3 research outputs found

    Uvod u planimetriju kvazieliptičke ravnine

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    The quasi-elliptic plane is one of nine projective-metric planes where the metric is induced by the absolute figure F_{QE} = { j_1; j_2;F} consisting of a pair of conjugate imaginary lines j_1 and j_2, intersecting at the real point F. Some basic geometric notions, denitions, selected constructions and a theorem in the quasi-elliptic plane will be presented.Kvazieliptička ravnina jedna je od devet projektivno-metričkih ravnina. Apsolutnu figuru F_{QE} = { j_1; j_2;F} određuju dva imaginarna pravca j_1 i j_2 i njihovo realno sjeciÅ”te F. U ovom radu definirat ćemo osnovne pojmove, prikazati odabrane konstrukcije i dokazati jedan teorem


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    Rad opisuje postupak razvoja web aplikacije MathTVZ za pomoć studentima prve godine stručnog studija informatike pri učenju i praćenju nastavnog gradiva kolegija Matematika I na Tehničkom veleučiliÅ”tu u Zagrebu. U prvom dijelu rada opisane su sve tehnologije i programski jezici koriÅ”teni za razvoj. SrediÅ”nji dio rada čine poglavlja koja opisuju funkcionalnosti i način programiranja same aplikacije, a na kraju se navode metode testiranja, rezultati izrade aplikacije i mogućnosti nadogradnjeThe paper describes the process of developing MathTVZ web application. This application helps first year students of informatics in their process of understanding and learning the teaching material of the course Mathematics I at the University of Applied Sciences in Zagreb. The first part of the paper describes all technologies and programming languages used for development. The central part of the paper consists of chapters that describe the functionality and programming of the application itself, and at the end lists, the testing methods, application development results and upgrade options