit in the far-UV, we detect C IV 1550 and He II 1640 emission lines from the Crab nebula. Several interstellar absorption lines are detected toward the pulsar. The Ly alpha absorption indicates a column density of 3.0+/-0.5\EE{21} cm^{-2} of neutral hydrogen, which agrees well with our estimate of E(B-V)=0.52 mag. Other lines show no evidence of severe depletion of metals in atomic gas.Comment: 18 pages emulateapj style, including 10 figures. ApJ, accepte

    A Multi-Wavelength, Multi-Epoch Study of the Soft X-Ray Transient Prototype, V616 Mon (A0620-00)

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    We have obtained optical and infrared photometry of the soft x-ray transient prototype V616 Mon (A0620-00). From this photometry, we find a spectral type of K4 for the secondary star in the system, which is consistent with spectroscopic observations. We present J-, H-, and K-band light curves modeled with WD98 and ELC. Combining detailed, independently run models for ellipsoidal variations due to a spotted, non-spherical secondary star, and the observed ultraviolet to infrared spectral energy distribution of the system, we show that the most likely value for the orbital inclination is 40.75 +/- 3 deg. This inclination angle implies a primary black hole mass of 11.0 +/- 1.9 solar masses.Comment: 29 pages (preprint format), including 7 figures and 4 tables, accepted for publication in the Nov 2001 issue of A
