43 research outputs found

    Cerebral perfusion MR imaging using FAIR-HASTE in chronic carotid occlusive disease: comparison with dynamic susceptibility contrast-perfusion MR imaging.

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    To determine the efficacy of flow-sensitive alternating inversion recovery using half-Fourier single-shot turbo spin-echo (FAIR-HASTE) in detecting cerebral hypoperfusion in chronic carotid occlusive disease, we subjected 12 patients with various degrees of cervical internal carotid artery stenoses and/or occlusion (Stenosis group) and 24 volunteers (Normal group) to FAIR-HASTE. In addition, 10 out of 12 patients in the Stenosis group underwent dynamic susceptibility contrast-perfusion magnetic resonance imaging (DSC-pMRI) before and after revascularization in the dominantly affected side. The absolute asymmetry indexes (AIs) of both cerebral hemispheres in the Normal and Stenosis groups were compared in FAIR-HASTE. In addition, the AIs were compared with those in the Stenosis group before and after revascularization in both FAIR-HASTE and regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF), calculated with DSC-pMRI. A statistically significant difference was recognized between the AIs in the Normal and Stenosis groups (AI = 2.25 +- 1.92, 8.09 +- 4.60, respectively ; p < 0.0001). Furthermore, in the Stenosis group the AIs on both FAIR-HASTE (8.88 +- 4.93, 2.22 +- 1.79, respectively ; p = 0.0003) and rCBF (7.13 +- 3.57, 1.25 +- 1.33, respectively ; p = 0.0003) significantly decreased after revascularization. In the Stenosis group, before revascularization, signal intensity on both FAIR-HASTE and rCBF had a tendency to be lower in the dominantly affected side. FAIR-HASTE imaging was useful in the detection and evaluation of cerebral hypoperfusion in chronic occlusive carotid disease

    Fast Saturating Gate for Learning Long Time Scales with Recurrent Neural Networks

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    Gate functions in recurrent models, such as an LSTM and GRU, play a central role in learning various time scales in modeling time series data by using a bounded activation function. However, it is difficult to train gates to capture extremely long time scales due to gradient vanishing of the bounded function for large inputs, which is known as the saturation problem. We closely analyze the relation between saturation of the gate function and efficiency of the training. We prove that the gradient vanishing of the gate function can be mitigated by accelerating the convergence of the saturating function, i.e., making the output of the function converge to 0 or 1 faster. Based on the analysis results, we propose a gate function called fast gate that has a doubly exponential convergence rate with respect to inputs by simple function composition. We empirically show that our method outperforms previous methods in accuracy and computational efficiency on benchmark tasks involving extremely long time scales.Comment: 9 pages of main texts with 4 pages appendices, 12 figure

    Evaluation of Esophageal Varices by Multidetector-row CT: Correlation with Endoscopic ‘Red Color Sign’

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    <P>To evaluate the ability of multidetector-row CT (MDCT) to predict a risk of hemorrhage in patients with esophageal varices, a total of 40 MDCT scans were performed in 29 patients who had been diagnosed with esophageal varices by conventional upper gastrointestinal tract endoscopy. In 11 patients, MDCT was performed both before and after endoscopic injection sclerotherapy (EIS). Endoscopically, the red color sign (RC sign) was present in 28 scans. Of the 11 patients who underwent EIS, the RC sign disappeared after EIS in 9. The MDCT scans were obtained in the arterial, portal, and equilibrial phases, and the portal phase images were used in this study. Subsequently, the extent of esophageal varices was categorized into four MDCT scores. The variceal score, the maximum short axis of the varices, and the presence of palisade vein dilatation obtained from MDCT had significant correlation with endoscopic variceal forms, and the presence and severity of RC sign, respectively (p<0.01). All cases with a maximum minor axis of more than 4 mm showed positive RC sign. MDCT was useful in the evaluation of esophageal varices for predicting a risk of hemorrhage

    Switching One-Versus-the-Rest Loss to Increase the Margin of Logits for Adversarial Robustness

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    Adversarial training is a promising method to improve the robustness against adversarial attacks. To enhance its performance, recent methods impose high weights on the cross-entropy loss for important data points near the decision boundary. However, these importance-aware methods are vulnerable to sophisticated attacks, e.g., Auto-Attack. In this paper, we experimentally investigate the cause of their vulnerability via margins between logits for the true label and the other labels because they should be large enough to prevent the largest logit from being flipped by the attacks. Our experiments reveal that the histogram of the logit margins of na\"ive adversarial training has two peaks. Thus, the levels of difficulty in increasing logit margins are roughly divided into two: difficult samples (small logit margins) and easy samples (large logit margins). On the other hand, only one peak near zero appears in the histogram of importance-aware methods, i.e., they reduce the logit margins of easy samples. To increase logit margins of difficult samples without reducing those of easy samples, we propose switching one-versus-the-rest loss (SOVR), which switches from cross-entropy to one-versus-the-rest loss (OVR) for difficult samples. We derive trajectories of logit margins for a simple problem and prove that OVR increases logit margins two times larger than the weighted cross-entropy loss. Thus, SOVR increases logit margins of difficult samples, unlike existing methods. We experimentally show that SOVR achieves better robustness against Auto-Attack than importance-aware methods.Comment: 25 pages, 18 figure

    Novel 3D-CT evaluation of carotid stent volume: greater chronological expansion of stents in patients with vulnerable plaques

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    Although self-expanding carotid stents may dilate gradually, the degrees of residual stenosis have been quantified by the NASCET criteria, which is too simple to reflect the configuration of the stented artery. We measured the volumes of the stent lumens chronologically by 3D-CT in patients after carotid artery stenting (CAS), and analyzed the correlations between the volume change and medical factors. Fourteen patients with carotid artery stenosis were treated using self-expanding, open-cell stents. All patients underwent preoperative plaque MRI (magnetization-prepared rapid acquisition gradient-echo, MPRAGE) and chronological 3D-CT examinations of their stents immediately after their placement and 1 day, 1 week, and 1 month after the procedure. The volume of the stent lumen was measured using a 3D workstation. The correlations between stent volume and various factors including the presence of underlying diseases, plaque characteristics, and the results of the CAS procedure were analyzed. Stent volume gradually increased in each case and had increased by 1.04-1.55 (mean, 1.25)-fold at 1 postoperative month. The presence of underlying medical diseases, plaque length, the degree of residual stenosis immediately after CAS, and plaque calcification did not have an impact on the change in stent volume. On the other hand, the stent volume increase was significantly larger in the patients with vulnerable plaques that demonstrated high MPRAGE signal intensity (P < 0.05). A 3D-CT examination is useful for precisely measuring stent volume. Self-expanding stents in carotid arteries containing vulnerable plaques expand significantly more than those without such plaques in a follow-up period

    Basic Study of Susceptibility-Weighted Imaging at 1.5T

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    With the aim of sequence optimization in susceptibility-weighted imaging (SWI), 2 image acquisition parameters (slice thickness and matrix size) and 2 image processing conditions (number of slices per minimum intensity projection (MIP) and Sliding Window) were investigated using a 1.5-T magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) system. The subjects were 12 healthy volunteers and the target region for scanning was the whole brain. Informed consent was obtained from all subjects. First, susceptibility-weighted images were acquired with various slice thicknesses from 1mm to 5mm and various matrix sizes from 256x256 to 512x512, and the images were assessed in terms of the contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) and were also visually evaluated by three radiologists. Then, the number of slices per MIP and the usefulness of the Sliding Window were investigated. In the study of the optimal slice thickness and matrix size, the results of visual evaluation suggested that a slice thickness of 3mm and a matrix size of 448x448 are optimal, while the results of evaluation based on CNR were not significant. As regards the image processing conditions, the results suggested that the number of slices per MIP should be set to a minimum value of 2 and that the use of Sliding Window is effective. The present study provides useful reference data for optimizing SWI sequences.</p

    A novel method for assessing the renal biopsy specimens using an activatable fluorescent probe

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    Gamma-glutamyl hydroxymethyl rhodamine green (gGlu-HMRG) is an activatable fluorescent probe that can be activated by γ-glutamyltranspeptidase (GGT). The expression of GGT in the kidney, which is one of the major organs exhibiting enhanced GGT expression, is exclusively localised to the cortex. Here, we aimed to investigate the feasibility of gGlu-HMRG as a probe for the on-site assessment of renal biopsy specimens. gGlu-HMRG fluorescent probe was applied to the renal proximal tubular epithelial cells and cortical collecting duct cells in vitro, mouse kidneys ex vivo, and human biopsy specimens. In addition, the fluorescence intensities in the cortex and the medulla were comparatively evaluated in the biopsy specimens. The fluorescence signal was rapidly detected in the renal proximal tubular epithelial cells, whereas that in the cortical collecting duct cells was not detected. The fluorescence signal was detected in the mouse kidneys ex vivo without markedly affecting the tissue morphology. In the human biopsy specimens, the fluorescence signal in the cortex was significantly distinct from that in the medulla (p?<?0.05). Thus, this fluorescent probe can be used to distinctly identify the renal cortex in the biopsy specimens

    Evaluation of Urinary Stone Composition and Differentiation between Urinary Stones and Phleboliths Using Single-source Dual-energy Computed Tomography

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the utility of single-source dual-energy computed tomography (SS-DECT) composition analysis in characterizing different types of urinary stones and differentiating them from phleboliths. This study included 29 patients with urinary stones who were scheduled for surgery. All patients were scanned, first using single-energy computed tomography acquisition and then DECT acquisition on SS-DECT. Dual-energy data were archived to a Gemstone spectral imaging (GSI) viewer (GE Healthcare, Milwaukee, WI, USA). Hounsfield units (HU) and effective atomic numbers (Zeff) were estimated using the GSI viewer. The results of dual-energy analysis were compared with the biochemical constitution of the stones. The chemical analysis determined that the stones included 32 calcium-based, 6 cystine and 1 struvite stone. Both HU and Zeff values were helpful in differentiating calcium-based stones from cystine and struvite stones and phleboliths. The Zeff values of phleboliths were significantly higher than those for struvite and cystine stones, whereas it was difficult to distinguish phleboliths from struvite and cystine stones using the HU values. Composition analysis using SS-DECT is helpful for distinguishing urinary stone types and discriminating phleboliths from urinary stones. Zeff values may be more useful than HU values for differentiating urinary stones from phleboliths

    First underground results with NEWAGE-0.3a direction-sensitive dark matter detector

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    A direction-sensitive dark matter search experiment at Kamioka underground laboratory with the NEWAGE-0.3a detector was performed. The NEWAGE- 0.3a detector is a gaseous micro-time-projection chamber filled with CF4 gas at 152 Torr. The fiducial volume and target mass are 20*25*31 cm3 and 0.0115 kg, respectively. With an exposure of 0.524 kgdays, improved spin-dependent weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP)-proton cross section limits by a direction-sensitive method were achieved including a new record of 5400 pb for 150 GeV/c2 WIMPs. We studied the remaining background and found that ambient gamma-rays contributed about one-fifth of the remaining background and radioactive contaminants inside the gas chamber contributed the rest.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figures, to appear in Physics Letters