13 research outputs found

    Mobile technologies in physics education in Latvian secondary schools

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    The availability of ICT has raised the issue of meaningful use of Mobile technologies (smartphones, tablets, sensors, data loggers, data collectors, as well as other devices and options) in the teaching/learning process of physics to deepen the students' knowledge and develop their research skills. Mobile technologies are constantly and rapidly evolving, and there is practically no social domain where they are not used, including education. Thus, the acquisition of mobile technology usage skills is an integral part of the learning process in a modern school. Education experts are now emphasizing not only the integration of Mobile technologies into the learning process but also the need to improve the efficiency of the learning process for both teachers and students. Success is based not only on what or how much one knows, but also on one's ability to think and act creatively. Mobile technology-based learning process is based on the Educational Technology Competency Standards for Teachers and accentuates the demand for improving teachers’ technology skills and with a focus on knowledge and capacity building. This paper summarizes the research on the use of Mobile technologies in teaching physics in Latvia for the last nine years, as well as analyses the issues and suggestions for improving the process. A pedagogical experiment is conducted based on pre-planned and prepared participation in the learning process

    Color codes: Compаrаtive conclusions

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    This pаper presents new reseаrch results on the Color code method for а reаl time leаrning process аssessment. The method uses three color codes: red for "problem", yellow for "work in progress" аnd green for "job done". The buttons of colors аre incorporаted in the EdX LMS аnd аre аlwаys shown on the screen. The experiment took pаrt in the Аutumn of 2018 with 1st yeаr Rigа Technicаl University mаster stu-dents. Results show thаt 75% of the students used the color buttons. This is а big difference compаred to the 2017 bаchelor students from which only 34% of the students hаd used the color buttons. Differences in pushed button colors: 44% of green or “Done” pushes from the 2018 mаster students, but 67% from the 2017 Bаchelors, аnd 49% yellow or “Process” pushes from the 2018 mаsters versus only 25% from 2017 bаchelors; Red button “Problem” in 2018 wаs used 7%, which is the sаme аs from the 2017. It could point to а trend thаt 7% of аny course mаteriаl is either poorly executed (technicаlly or content-wise) or а minor pаrt of the students hаve difficulties in understаnding the mаteriаl, most believаbly it is а cаse of the mix of them both. А tendency thаt bаchelor students hаd more concentrаted on finishing the leаrning mаteriаls, but the mаster students – more on the leаrning process itself cаn be observed

    The Wireless Network installation for Mobile Users

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    The article is about the wireless network installation on the roads. How was such network installed and tested. In the experiment were used two access pints, one server and one client. This network was tested on different distance from the router in static and dynamic mode

    Реальная скорость передачи данных и соотношение сигнал/шум в беспроводной сети связи с подвижными объектами

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    В статье представлены экспериментальные результаты оценки скорости обмена данными между подвижным объектом и базовыми станциями беспроводной сети стандарта 802.11.g. При этом оценки произведены для разных скоростей перемещения подвижного объекта. Одновременно произведено измерение отношения сигнал/шум в канале. Установлено функциональное соотношение между реальной скоростью передачи данных и отношением сигнал/шум в канале беспроводной сети при связи с подвижным объектом

    Performance Evaluation of WLAN Depending on Number of Workstations and Protocols

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    Главная идея описаная в данной работе – определение пропускной способности сети с протоколом 802.11.g. в зависимости от числа рабочих станций подключенных к центральной точке доступа. Было сделано несколько экспериментов по измерению характеристик сети и предложена простая математическая модель для оценки производительности беспроводных сетей

    An Experimental Performance Evaluation of the Wireless Network for Mobile Users

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    Главная идея описаная в данной работе – определение пропускной способности сети с протоколом 802.11.g. и WDS технологией на разных скоростях подвижного пользователя. В этой работе была разработана и описана беспроводная сеть для подвижных пользователей. Были сделаны эксперименты по измерению пропускной способности данной сети. Был описан новый метод по оценке таких сетей

    Research of a 2-layer Closed Vehicular Network

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    In this article, the evaluation of a 2-layer network has been performed. Buzen’s method has been applied for the 2-layer closed network performance calculation. This paper offers a 2-layer model of a wireless vehicular network and presents a bandwidth calculation of each network node. There is also described how the vehicle movement speed and the number of terminals connected to fringe stations influence the bandwidth of a 2-layer wireless vehicular network. Bandwidth calculations of IEEE 802.11g and IEEE 802.16 are demonstrated. The mathematical models for 2-layer wireless networks have been selected as ones which are to be used for choosing an optimal method for performance evaluation of a short range communication vehicular network

    Evaluation of the Rate of the Data Transfer between Vehicles and Base Stations in Wireless Networks

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    This paper presents two mathematical models. The first is used to determine the number of mobile objects depending on the distance to the base station of a wireless transport network. On the basis of real experimental data, the second model was developed to determine the actual rate of the data transfer in a wireless transport network depending on the number N of mobile objects covered by the base station

    Оценка скорости передачи данных между транспортными средствами и базовой станцией беспроводной сети

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    В статье представлены две математические модели. Первая используется для определения числа подвижных объектов, в зависимости от удалённости до базовой станции транспортной беспроводной сети. На базе реальных данных, полученных в результате экспериментов, была разработана вторая модель, которая была использована для определения реальной скорости пе- редачи данных в беспроводной транспортной сети в зависимости от числа N движущихся объектов, пребывающих в зоне действия базовой станции

    Model for Wireless Base Station Goodput Evaluation in Vehicular Communication Systems

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    In this paper we present the model of wireless base station goodput evaluation. There was used access point model as queuing system with different kind of requests and cycling auto traffic model. Wireless mobile networks have different parameters, such as client stations distance to access point, number of clients in wireless network range, vehicle speed and traffic type. These parameters were analyzed and presented in this paper