58 research outputs found

    Relationship between speed, strength and jumping abilities in elite junior handball players

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    The present study aimed to examine the relationship between strength (squat and bench press), jumping ability in countermovement (CMJ) and squat (SJ) jump, 10 m and 30 m sprint time and 6x30m repeated sprint ability (RSA) in a group of 29 male elite youth handball players aged 16.5±0.8 years, with stature of 184.3±4.8 cm and body mass of 77.0±9.4, who all voluntarily participated. Coefficients of correlation were determined and tested for significance by using the Pearson’s product-moment test. Firstly, sprint time results indicated a significant relationship with jumping height in absolute terms over 0–10 m and 0–30 m (p<0.01). When expressed relative to body mass, the 0–10 m sprinting time was found to have a significant relationship with all measures of jump height and peak power (p<0.01) in both CMJ and SJ. The 0–30 m sprint time correlated significantly (p<0.01) with all jump measures (except jump height assessed by CMJ) relative to body mass. Secondly, repeated sprint ability over 0–10 m correlated to all strength (p<0.05) and jumping (p<0.01) measures (in absolute terms) except for reactive strength, while 0–30 m RSA only correlated (p<0.05) to CMJ and SJ performance. Expressed relative to body mass, the bench press (p=0.01), CMJ peak power (p=0.01), SJ (p=0.05) and SJ peak power (p=0.01) significantly correlated to 0–10 m RSA. No other significant results were found. These data suggest that since raw jump scores are relatively easy to collect, they could provide coaches at all levels with valuable information with which to assess speed and overall athletic performance. Also, as power and strength scores only correlated with speed scores when expressed in relation to body mass, it seems important that physical preparation coaches ensure that their force and strength development programs are appropriately adjusted for body mass

    Energy Analytics - Opportunities for Energy Monitoring and Prediction with smart Meters

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    By 2019, Norway will complete the national rollout of advanced metering systems (AMS) for all customers. Beyond near-time monitoring of voltage quality and frictionless billing of customers, such a rollout opens a host of possibilities. However, a full-scale rollout is not without challenges. For instance, throughput limitations of radio-mesh networks, privacy considerations, and bounds on compute and Storage infrastructure limit the cardinality of metering data to levels below that of which established techniques(for example non-intrusive load disaggregation) require. Pilot projects are now exploring how to mitigate these challenges as well as seeking novel opportunities that open up through data fusion and recent advances in machine learning. In this contribution, we outline the capabilities of the Norwegian AMS system and describe established use-cases and non-intrusive load monitoring. We then discuss a pilot on detection of electric vehicles. Based on preliminary findings, we map the path forward.publishedVersio

    Energy Analytics - Opportunities for Energy Monitoring and Prediction with smart Meters

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    By 2019, Norway will complete the national rollout of advanced metering systems (AMS) for all customers. Beyond near-time monitoring of voltage quality and frictionless billing of customers, such a rollout opens a host of possibilities. However, a full-scale rollout is not without challenges. For instance, throughput limitations of radio-mesh networks, privacy considerations, and bounds on compute and Storage infrastructure limit the cardinality of metering data to levels below that of which established techniques(for example non-intrusive load disaggregation) require. Pilot projects are now exploring how to mitigate these challenges as well as seeking novel opportunities that open up through data fusion and recent advances in machine learning. In this contribution, we outline the capabilities of the Norwegian AMS system and describe established use-cases and non-intrusive load monitoring. We then discuss a pilot on detection of electric vehicles. Based on preliminary findings, we map the path forward.publishedVersio

    Assessing test-retest reliability of the portable Brower speed trap II testing system

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    The aim of the present study was to assess the test-retest reliability of the Brower Speed Trap II running speed timing system. The test-retest reliability of the system was assessed by testing 52 physical education students aged (±SD) 21.4 (±8.9) years. All participants were tested on 30-m sprint with 10-m, 20-m and 30-m split times. All measurements were obtained on two subsequent days. The results from this investigation indicate that the variations in the students’ performance between test day one and test day two was small and the intra-class correlation indicates a high repeatability. In the examination of the system reliability, the system did not show any marked systematic bias (p<.05) assessed by the paired sample t-test. However, the systematic bias and the random variation found indicate that the Brower Speed Trap II running speed timing system was a reliable testing instrument to be used in testing physical education students, and a useful instrument for measuring running speed. However, in future studies it would be interesting to examine if the system were able to monitor the small changes in running speed that could result from increasing the training of an already elite athlete. Furthermore, we concluded that if comparison of overall values of running speed is intended, it is advisable to use the same testing system, because different systems give different results based on the errors associated with it

    Positional differences of physical traits and physiological characteristics in female volleyball players – the role of age

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the variation in physical and physiological characteristics according to playing position in adolescent and adult female volleyball players. Adolescent (n=62, aged 15.6±1.1 years) and adult volleyball players (n=58, aged 24.9±5.3 years) were examined for anthropometric characteristics and body composition, and they performed a physical working capacity test, a 3-minute step test, the Wingate anaerobic test, sit-and-reach test, handgrip strength test, and countermovement vertical jump with arm-swing test (CMJa). Adult players were taller and had a higher percentage of fat-free mass, better performance in cardiorespiratory power, anaerobic power, handgrip muscle strength and CMJa than adolescents (Cohen’s d>0.45). Positional differences in body height (centers were the tallest, whereas liberos were the shortest, p<.001) were found for both age groups. However, positional differences in body mass and fat-free mass were observed only in adolescents (centers were heavier than liberos, p<.05), whereas differences in CMJa were only in adults (hitters jumped higher than liberos, p<.05). Thus, the differences in body mass, fat-free mass and CMJa among playing positions in female volleyball were age-dependent. These findings might help coaches and trainers to develop position-specific training programs

    Utvrđivanje test-retest pouzdanosti prijenosnog mjernog sustava brower speed trap ii

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    The aim of the present study was to assess the test-retest reliability of the Brower Speed Trap II running speed timing system. The test-retest reliability of the system was assessed by testing 52 physical education students aged (±SD) 21.4 (±8.9) years. All participants were tested on 30-m sprint with 10-m, 20-m and 30-m split times. All measurements were obtained on two subsequent days. The results from this investigation indicate that the variations in the students’ performance between test day one and test day two was small and the intra-class correlation indicates a high repeatability. In the examination of the system reliability, the system did not show any marked systematic bias (p<.05) assessed by the paired sample t-test. However, the systematic bias and the random variation found indicate that the Brower Speed Trap II running speed timing system was a reliable testing instrument to be used in testing physical education students, and a useful instrument for measuring running speed. However, in future studies it would be interesting to examine if the system were able to monitor the small changes in running speed that could result from increasing the training of an already elite athlete. Furthermore, we concluded that if comparison of overall values of running speed is intended, it is advisable to use the same testing system, because different systems give different results based on the errors associated with it.Cilj je ovog istraživanja bilo utvrđivanje pouzdanosti sustava za mjerenje brzine trčanja Brower Speed Trap II metodom test-retest. Test-retest pouzdanost sustava bila je utvrđena testiranjem 52 studenta kineziologije, u dobi od 21,4±8,9 godina. Svi ispitanici bili su testirani testom sprint na 30 metara s prolaznim vremenima zabilježenima na 10, 20 i 30 metara. Sva mjerenja su provedena tijekom dva uzastopna dana. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su malu varijabilnost rezultata u testovima provedenima prvi i drugi dan, a intraklasna korelacija između rezultata dobivenih prvi i drugi dan pokazuje visok stupanj ponovljivosti. Primijenjeni t-testa za zavisne uzorke pokazao je da ne postoji značajna sistematska pogreška mjerenja (p<.05). Ipak, dobivena sistematska pogreška i utvrđena slučajna varijacija potvrđuju da je sustav za mjerenje brzine trčanja Brower Speed Trap II pouzdan mjerni instrument za mjerenje populacije studenata kineziologije te koristan mjerni instrument za mjerenje brzine trčanja. Ipak, u budućim istraživanjima bilo bi zanimljivo istražiti može li sustav zabilježiti male promjene u brzini trčanja koje mogu biti rezultat treninga vrhunskih sportaša. Nadalje, zaključili smo da ako je namjera uspoređivati rezultate mjerenja brzine trčanja, korisno je koristiti isti mjerni sustav, budući da različiti mjerni sustavi daju različite rezultate s obzirom na različite pogreške koje sustavi imaju

    Prevalence of unruptured intracranial aneurysms: impact of different definitions-the Tromsø Study

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    Background - Management of incidental unruptured intracranial aneurysms (UIAs) remains challenging and depends on their risk of rupture, estimated from the assumed prevalence of aneurysms and the incidence of aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage. Reported prevalence varies, and consistent criteria for definition of UIAs are lacking. We aimed to study the prevalence of UIAs in a general population according to different definitions of aneurysm. Methods - Cross-sectional population-based study using 3-dimensional time-of-flight 3 Tesla MR angiography to identify size, type and location of UIAs in 1862 adults aged 40–84 years. Size was measured as the maximal distance between any two points in the aneurysm sac. Prevalence was estimated for different diameter cutoffs (≥1, 2 and 3 mm) with and without inclusion of extradural aneurysms. Results - The overall prevalence of intradural saccular aneurysms ≥2 mm was 6.6% (95% CI 5.4% to 7.6%), 7.5% (95% CI 5.9% to 9.2%) in women and 5.5% (95% CI 4.1% to 7.2%) in men. Depending on the definition of an aneurysm, the overall prevalence ranged from 3.8% (95% CI 3.0% to 4.8%) for intradural aneurysms ≥3 mm to 8.3% (95% CI 7.1% to 9.7%) when both intradural and extradural aneurysms ≥1 mm were included. Conclusion - Prevalence in this study was higher than previously observed in other Western populations and was substantially influenced by definitions according to size and extradural or intradural location. The high prevalence of UIAs sized <5 mm may suggest lower rupture risk than previously estimated. Consensus on more robust and consistent radiological definitions of UIAs is warranted

    Intensitet og involvering i kroppsøving

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    Dette er en fagfellevurdert, vitenskapelig artikkel som opprinnelig ble publisert i Tidsskriftet FoU i praksis: Brattli, V.H., Hansen, K.L., Steiro, M.J. & Ingebrigtsen, J. (2014). Intensitet og involvering i kroppsøving. Tidsskriftet FoU i praksis, 8(1), 43-59. Vennligst følg denne lenken for å komme til tidsskriftet: http://www.akademikaforlag.no/fouKroppsøvingsfaget i skolen skal inspirere til en fysisk aktiv livsstil og livslang bevegelsesglede og kan være en arena for strukturert aktivitet hvor elevene oppnår timer med viktig utfoldelse. Intensitet og involvering for undergrupper av elever synes imidlertid å ha sammenheng med organiseringen av aktivitet. Målet med denne studien er derfor å undersøke sammenhenger mellom elevenes faktiske og selvrapporterte intensitet og involvering i kroppsøving på den ene siden og lagstørrelse, kjønnssammensetning av lag samt deltagelse i idrett i fritiden på den andre. Våre funn peker på utfordringer ved både kjønns- og ferdighetsblandet undervisning i kroppsøving i norsk ungdomsskole. Resultatene viser at intensitet og involvering sett i sammenheng med lagsammensetning gir ulikt utfall for gutter og jenter. Deltagelse i idrett utenom skoletid sammenfaller med økt intensitet og involvering i kroppsøvingsfaget sammenlignet med elevene som ikke er aktive i fritiden. Funn indikerer også at elevers egen oppfatning av involvering kan ha verdi for kroppsøvingslæren

    Intermittent Testing and Training for High-Level Football Players

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