133 research outputs found

    Lecointe-Marsillac, Le More-Lack, ou Essai sur les moyens les plus doux et les plus Ă©quitables d’abolir la traite et l’esclavage des NĂšgres d’Afrique en conservant aux colonies tous les avantages d’une population agricole

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    L’attribuzione autoriale di questo testo, pubblicato anonimo in Francia nel 1789, non preoccupa i recensori del tempo. A Lecointe-Marsillac o Le Cointe Marcillac (la grafia dei nomi propri all’epoca puĂČ essere imprecisa) l’opera verrĂ  attribuita, giĂ  dall’inizio dell’Ottocento, dagli studiosi di letteratura abolizionista, i quali, peraltro, si mostrano poco o nulla interessati alle vicende di vita dell’autore. Il merito della curatrice di questa edizione, Carminella Biondi, sta nell’avere rin..

    Making a Place for Community: Local Democracy in a Global Era

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    When pundits refer to the death of community, they are speaking of a number of social ills, which include, but are not limited to, the general increase in isolation and cynicism of our citizens, widespread concerns about declining political participation and membership in civic organizations, and periodic outbursts of small town violence. Making a Place for Community argues that this death of community is being caused by contemporary policies that, if not changed, will continue to foster the decline of community. Increased capital flow between nations is not at the root of the problem, however, increased capital flow within our nation is. Small towns shouldn\u27t have to hope for a prison to open nearby and downtown centers shouldn\u27t sit empty as suburban sparwl encroaches, but they do and it\u27s a result of widely agreed upon public policies.https://scholarship.richmond.edu/bookshelf/1029/thumbnail.jp

    Post-mĂ©moire et identitĂ©. Les reprĂ©sentations du traumatisme par la “mise en scĂšne” des objets

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    Ceux qui n’ont pas partagĂ© l’expĂ©rience de la dĂ©portation et de l’extermination de masse dans les camps nazis n’ont pas pu ou pas voulu en comprendre les horreurs. Quant aux rescapĂ©s, ils ont Ă©tĂ© tiraillĂ©s entre le sentiment de culpabilitĂ© pour avoir survĂ©cu, le besoin de combler ce sentiment en rendant tĂ©moignage, le dĂ©sir de dĂ©foulement, la peur de s’exposer, en se manifestant, Ă  une nouvelle et vaine douleur, face Ă  une sociĂ©tĂ© qui refusait d’écouter et qui voulait effacer des souvenirs pĂ©..

    MaĂŻssa Bey, Pierre Sang Papier ou Cendre

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    MaĂŻssa Bey puĂČ essere definita scrittrice dell’esilio anche se risiede in Algeria, sua terra natale. È possibile farlo se utilizziamo per lei la categoria dell’esilio morale, culturale, e se riconosciamo nell’esiliato (e in particolare nell’esiliata, visto che il legame col territorio Ăš piĂč declinabile al femminile) l’individuo preso tra due culture, quella di provenienza e quella di incontro, in una combinazione spesso conflittuale e confusa tra i valori di una tradizione che puĂČ rivelarsi o..

    The Condition of the Lyon Weavers in the Letters to Louis XV and Monseigneur Poulletier (1731 and 1732)

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    On 8th May, 1731, an ordinance of Louis XV, King of France, imposed separation between the production and sale activities of the weavers of ‘gold, silver and silk’ at the famous Lyon Manufactory in which hundreds of families worked. The ordinance plunged into despair the workers (maütres ouvriers) who, up till then, for centuries, had been allowed to sell their goods freely and were now in danger of being reduced to poverty by a handful of traffickers who knew nothing about their extremely sophisticated, skilful trade, but would be enabled to capitalize on their work. They therefore addressed two petitions (the first in 1731 and the second in 1732) to the King and Monseigneur Poulletier, the King’s Superintendent and the Manufactory’s Overseer, asking for the abrogation of the ordinance and a revision of the Manufactory’s regulations. The interesting aspect of these two petitions is that they show the workers’ consciousness of their rights; indeed, their denunciation of these abuses foretells, a century before, the two important revolts of the canuts (as the Lyon textile workers were known) which were to break out in 1831 and 1834

    Maïssa Bey, L’une et l’autre

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    MaĂŻssa Bey, all’anagrafe Samia Benameur – romanziera e saggista nata nel 1950 in Algeria dove attualmente vive, a Sidi bel Abbes – si definisce lei stessa «un chapitre de l’histoire», di quella storia che ha investito drammaticamente l’Algeria proprio negli anni della sua nascita e della sua infanzia e che tutti i suoi scritti continuano, incessantemente, ad interrogare. Questo capitolo della storia Ăš particolarmente importante nella vita della scrittrice avendo contribuito in modo determinan..

    Just urban transitions: Toward a research agenda

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    While there are excellent policy and academic foundations for thinking about and making sense of urban climate action and questions of justice and climate change independently, there is less work that considers their intersection. The nature and dynamics of, and requirements for, a just urban transition (JUT)—the fusion of climate action and justice concerns at the urban scale—are not well understood. In this review article we seek to rectify this by first examining the different strains of justice scholarship (environmental, energy, climate, urban) that are informing and should inform JUT. We then turn to a discussion of just transitions in general, tracing the history of the term and current understandings in the literature. These two explorations provide a foundation for considering both scholarly and policy‐relevant JUT agendas. We identify what is still needed to know in order to recognize, study, and foster JUT.This article is categorized under:The Carbon Economy and Climate Mitigation > Benefits of MitigationClimate, Nature, and Ethics > Climate Change and Global JusticeJust urban transitions research and policy agendas center alternative urban futures: cities where the distribution of environmental risks and benefits do not disproportionately burden marginalized groups; where decision‐making is transparent, engaged, and democratic; and where policies seek to remedy structural inequalities and prior injustices.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/154981/1/wcc640_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/154981/2/wcc640.pd
