6,255 research outputs found

    A ~6 Mpc overdensity at z = 2.7 detected along a pair of quasar sight lines: filament or protocluster?

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    Simulations predict that gas in the intergalactic medium (IGM) is distributed in filamentary structures that connect dense galaxy clusters and form the cosmic web. These structures of predominantly ionized hydrogen are difficult to observe directly due to their lack of emitting regions. We serendipitously detected an overdensity of log N(HI) > 18.0 absorbers at z = 2.69 along the lines of sight toward a pair of background quasars. Three main absorption regions spanning ~2000 km/s (corresponding to 6.4 (h_70)^(-1) Mpc proper) are coincident in the two lines of sight, which are separated by ~90 (h_70)^(-1) kpc transverse proper distance. Two regions have [Fe/H] < -1.9 and correspond to mild overdensities in the IGM gas. The third region is a sub-DLA with [Fe/H] = -1.1 that is probably associated with a galaxy. We discuss the possibility that the lines of sight probe along the length of a filament or intercept a galaxy protocluster

    Hypothesis: A Role for Fragile X Mental Retardation Protein in Mediating and Relieving MicroRNA-Guided Translational Repression?

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    MicroRNA (miRNA)-guided messenger RNA (mRNA) translational repression is believed to be mediated by effector miRNA-containing ribonucleoprotein (miRNP) complexes harboring fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP). Recent studies documented the nucleic acid chaperone properties of FMRP and characterized its role and importance in RNA silencing in mammalian cells. We propose a model in which FMRP could facilitate miRNA assembly on target mRNAs in a process involving recognition of G quartet structures. Functioning within a duplex miRNP, FMRP may also mediate mRNA targeting through a strand exchange mechanism, in which the miRNA* of the duplex is swapped for the mRNA. Furthermore, FMRP may contribute to the relief of miRNA-guided mRNA repression through a reverse strand exchange reaction, possibly initiated by a specific cellular signal, that would liberate the mRNA for translation. Suboptimal utilization of miRNAs may thus account for some of the molecular defects in patients with the fragile X syndrome

    Extended Lyα\alpha emission around quasars with eclipsing damped Lyα\alpha systems

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    We present spectroscopic observations of six high redshift (zemz_{\rm em} >> 2) quasars, which have been selected for their Lyman α\alpha (Lyα\alpha) emission region being only partially covered by a strong proximate (zabsz_{\rm abs} ∌\sim zemz_{\rm em}) coronagraphic damped Lyα\alpha system (DLA). We detected spatially extended Lyα\alpha emission envelopes surrounding these six quasars, with projected spatial extent in the range 26 ≀\le dLyαd_{\rm Ly\alpha} ≀\le 51 kpc. No correlation is found between the quasar ionizing luminosity and the Lyα\alpha luminosity of their extended envelopes. This could be related to the limited covering factor of the extended gas and/or due to the AGN being obscured in other directions than towards the observer. Indeed, we find a strong correlation between the luminosity of the envelope and its spatial extent, which suggests that the envelopes are probably ionized by the AGN. The metallicity of the coronagraphic DLAs is low and varies in the range −-1.75 << [Si/H] << −-0.63. Highly ionized gas is observed to be associated with most of these DLAs, probably indicating ionization by the central AGN. One of these DLAs has the highest AlIII/SiII ratio ever reported for any intervening and/or proximate DLA. Most of these DLAs are redshifted with respect to the quasar, implying that they might represent infalling gas probably accreted onto the quasar host galaxies through filaments.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 27 pages, 19 figures, 6 table

    Les approches de la vulnérabilité alimentaire dans le sud de Madagascar

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    La vulnĂ©rabilitĂ© alimentaire peut ĂȘtre dĂ©finie comme la probabilitĂ© pour un individu ou un groupe de voir sa sĂ©curitĂ© alimentaire menacĂ©e par la survenue d'un Ă©vĂ©nement climatique ou Ă©conomique (sĂ©cheresse, chute des prix agricoles etc.) Les individus les plus vulnĂ©rables sont ceux qui ont une structure des capacitĂ©s faible ou peu diversifiĂ©e. Cette analyse s'appuie sur une Ă©tude empirique de la rĂ©gion du Grand Sud de Madagascar, dont une partie est confrontĂ©e rĂ©guliĂšrement Ă  des difficultĂ©s alimentaires. L'objectif est de comparer les systĂšmes d'information actuellement en place dans la zone et leur apport dans l'approche par les capabilitĂ©s. Les niveaux d'observation sont diffĂ©rents selon les mĂ©thodologies mises en oeuvre : on passe ainsi du niveau individuel (enquĂȘtes mĂ©nages sur les observatoires ruraux) qui permet une approche micro-Ă©conomique Ă  une approche mĂ©so-Ă©conomique Ă  l'Ă©chelle de la commune ou de la rĂ©gion (systĂšme d'alerte prĂ©coce et enquĂȘte communautaire). L'analyse de l'articulation entre les diffĂ©rents niveaux permet de mettre en Ă©vidence les synergies et les complĂ©mentaritĂ©s entre les diffĂ©rents systĂšmes d'information actuellement en place et qui sont destinĂ©s Ă  amĂ©liorer l'efficacitĂ© des interventions de dĂ©veloppement et la rĂ©duction de la vulnĂ©rabilitĂ© alimentaire. Food vulnerability can be defined as the probability an individual (or a household) of seeing a decreas its food security when faced with an event such drought. People who are most vulnerable are those who do not have enough capabilities to the risk of falling into chronic food insecurity. This paper describes an empirical analysis of food vulnerability in the South of Madagascar. This area is often facing drought and food security problems. Our aim is to compare three different surveys and their contribution to food vulnerability analysis, using the capability approach. Each survey has a different level of observation, corresponding to its own methodology. The ROR (rural observatories network) survey, which is a household survey can provide individual information allowing micro-economic approach. It is thus well adapted to capability approach. The SAP (early warning system) survey, which is a community survey, provides data on small geographical units, such as village or district. It is also suited for capability approach but better used for understanding social opportunities. In the end, one can see complementarity between different information systems for food vulnerability analysis capability approach, as in this study. (Full text in french)

    Revue sur l’état actuel des connaissances des procĂ©dĂ©s utilisĂ©s pour l’élimination des cyanobactĂ©ries et cyanotoxines lors de la potabilisation des eaux

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    Les toxines cyanobactĂ©riennes sont des contaminants importants des Ă©cosystĂšmes aquatiques et constituent un risque pour la santĂ© humaine. Les cyanobactĂ©ries peuvent libĂ©rer des toxines dans l’eau, particuliĂšrement lors de la lyse des cellules qui se produit souvent au moment de leur passage Ă  travers la filiĂšre conventionnelle de potabilisation des eaux. Dans cet article de revue de la littĂ©rature, les normes sur la qualitĂ© de l’eau concernant les toxines ainsi que les principales mĂ©thodes de dĂ©tection des toxines sont d’abord prĂ©sentĂ©es. Les mĂ©thodes d’élimination des cyanobactĂ©ries et des cyanotoxines sont ensuite dĂ©crites et leur performance discutĂ©e. Les procĂ©dĂ©s conventionnels prĂ©sentĂ©s sont la coagulation/floculation, la clarification, la filtration sur sable, l’utilisation du charbon actif ainsi que l’oxydation chimique par chloration ou par le permanganate de potassium. Les mĂ©thodes alternatives prĂ©sentement en dĂ©veloppement pour optimiser les systĂšmes actuels de potabilisation des eaux ou remplacer les technologies conventionnelles trop peu efficaces pour l’élimination des polluants Ă©mergents (par ex., les procĂ©dĂ©s d’oxydation avancĂ©e et la filtration membranaire) sont Ă©galement prĂ©sentĂ©es. Des procĂ©dĂ©s conventionnels tels que la chloration peuvent s’avĂ©rer inadĂ©quats, notamment par leur manque de fiabilitĂ© pour l’oxydation des cyanotoxines et par le risque encouru suite Ă  la formation de sous-produits toxiques (par ex., les organochlorĂ©s). Des mĂ©thodes alternatives telles que la combinaison d’ozone et de peroxyde d’hydrogĂšne permettent une oxydation fiable des cyanotoxines en assurant un effet rĂ©manent Ă  la sortie du contacteur. Ce type de traitement peut ĂȘtre facilement mis en oeuvre dans les usines de potabilisation des eaux possĂ©dant dĂ©jĂ  une unitĂ© d’ozonation. L’utilisation du charbon actif, notamment sous forme de poudre, peut ĂȘtre efficace lors de contaminations ponctuelles par les fleurs d’eau de cyanobactĂ©ries. Ce document fait ainsi une synthĂšse de ces procĂ©dĂ©s chimiques, physiques ou physico-chimiques contribuant Ă  l’élimination des cyanotoxines et des cyanobactĂ©ries lors de la potabilisation des eaux.Cyanobacterial toxins are important contaminants of aquatic ecosystems and present a risk for human health. Cyanobacteria can release toxins in water, particularly following cell lysis, which often happens during their passage through a conventional water treatment plant. In this literature review, water quality guidelines for the elimination of cyanotoxins and major detection methods of cyanotoxins are briefly presented. The processes used for cyanobacteria and cyanotoxin removal from drinking water are then reviewed and their performance discussed. The conventional methods presented are: coagulation/flocculation, clarification, sand filtration, activated carbon and chemical oxidation with chlorination or potassium permanganate. Alternative methods that are presently developed to enhance existing treatment plants or to replace conventional technologies that are less effective in removing emergent pollutants (e.g., advanced oxidation processes and membrane filtration) are also presented. Conventional methods such as chlorination can be inappropriate, notably because of their inability to fully oxidize cyanotoxins and the associated risk of formation of toxic by-products (e.g., organochlorinated compounds). Alternative methods such as the combination of ozone and hydrogen peroxide are more reliable to eliminate cyanotoxins, with a residual effect downstream from the treatment contactor. In addition, this type of treatment can be easily implemented in water treatment plants that are already using ozonation. The use of activated carbon, notably in the form of powder, can be efficient in the case of point contamination by cyanobacterial blooms. This document aims to synthesize these chemical, physical and physico-chemical methods to eliminate cyanotoxins and cyanobacteria during the treatment of drinking water

    Fano Resonances in Mid-Infrared Spectra of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes

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    This work revisits the physics giving rise to the carbon nanotubes phonon bands in the mid- infrared. Our measurements of doped and undoped samples of single-walled carbon nanotubes in Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy show that the phonon bands exhibit an asymmetric lineshape and that their effective cross-section is enhanced upon doping. We relate these observations to electron-phonon coupling or, more specifically, to a Fano resonance phenomenon. We note that only the dopant-induced intraband continuum couples to the phonon modes and that defects induced in the sidewall increase the resonance probabilities.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures and 1 Supplementary Information File (in pdf
