106 research outputs found

    Pneumatic device of the preload and dynamic loads balancing to reduce the intensity of thermal processes in the metal cutting process

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    Improved reliability of the technological system "machine-tool-instrument-detail" is an important current task. Backlashes and insufficient stiffness of technological system lead to intensive wear of the cutting tool, increasing the heat in the cutting zone. Due to high temperature in the thin surface layers of the workpiece and tool thermal processes may occur which are similar to release and can cause the structural changes of the material. The current article presents the final design of the device which has been developed to reduce the intensity of thermal processes in metal cutting

    Radial-piston pump for drive of test machines

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    The article reviews the development of radial-piston pump with phase control and alternating-flow mode for seismic-testing platforms and other test machines. The prospects for use of the developed device are proved. It is noted that the method of frequency modulation with the detection of the natural frequencies is easily realized by using the radial-piston pump. The prospects of further research are given proof

    Germanium electrodeposition into porous silicon for silicon-germanium alloying

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    A method of germanium electrodeposition from a GeO2-based aqueous solution into the pore channels of anodic mesoporous silicon formed on n-type highly-doped (100) silicon wafers is described. The effect of deposition time, pore channel shape and preconditioning of porous silicon layers in hydrofluoric acid is evaluated. Recommendations are given in regards to the optimal parameter combinations to ensure uniform pore channel filling with germanium. The possibility of producing silicon-germanium alloys by subsequent rapid heat treatment of the germanium-filled porous silicon layers is established

    Selective electrochemical deposition of indium in-between silicon nanowire arrays fabricated by metal-assisted chemical etching

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    Indium electrodeposition in-between silicon nanowire arrays fabricated by silver-assisted chemical etching of lightly-doped (100)-oriented silicon wafers is evaluated. It is concluded based on SEM and EDX analysis of indium's distribution that, by utilizing pulsed-mode electrodeposition and maintaining a sufficiently low duty cycle value, indium particles can be formed exclusively at the very bottom of each consecutive pore on the residual silver particles left over from metal-assisted etching. This result differs significantly from irregular pore filling along with surface and subsurface deposition observed in the cases of continuous galvanostatic deposition regimes at prolonged durations or in the absence of residual silver particles. Bottommost fusible metal deposit localization, which is unattainable on porous silicon fabricated by electrochemical anodization, is presumed to be optimal for the growth of germanium crystallites inside the pores via the electrochemical liquid-liquid-solid approach and subsequent silicon-germanium alloy formation through thermal annealing

    Physico-chemical Modification of the Fibrous Filter Nozzles for Purification Processes of Water and Air

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    A set of experiments to study physical and chemical modification of the surface of fibers is conducted to expand the area of their application for purification of water, gas and air (including that in conditions of space). The possibility of modification of filter nozzles in the process of fiber formation by particles of coal of BAU type, copper sulfide and silver chloride is experimentally shown. The fraction of the copper sulfide powder less than 50 microns in size was crushed in a spherical mill; it was deposited on fiber at air temperature of 50° C and powder consumption of 0.5 g/l of air. The resulting material contained 6–18 CuS particles per 1 cm of the fiber length. An effective bactericidal fibrous material can be produced using rather cheap material – CuS and relatively cheap natural compounds of sulphides and oxides of heavy metals

    Raman spectra of silicon/germanium alloy thin films based on porous silicon

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    Regularities of composition changes of silicon/germanium alloy thin fi lms formed on a single-crystalline silicon substrate by electrochemical deposition of germanium into a porous silicon matrix with subsequent rapid thermal annealing (RTA) at temperatures of 750–950 °C are studied. An analysis of the samples by Raman spectroscopy showed that an increase of the RTA temperature leads to a decrease in the germanium concentration in the formed fi lm. A decrease of the RTA duration at a given temperature makes it possible to obtain fi lms with a higher germanium concentration and to control the composition of thin silicon/germanium alloy fi lms formed by changing the RTA temperature and duration. The obtained results on controlling the composition of silicon/germanium alloy fi lms can be used to create functional electronic devices, thermoelectric power converters, and optoelectronic devices


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    Objective of research:  studies of efficacy of levamisole used against philometroidosis in carp in laboratory conditions.  Materials and methods:   Experiments were conducted on scaly carps with the body mass 300 g. spontaneously infected with  Philometra lusiana.  In carp the clinical signs of  philometroidosis have been detected. The intensity of infection before the experiment was 10–20 parasites/fish.  Carps were divided into 6 groups by  10  fish in each group.   Levamisole was  injected through the catheter to fishes of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 group at the doses of 100, 50, 25, 15 and 5 mg/kg, respectively with the use of 2% starch gel.  Fish of the 6th group did not receive the preparation and served as controls.  The efficacy of preparation was evaluated  7 days later by most-mortem examination to determine females  Ph. lusiana  in the scale pockets and males between  the air  bladder walls.  Scrapes from the air bladder walls were investigated under a microscope at the 56 times magnification; the intensity and extensity of invasion were determined.  Results and discussion: Levamisole is highly effective against philometroidosis in carp. The drug used at the dose 100–15 mg/kg causes death of females and males Ph. lusiana. Levamisole  at the dose 5 mg/kg   is not effective,  at the dose 100 mg/kg may reduce the feeding activity in fish.Цель исследования  –  изучение эффективности левамизола при филометроидозе карпа в лабораторных условиях. Материалы и методы. Опыт проводили на чешуйчатых карпах массой тела 300 г, спонтанно инвазированных  Philometra lusiana. У карпа отмечали клинические признаки филометроидоза. Интенсивность инвазии составила до опыта 10–20 экз./особь. Карпов разделили на 6 групп по 10 особей в группе. Рыбе 1, 2, 3, 4 и 5-й групп вводили через катетер левамизол в дозе соответственно 100, 50, 25, 15 и 5 мг/кг в составе 2%-ного крахмального геля. Рыба 6-й группы препарат не получала и служила контролем. Эффективность препарата учитывали через 7 суток путем вскрытия рыбы для обнаружения самок Ph.  lusiana  в чешуйных кармашках и самцов между оболочками плавательных пузырей. Соскобы оболочки пузыря исследовали под микроскопом при увеличении в 56 раз и определяли экстенсивность и интенсивность инвазии. Результаты  и обсуждение.  Левамизол высокоэффективен при филометроидозе карпов. Препарат приводит к гибели самок и самцов  Ph. lusiana  в дозах 100–15 мг/кг. В дозе 5 мг/кг левамизол не эффективен, в дозе 100 мг/кг вызывает снижение пищевой активности рыб.

    A new approach for producing of film structures based on Si1-xGex

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    In this work, we propose a new, previously unpresented in the literature, approach to the formation of Si1-xGex films. This approach includes electrochemical processes of the formation of porous silicon, electrochemical deposition of low-melting metals and Ge. Post-heat treatment is made possible to synthesize film structures based on Si1-xGex solid solutions. Using this approach an alloy of the composition Si0.4Ge0.6 has been obtained at a lower formation temperature than predicted by the phase diagram for the Si-Ge system

    Electrochemical deposition of indium into oxidized and unoxidized porous silicon

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    Various cases of electrochemical deposition of indium into oxidized and unoxidized mesoporous silicon were investigated and subsequently compared. The results would suggest that both thermal and chemical oxidation of porous silicon cause the metal particles being deposited into its pores to shift deeper along the pore channels due to the latter’s topmost areas being oxidized the most and therefore becoming significantly less conductive and more easily wettable by both the deposition solution and indium itself upon its subsequent thermal processing. However, oxidation becomes less effective as the thickness of the porous layer is increased due to the gradually escalating effect of reduced conductivity at the pore tips. Potentially, porous silicon layers with indium particles localized in the bottommost parts of the pore channels could be used to form germanium nanostructures inside the pores, allowing subsequent creation of Ge-Si alloys by utilizing the electrochemical liquid-liquid-solid approach


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    Objective of research. The purpose of the study – screening of new chemotherapeutic agents for the treatment of hexamita ornamental fish. Materials and methods. The test drugs were performed on juveniles of the discus Symphysodon discus a body mass of 15 g, spontaneously infested hexamitidae (Diplomonadida). 35 discus of the infected individuals were divided into 7 groups of 5 copies of the Fish 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6th groups were appointed in the composition of granulated feed, respectively pyrimethamine at a dose of 50 mg/kg albendazole – 50, fenbendazole – 50, mebendazole – 10, magnesium sulfate – 500 and metronidazole in a dose of 50 mg/kg for 5 days. Fish 7 the first group was control and received feed without the drug. The effectiveness was considered after 5 days after the last Dachi medicated feed. Fish were dissected, the intestines were isolated, which were released from the food pulp, homogenized, and were studied by optical microscopy at a magnification of 180 times. Results and discussion. The number of examined in treated fish compared with the control decreased after the application of metronidazole by 95.5 %, mebendazole – 77.8, magnesium sulfate, which is 74.5, fenbendazole – by 56.6, albendazole – 50.5 and pyrimethamine – 24.4 %. Advanced for further testing are mebendazole, magnesium sulphate, fenbendazole and albendazole. The most effective was a basic drug – metronidazole. During the test degradation of fish were noted. Food activity was moderate at the level of 2% of ichthyomass. In fish treated with metronidazole, mebendazole and magnesium sulfate, have improved the condition.Цель исследования – скрининг новых химиотерапевтических средств для лечения гексамитоза декоративных рыб. Материалы и методы. Испытание препаратов проводили на молоди дискуса Symphysodon discus массой тела 15 г, спонтанно инвазированных гексамитидами (Diplomonadida). 35 зараженных особей дискуса разделили на 7 групп по 5 экз. Рыбам 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 и 6-й групп назначали в составе гранулированного корма соответственно пириметамин в дозе 50 мг/кг, альбендазол – 50, фенбендазол – 50, мебендазол – 10, сульфат магния – 500 и метронидазол – в дозе 50 мг/кг в течение 5 сут. Рыба 7-й группы была контролем и получала корм без препарата. Эффективность препаратов учитывали через 5 сут после последней дачи лечебного корма. Рыбу вскрывали, выделяли кишечник, который освобождали от кормовых масс, гомогенизировали и микроскопировали при увеличении в 180 раз. Результаты и обсуждение. Число гексамитид у леченой рыбы по сравнению с контролем снизилось после применения метронидазола на 95,5 %, мебендазола – на 77,8, сульфата магния – на 74,5, фенбендазола – на 56,6, альбендазола – на 50,5 и пириметамина – на 24,4 %. Перспективными для дальнейших испытаний являются мебендазол, сульфат магния, фенбендазол и альбендазол. Наиболее эффективным оказался базовый препарат – метронидазол. В период испытания ухудшения состояния рыб не отмечали. Пищевая активность была умеренной, на уровне 2 % от ихтиомассы. У рыб, леченных метронидазолом, мебендазолом и сульфатом магния, улучшилось состояние здоровья