1,349 research outputs found

    Covariant jump conditions in electromagnetism

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    A generally covariant four-dimensional representation of Maxwell's electrodynamics in a generic material medium can be achieved straightforwardly in the metric-free formulation of electromagnetism. In this setup, the electromagnetic phenomena described by two tensor fields, which satisfy Maxwell's equations. A generic tensorial constitutive relation between these fields is an independent ingredient of the theory. By use of different constitutive relations (local and non-local, linear and non-linear, etc.), a wide area of applications can be covered. In the current paper, we present the jump conditions for the fields and for the energy-momentum tensor on an arbitrarily moving surface between two media. From the differential and integral Maxwell equations, we derive the covariant boundary conditions, which are independent of any metric and connection. These conditions include the covariantly defined surface current and are applicable to an arbitrarily moving smooth curved boundary surface. As an application of the presented jump formulas, we derive a Lorentzian type metric as a condition for existence the wave front in isotropic media. This result holds for the ordinary materials as well as for the metamaterials with the negative material constants

    Conserved currents for general teleparallel models

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    The obstruction for the existence of an energy momentum tensor for the gravitational field is connected with differential-geometric features of the Riemannian manifold. It has not to be valid for alternative geometrical structures. In this article a general 3-parameter class of teleparallel models is considered. The field equation turns out to have a form completely similar to the Maxwell field equation d*\F^a=\T^a. By applying the Noether procedure, the source 3-form \T^a is shown to be connected with the diffeomorphism invariance of the Lagrangian. Thus the source of the coframe field is interpreted as the total conserved energy-momentum current of the system. A reduction of the conserved current to the Noether current and the Noether charge for the coframe field is provided. An energy-momentum tensor for the coframe field is defined in a diffeomorphism invariant and a translational covariant way. The total energy-momentum current of a system is conserved. Thus a redistribution of the energy-momentum current between material and coframe (gravity) field is possible in principle, unlike as in GR. The energy-momentum tensor is calculated for various teleparallel models: the pure Yang-Mills type model, the anti-Yang-Mills type model and the generalized teleparallel equivalent of GR. The latter case can serve as a very close alternative to the GR description of gravity.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figure