4 research outputs found

    Uji Kinerja Tungku Pangggangan

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    The purpose of barbequing is to cookfood and provide a distinctive smoke aroma. This research aims at testingandperforming of a furnace grill. Thefurnace grill was fabricated with main components including combustionchamber, roasting rack, nozzlepipe, and a blower. Thegrill was designed with a roasting rack of 1800 cm 2 and hada capacity of 16 piece of chicken parts.Grill testing was conducted with and without roasting load.The parameterto observing included fuel capacity, roasting temperature, weight loss, amount of fuel consumption, airconsumption, and roasting duration. Results using coconut shell charcoal showed that the grill working goodwith roasting temperature of 416.3 o C. The grill had a fuel capacity of 2 kg with coconut shell charcoal and airconsumption of 25.44 kg. The roasting capacity was 16 pieces of chicken breast and was 16 pieces of chicken leg.The average roasting duration was 4.84 minuteswith 2.3 minutespausefor preparation and serving. Workingcapacity of the grill was 144 pieces per hour for chicken breast and 142pieces per hour for leg. Average weightloss was 20.5% and 11.3% for chicken breast and chicken leg, respectively. Fuel consumption for each roastingprocess was 395.5gram ofcoconut shell charcoal, equivalent to 13.441 kJ. Electric power consumption was150.13 kJ for each roasting process

    Pengaruh Regulasi, Pembiayaan Dan Partisipasi Masyarakat Terhadap Efektivitas Manajemen Sarana Prasarana Sekolah, Dan Dampaknya Terhadap Efektivitas Pembelajaran Pada Sekolah Menengah Pertama Se Kota Sukabumi

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    Peran sarana prasarana pendidikan di dalam proses pembelajaran merupakan pendukung. Akan tetapi dari berbagai penelitian yang dilakukan, baik di dalam negeri maupun di luar negeri menempatkan posisi sarana prasarana sebagai faktor yang tidak kalah pentingnya dalam mencapai keberhasilan pembelajaran. Penellitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar faktor-faktor regulasi, pembiayaan dan partisipasi masyarakat berpengaruh terhadap efektivitas manajemen sarana prasarana sekolah, serta bagaimanakah dampaknya terhadap efektivitas pembelajaran di sekolah.Metoda penelitian yang digunakan adalah metoda kuantitatif dengan metode deskriptif dan verifikatif, yaitu dengan cara explanatory survey, dimana digunakan kuesioner sebagai alat pengukur dari sampel atas populasi. Objek penelitian (populasi) adalah seluruh SMP (negeri dan swasta) yang ada di Kota Sukabuni dengan responden Kepala Sekolah, Wakil Kepala Sekolah Bidang Sarana Prasarana, Guru dan Ketua Komite Sekolah. Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang positif dari regulasi, pembiayaan dan partisipasi masyarakat baik sendiri-sendiri maupun secara bersama-sama terhadap efektivitas manajemen sarana prasarana pendidikan dan dampaknya positif pula terhadap efektivitas pembelajaran. Sehubungan dengan adanya pengaruh yang positif, selanjutnya direkomendasikan agar pihak sekolah lebih memperhatikan aspek-aspek regulasi, pembiayaan dan partisipasi masyarakat agar lebih meningkatkan efektivitas manajemen sarana prasarana pendidikan sehingga akan berdampak positif terhadap efektivitas pembelajaran di sekolah. The role of educational infrastructure in the learning process is as a supporter. However, from various studies conducted, both domestically and abroad, Its put the infrastructure position is no less important factor in achieving successful learning. This Study is intended to determine how far that regulatory factors, financing and public participation influence the effectiveness of educational infrastructure management, and how do they impact on the effectiveness of learning in schools.The method used is quantitative methods by descriptive and verification methods, namely by way of explanatory survey, which used a questionnaire as a measure of the population sample. Object of study (population) is all secondary schools (public and private) in the Sukabumi City with respondents are Principal, Vice Principal of Infrastructure Affairs, Teachers and Chairman of the School Committee. From this study it can be concluded that there is a positive effect of regulation, financing and public participation either individually or jointly to to the educational infrastructure management effectiveness and positive impact also on the effectiveness of learning.In connection with the positive influence, furthermore it is recommended that the school pay more attention to aspects of regulatory, financing and public participation to further increase the effectiveness of educational management infrastructure that will have a positive impact on the effectiveness of learning in schools


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    Palm oil fiber has its potency as feed fiber source for ruminant, but contains high lignin and causes limited digestibility. This research was carried out to find the effect of soaking palm oil fiber in filtrated palm oil fruit bunch ash (FPOFBA) on in vitro digestibility. This experiment used a completely randomized design that repeated for 4times. Palm oil fruit bunch ash was mixed in water and entered into container for 24 hours within concentrations, consists of: 50, 100, 150 and 200 g/L. Moreover, this filtrate used to soak palm oil fiber for 3 hours. The processed products were analyzed for their level of lignin and crude fiber. Meanwhile, in vitro test was used to measure digestibility. It showed that soaking in filtrated palm oil fruit bunch ash gave significant effect to decrease level of lignin and crude fiber (P0.05), such as 23.48 and 24.12% as well as 16.70 and 17.06 % in each. It can be concluded that soaked palm oil fiber with 150 g/L concentration of filtrated palm oil fruit bunch ash was more effective in improving digestibility