122 research outputs found

    Food Design as a Strategy for the Global Community

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    The paper aims to identify the role of Design Culture in adopting food and gastronomic practices as strategic tools to enhance dialogues between different cultures. The research analyses the cases in which contemporary Design Culture adopts food as a possibility of social inclusion, understanding of the global flows of people, transformation techniques, and novel rituals. Food and food cycles can be interpreted as "language", as well as an opportunity to create circular business activities based on the rediscovery and on the strengthening of the links between territories and communities in a globalised scenario increasingly attentive to the experiences of fusion between cultures. Design culture can become a mediator, a facilitator and a promoter of solutions and models of integration between cultural components we commonly consider "strong" and "weak", "host" and "settled", "traditional" and "modern", "slow" and "fast", "typical" and "atopic". Thus an "open" scenario is outlined in which projects and researches oriented to the diffusion of more sustainable and "community centred" food cultures are renewed and take on new meanings. New cultures emerge which, while keeping their cultural roots, evolve into a transcultural society. The Design Culture is called to recognise and co-design these new “food acts” of the contemporary transcultural societies

    Good for Good. Designing Packaging in the Era of Deliveries

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    Packaging is one of the classical field for the design activities where both functional, technological and communication features are faced. Design has considered packaging as a field where mainly experiment and develop the consumption engagement and attraction. In fact, the most part of the Design effort has been focused on new shapes, new aesthetics values, new uses: in sum on the product innovation. This paper reports a didactic experience where packaging has been using to training a “systemic planet-centric” approach, merging the following aspects: from social point of view, the phenomenon of self-production and consciousness consumption; from technological point of view, the improvement of new manufacturing; from economic point of view, the phenomenon of open-sourcing and the sharing-economy; from environmental point of view, the phenomenon of the zero-impact, zero-waste and zero-resources

    Direito penal e globalização: a política-criminal contemporânea

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    O presente estudo tem por objetivo analisar as implicações do fenômeno da globalização na Política-Criminal, por meio da análise dos principais modelos contemporâneos, quais sejam: o Direito Penal do inimigo, o “bom e velho Direito Penal liberal” e o Direito Penal de duas velocidades

    African Design Wave. Paradigmi estetici, materici e identitĂ  di un Sud glocale

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    Il design contemporaneo manifesta un continuo e profondo interesse verso tradizioni linguistiche, tipologiche, tecnologiche “altre” ed “esotiche”, provenienti da luoghi storicamente poco indagati, ma ricchi di “narrazioni” e identità. Gli scenari produttivi e culturali africani, in particolare, si prestano a riflessioni orientate ad abbattere etichette e identità stereotipate e a ridiscutere i rapporti tra processi di produzione locale e consumo globale, tra un “Sud” e un “Nord” contemporaneamente geografici e simbolici. Si delineano così profili progettuali e paradigmi estetici, materici e tecnici di un Sud glocale, capace di intervenire sui consumi globali, diffondersi a livello mondiale collocandosi in mercati maturi e raggiungendo posizionamenti autorevoli, senza rischiare di appiattirsi o omologarsi, poiché forte di patrimoni morfologici e tradizioni artigianali e segniche “tipiche”. Le pratiche del meticciato oggettuale, il concetto di glocalizzazione, e le narrazioni plurali si incontrano e partecipano allo sviluppo di contesti produttivi e di consumo multiculturali, in cui il design si dimostra valido veicolo di sperimentazione e dialogo tra culture, luoghi e tradizioni che si fondono in un nuovo modello di spazio identitario, “umano” ed etico.Contemporary design shows a constant and deep interest in “other” and “exotic” linguistic, typological, technological traditions, coming from places that have been little explored, but rich in “narratives” and identities. African production and cultural scenarios, in particular, suggest analyses aimed at breaking down stereotypes, labels and identities, and at re-discussing the relationships between local production processes and global consumption, and between the concepts of “South” and “North” as both physical and symbolic entities. This glocal South has recognizable aesthetic, material and technical profiles, is capable of intervening on global consumption, spreads worldwide by placing itself in mature markets, and reaches appealing positions, without risking to homologate, as it has strong morphological and typological traditions. Hybrid objects, glocalization, and plural narratives meet and participate in the development of productive and multicultural consumption contexts, in which design proves to be a valid vehicle for experimentation and dialogue between cultures, places and traditions that merge in a new model of identity, “human” and ethical space

    Quantum Zeno and Anti-Zeno probes of noise correlations in photon polarisation

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    We experimentally demonstrate, for the first time, noise diagnostics by repeated quantum measurements. Specifically, we establish the ability of a single photon, subjected to random polarisation noise, to diagnose non-Markovian temporal correlations of such a noise process. In the frequency domain, these noise correlations correspond to colored noise spectra, as opposed to the ones related to Markovian, white noise. Both the noise spectrum and its corresponding temporal correlations are diagnosed by probing the photon by means of frequent, (partially-)selective polarisation measurements. Our main result is the experimental demonstration that noise with positive temporal correlations corresponds to our single photon undergoing a dynamical regime enabled by the quantum Zeno effect (QZE), while noise characterized by negative (anti-) correlations corresponds to regimes associated with the anti-Zeno effect (AZE). This demonstration opens the way to a new kind of noise spectroscopy based on QZE and AZE in photon (or other single-particle) state probing

    Application of a new method for GWAS in a related case/control sample with known pedigree structure: identification of new loci for nephrolithiasis

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    In contrast to large GWA studies based on thousands of individuals and large meta-analyses combining GWAS results, we analyzed a small case/control sample for uric acid nephrolithiasis. Our cohort of closely related individuals is derived from a small, genetically isolated village in Sardinia, with well-characterized genealogical data linking the extant population up to the 16(th) century. It is expected that the number of risk alleles involved in complex disorders is smaller in isolated founder populations than in more diverse populations, and the power to detect association with complex traits may be increased when related, homogeneous affected individuals are selected, as they are more likely to be enriched with and share specific risk variants than are unrelated, affected individuals from the general population. When related individuals are included in an association study, correlations among relatives must be accurately taken into account to ensure validity of the results. A recently proposed association method uses an empirical genotypic covariance matrix estimated from genome-screen data to allow for additional population structure and cryptic relatedness that may not be captured by the genealogical data. We apply the method to our data, and we also investigate the properties of the method, as well as other association methods, in our highly inbred population, as previous applications were to outbred samples. The more promising regions identified in our initial study in the genetic isolate were then further investigated in an independent sample collected from the Italian population. Among the loci that showed association in this study, we observed evidence of a possible involvement of the region encompassing the gene LRRC16A, already associated to serum uric acid levels in a large meta-analysis of 14 GWAS, suggesting that this locus might lead a pathway for uric acid metabolism that may be involved in gout as well as in nephrolithiasis

    Design e surrogazione relazionale

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