29 research outputs found

    Gender, sex hormones and pulmonary hypertension

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    Most subtypes of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) are characterized by a greater susceptibility to disease among females, although females with PAH appear to live longer after diagnosis. While this “estrogen paradoxȍ of enhanced female survival despite increased female susceptibility remains a mystery, recent progress has begun to shed light upon the interplay of sex hormones, the pathogenesis of pulmonary hypertension, and the right ventricular response to stress. For example, emerging data in humans and experimental models suggest that estrogens or differential sex hormone metabolism may modify disease risk among susceptible subjects, and that estrogens may interact with additional local factors such as serotonin to enhance the potentially damaging chronic effects of estrogens on the pulmonary vasculature. Regardless, it remains unclear why not all estrogenic compounds behave equally, nor why estrogens appear to be protective in certain settings but detrimental in others. The contribution of androgens and other compounds, such as dehydroepiandrosterone, to pathogenesis and possibly treatment must be considered as well. In this review, we will discuss the recent understandings on how estrogens, estrogen metabolism, dehydroepiandrosterone, and additional susceptibility factors may all contribute to the pathogenesis or potentially to the treatment of pulmonary hypertension, by evaluating current human, cell-based, and experimental model data

    A method of determining where to target surveillance efforts in heterogeneous epidemiological systems

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    The spread of pathogens into new environments poses a considerable threat to human, animal, and plant health, and by extension, human and animal wellbeing, ecosystem function, and agricultural productivity, worldwide. Early detection through effective surveillance is a key strategy to reduce the risk of their establishment. Whilst it is well established that statistical and economic considerations are of vital importance when planning surveillance efforts, it is also important to consider epidemiological characteristics of the pathogen in question—including heterogeneities within the epidemiological system itself. One of the most pronounced realisations of this heterogeneity is seen in the case of vector-borne pathogens, which spread between ‘hosts’ and ‘vectors’—with each group possessing distinct epidemiological characteristics. As a result, an important question when planning surveillance for emerging vector-borne pathogens is where to place sampling resources in order to detect the pathogen as early as possible. We answer this question by developing a statistical function which describes the probability distributions of the prevalences of infection at first detection in both hosts and vectors. We also show how this method can be adapted in order to maximise the probability of early detection of an emerging pathogen within imposed sample size and/or cost constraints, and demonstrate its application using two simple models of vector-borne citrus pathogens. Under the assumption of a linear cost function, we find that sampling costs are generally minimised when either hosts or vectors, but not both, are sampled

    Transient Response of a Hollow Cylindrical-Cross-Section Solid Sensible Heat: Storage Unit- Single Fluid

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    plosion which have been interpreted in terms of the kinetic theory of nucleation can likewise be viewed in terms of film boiling destabilization with attendant fine scale fragmentation of the hot material. Vol. 77, No. 23, 1973, pp. 2730-2736 26 Cronenberg, A. W., Benz, R., to be published, Advances in Nuclear Science and Technology, 1978. 27 Anderson, R. P., Armstrong, D. R., ASME Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Safety Heat Transfer, Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 1977. 28 Henry, R. E., Fauske, H. K., McUmber, L. M., Proceedings of ANS Conference on Fast Reactor Safety, Chicago, 111. (Oct. 1976). Conclusions 29 Fauske, H. K., Nuclear Science and Engineering, Vol. 51, 1973, pp. 95-101. 30 Fauske, H. K., Reactor Technology, Vol. 15, No. 4, 1972-1973 3