50 research outputs found

    Methods of epigenome editing for probing the function of genomic imprinting

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    The curious patterns of imprinted gene expression draw interest from several scientific disciplines to the functional consequences of genomic imprinting. Methods of probing the function of imprinting itself have largely been indirect and correlational, relying heavily on conventional transgenics. Recently, the burgeoning field of epigenome editing has provided new tools and suggested strategies for asking causal questions with site specificity. This perspective article aims to outline how these new methods may be applied to questions of functional imprinting and, with this aim in mind, to suggest new dimensions for the expansion of these epigenome-editing tools

    Genomic imprinting and disorders of the social brain; shades of grey rather than black and white

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    Crespi & Badcock (C&B) provide a novel hypothesis outlining a role for imprinted genes in mediating brain functions underlying social behaviours. The basic premise is that maternally expressed genes are predicted to promote hypermentalistic behaviours, and paternally expressed genes hypomentalistic behaviours. The authors provide a detailed overview of data supporting their ideas, but as we discuss, caution should be applied in interpreting these data

    Behavioural abnormalities in a novel mouse model for Silver Russell Syndrome

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    Silver Russell Syndrome (SRS) syndrome is an imprinting disorder involving low birth weight with complex genetics and diagnostics. Some rare SRS patients carry maternally inherited microduplications spanning the imprinted genes CDKN1C, PHLDA2, SLC22A18 and KCNQ1, suggesting that overexpression of one of more of these genes contributes to the SRS phenotype. While this molecular alteration is very rare, feeding difficulties are a very common feature of this condition. Given that SRS children also have very low body mass index, understanding the underpinning biology of the eating disorder is important, as well as potential co-occurring behavioural alterations. Here, we report that a mouse model of this microduplication exhibits a number of behavioural deficits. The mice had a blunted perception of the palatability of a given foodstuff. This perception may underpin the fussiness with food. We additionally report hypoactivity, unrelated to anxiety or motoric function, and a deficit in appropriate integration of incoming sensory information. Importantly, using a second genetic model, we were able to attribute all altered behaviours to elevated expression of a single gene, Cdkn1c. This is the first report linking elevated Cdkn1c to altered behaviour in mice. Importantly, the findings from our study may have relevance for SRS and highlight a potentially underreported aspect of this disorder

    Common genetic effects on variation in impulsivity and activity in mice

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    Impulsivity is a complex psychological construct that impacts on behavioral predispositions in the normal range and has been shown to have a genetic element through the examination of hereditary patterns of abnormal conditions such as attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder. In this study, we took advantage of the isogenic nature of inbred strains of mice to determine the contribution of genes to impulsive behaviors by examining the performance of four separate mouse strains in a novel murine delayed-reinforcement paradigm, during which the animals had to choose between rewards that were relatively small but available immediately and larger but progressively delayed rewards. To control for maternal effects, all the mice were cross-fostered to a common strain immediately after birth. Under these conditions, we found significant differences between the strains on behaviors indexing impulsive choice and on independent measures of locomotor activity, which subsequent heritability analysis showed could be related, in part, to genetic effects. Moreover, the two aspects of behavior were found to co-vary, with the more active animals also displaying more impulsive behavior. This was not attributable to mundane confounds related to individual task requirements but instead indicated the existence of common genetic factors influencing variation in both impulsivity and locomotor activity. The data are discussed in terms of the coexistence of impulsivity and hyperactivity, interactions between environmental and genetic effects, and possible candidate genes

    No evidence for enrichment in schizophrenia for common allelic associations at imprinted loci

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    Most genetic studies assume that the function of a genetic variant is independent of the parent from which it is inherited, but this is not always true. The best known example of parent-of-origin effects arises with respect to alleles at imprinted loci. In classical imprinting, characteristically, either the maternal or paternal copy is expressed, but not both. Only alleles present in one of the parental copies of the gene, the expressed copy, is likely to contribute to disease. It has been postulated that imprinting is important in central nervous system development, and that consequently, imprinted loci may be involved in schizophrenia. If this is true, allowing for parent-of-origin effects might be important in genetic studies of schizophrenia. Here, we use genome-wide association data from one of the world’s largest samples (N=695) of parent schizophrenia-offspring trios to test for parent-of-origin effects. To maximise power, we restricted our analyses to test two main hypotheses. If imprinting plays a disproportionate role in schizophrenia susceptibility, we postulated a) that alleles showing robust evidence for association to schizophrenia from previous genome-wide association studies should be enriched for parent-of-origin effects and b) that genes at loci imprinted in humans or mice should be enriched both for genome-wide significant associations, and in our sample, for parent-of-origin effects. Neither prediction was supported in the present study. We have shown, that it is unlikely that parent-of-origin effects or imprinting play particularly important roles in schizophrenia, although our findings do not exclude such effects at specific loci nor do they exclude such effects among rare alleles

    Reversible regulation of mouse genes

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    Neural and behavioral epigenetics; what it is, and what is hype

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    The ability to examine epigenetic mechanisms in the brain has become readily available over the last 20 years. This has led to an explosion of research and interest in neural and behavioral epigenetics. Of particular interest to researchers, and indeed the lay public, is the possibility that epigenetic processes, such as changes in DNA-methylation and histone modification, may provide a biochemical record of environmental effects. This has led to some fascinating insights into how molecular changes in the brain can control behavior. However, some of this research has also attracted controversy and, as is dealt with here, some overblown claims. This latter problem is partly linked to the shifting sands of what is defined as 'epigenetics'. In this review, I provide an overview of what exactly epigenetics is, and what is hype, with the aim of opening up a debate as to how this exciting field moves forward

    Evolution of genomic imprinting in humans: Does bipedalism have a role?

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    Recent studies have indicated that genomic imprinting is less conserved in human placenta and fetuses than in mice. Studies in mice confirm evolutionary predictions that imprinted genes have an important role in fetal growth via their effects on placental function, nutrient demand and transfer. Here, I argue that the development of bipedalism in humans might have contributed to a reduced role for imprinted genes in fetal growth. As a consequence of bipedalism, the shape of the human pelvis has changed, leading to a reduced gestation period and smaller ‘premature’ babies. This overarching selective pressure could, in turn, lead to a relaxation of the silencing of those imprinted genes that reduce fetal growth, a prediction borne out by current data