20 research outputs found

    ALMA Solar Ephemeris Generator

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    An online software tool for the easy preparation of ephemerides of the solar surface features is presented. It was developed as a helper tool for the preparation of observations of the Sun with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), but it can be used at other observatories as well. The tool features an easy to use point-and-click graphical user interface with the possibility to enter or adjust input parameters, while the result is a table of predicted positions in the celestial equatorial coordinate system, suitable for import into the ALMA Observing Tool software. The tool has been successfully used for the preparation and execution of solar observations with ALMA.Comment: Submitted to The Mining Geological Petroleum Engineering Bulletin (see https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/101730), 7 pages, 2 figure

    Solar differential rotation in the period 1964 - 2016 determined by the Kanzelh\"ohe data set

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    The main aim of this work is to determine the solar differential rotation by tracing sunspot groups during the period 1964-2016, using the Kanzelh\"ohe Observatory for Solar and Environmental Research (KSO) sunspot drawings and white light images. Two procedures for the determination of the heliographic positions were applied: an interactive procedure on the KSO sunspot drawings (1964 - 2008, solar cycles nos. 20 - 23) and an automatic procedure on the KSO white light images (2009 - 2016, solar cycle no. 24). For the determination of the synodic angular rotation velocities two different methods have been used: a daily shift (DS) method and a robust linear least-squares fit (rLSQ) method. Afterwards, the rotation velocities had to be converted from synodic to sidereal, which were then used in the least-squares fitting for the solar differential rotation law. For the test data from 2014, we found the rLSQ method for calculating rotational velocities to be more reliable than the DS method. The best fit solar differential rotation profile for the whole time period is ω(b)\omega(b) = (14.47 ±\pm 0.01) - (2.66 ±\pm 0.10) sin2b\sin^2b (deg/day) for the DS method and ω(b)\omega(b) = (14.50 ±\pm 0.01) - (2.87 ±\pm 0.12) sin2b\sin^2b (deg/day) for the rLSQ method. A barely noticeable north - south asymmetry is observed for the whole time period 1964 - 2016 in the present paper. Rotation profiles, using different data sets (e.g. Debrecen Photoheliographic Data, Greenwich Photoheliographic Results), presented by other authors for the same time periods and the same tracer types, are in good agreement with our results. Therefore, the KSO data set is suitable for the investigation of the long-term variabilities in the solar rotation profile

    First analysis of solar structures in 1.21 mm full-disc ALMA image of the Sun

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    Various solar features can be seen on maps of the Sun in the mm and sub-mm wavelength range. The recently installed Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) is capable of observing the Sun in that wavelength range with an unprecedented spatial, temporal and spectral resolution. To interpret solar observations with ALMA the first important step is to compare ALMA maps with simultaneous images of the Sun recorded in other spectral ranges. First we identify different structures in the solar atmosphere seen in the optical, IR and EUV parts of the spectrum (quiet Sun (QS), active regions (AR), prominences on the disc, magnetic inversion lines (IL), coronal holes (CH) and coronal bright points (CBPs)) in a full disc solar ALMA image. The second aim is to measure the intensities (brightness temperatures) of those structures and compare them with the corresponding QS level. A full disc solar image at 1.21 mm obtained on December 18, 2015 during a CSV-EOC campaign with ALMA is calibrated and compared with full disc solar images from the same day in H\alpha, in He I 1083 nm core, and with SDO images (AIA at 170 nm, 30.4 nm, 21.1 nm, 19.3 nm, and 17.1 nm and HMI magnetogram). The brightness temperatures of various structures are determined by averaging over corresponding regions of interest in the ALMA image. Positions of the QS, ARs, prominences on the disc, ILs, CHs and CBPs are identified in the ALMA image. At 1.21 mm ARs appear as bright areas (but sunspots are dark), while prominences on the disc and CHs are not discernible from the QS background, although having slightly less intensity than surrounding QS regions. ILs appear as large, elongated dark structures and CBPs correspond to ALMA bright points. These results are in general agreement with sparse earlier measurements at similar wavelengths. The identification of CBPs represents the most important new result.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Variation in solar differential rotation and activity in the period 1964-2016 determined by the Kanzelh\"ohe data set

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    We determined the differential rotation (DR) parameters AA and BB (corresponding to the equatorial rotation velocity and the gradient of the solar DR) by tracing sunspot groups in sunspot drawings of the Kanzelh\"ohe Observatory for Solar and Environmental Research (KSO; 1964-2008, for solar cycles (SC) 20-23) and KSO white-light images (2009-2016, for SC 24). We used different statistical methods and approaches to analyse cycle related variations, solar cycle phase-related variations and long-term variations of the DR. AA and BB show statistically significant periodic variability. The changes in AA related to solar cycle phase are in accordance with previously reported theoretical and experimental results (higher AA during solar minimum, lower AA during the maximum of activity), while changes in BB differ from the theoretical predictions as we observe more negative values of BB, that is, a more pronounced DR during activity maximum. The main result of this paper for the long-term variations in AA is the detection of a phase shift between the activity flip (in the 1970s) and the equatorial rotation velocity flip (in the early 1990s). During this time period both AA and activity show a secular decreasing trend, indicating their correlation. Therefore, the theoretical model fails in the phase-shift time period that occurs after the modern Gleissberg maximum, while in the time period thereafter (after the 1990s), theoretical and experimental results are consistent. The long-term variations in BB in general yield an anticorrelation of BB and activity, as a rise of BB is observed during the entire time period (1964-2016) we analysed, during which activity decreased. We study for the first time the variation in solar DR and activity based on 53 years of KSO data. Our results agree well with the results related to the solar cycle phase from corona observations

    Variation in solar differential rotation and activity in the period 1964–2016 determined by the Kanzelhöhe data set

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    Aims. Theoretical calculations predict an increased equatorial rotation and more pronounced differential rotation (DR) during the minimum of solar magnetic activity. However, the results of observational studies vary, some showing less and some more pronounced DR during the minimum of solar magnetic activity. Our study aims to gain more insight into these discrepancies. Methods. We determined the DR parameters A and B (corresponding to the equatorial rotation velocity and the gradient of the solar DR, respectively) by tracing sunspot groups in sunspot drawings of the Kanzelhöhe Observatory for Solar and Environmental Research (KSO; 1964–2008, for solar cycles 20–23) and KSO white-light images (2009–2016, for solar cycle 24). We used different statistical methods and approaches to analyse variations in DR parameters related to the cycle and to the phase of the solar cycle, together with long-term related variations. Results. The comparison of the DR parameters for individual cycles obtained from the KSO and from other sources yield statistically insignificant differences for the years after 1980, meaning that the KSO sunspot group data set is well suited for long-term cycle to cycle studies. The DR parameters A and B show statistically significant periodic variability. The periodicity corresponds to the solar cycle and is correlated with the solar activity. The changes in A related to solar cycle phase are in accordance with previously reported theoretical and experimental results (higher A during solar minimum, lower A during the maximum of activity), while changes in B differ from the theoretical predictions as we observe more negative values of B, that is, a more pronounced differential rotation during activity maximum. The main result of this paper for the long-term variations in A is the detection of a phase shift between the activity flip (in the 1970s) and the equatorial rotation velocity flip (in the early 1990s), during which both A and activity show a secular decreasing trend. This indicates that the two quantities are correlated in between 1970 and 1990. Therefore, the theoretical model fails in the phase-shift time period that occurs after the modern Gleissberg maximum, while in the time period thereafter (after the 1990s), theoretical and experimental results are consistent. The long-term variations in B in general yield an anticorrelation of B and activity, as a rise of B is observed during the entire time period (1964–2016) we analysed, during which activity decreased, with the exception of the end of solar cycle 22 and the beginning of solar cycle 23. Conclusions. We study for the first time the variation in solar DR and activity based on 53 years of KSO data. Our results agree well with the results related to the solar cycle phase from corona observations. The disagreement of the observational results for B and theoretical studies may be due to the fact that we analysed the period immediately after the modern Gleissberg maximum, where for the phase-shift period, A versus activity also entails a result that differs from theoretical predictions. Therefore, studies of rotation versus activity with data sets encompassing the Gleissberg extremes should include separate analyses of the parts of the data set in between different flips (e.g., before the activity flip, between the activity and the rotation flip, and after the rotation flip)

    Differences in physical properties of coronal bright points and their ALMA counterparts within and outside coronal holes

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    Aims. This study investigates and compares the physical properties, such as intensity and area, of coronal bright points (CBPs) inside and outside of coronal holes (CHs) using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) and Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) observations. Methods. The CBPs were analysed using the single-dish ALMA Band 6 observations, combined with extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) 193 Å filtergrams obtained by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) and magnetograms obtained by the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI), both on board SDO. The CH boundaries were extracted from the SDO/AIA images using the Collection of Analysis Tools for Coronal Holes (CATCH) and CBPs were identified in the SDO/AIA, SDO/HMI, and ALMA data. Measurements of brightness and areas in both ALMA and SDO/AIA images were conducted for CBPs within CH boundaries and quiet Sun regions outside CHs. Two equal size CBP samples, one inside and one outside CHs, were randomly chosen and a statistical analysis was conducted. The statistical analysis was repeated 200 times using a bootstrap technique to eliminate the results based on pure coincidence. Results. The boundaries of five selected CHs were extracted using CATCH and their physical properties were obtained. Statistical analysis of the measured physical CBP properties using two different methods resulted in a lower average intensity in the SDO/AIA data, or brightness temperature in the ALMA data, for CBPs within the boundaries of all five CHs. Depending on the CBP sample size, the difference in intensity for the SDO/AIA data, and brightness temperature for the ALMA data, between the CBPs inside and outside CHs ranged from between 2σ and 4.5σ, showing a statistically significant difference between those two CBP groups. We also obtained CBP areas, where CBPs within the CH boundaries showed lower values for the measured areas, with the observed difference between the CBPs inside and outside CHs between 1σ and 2σ for the SDO/AIA data, and up to 3.5σ for the ALMA data, indicating that CBP areas are also significantly different for the two CBP groups. We also found that, in comparison to the SDO/AIA data, the measured CBP properties in the ALMA data show a small brightness temperature difference and a higher area difference between the CBPs within and outside of CHs, possibly because of the modest spatial resolution of the ALMA images. Conclusions. Given the measured properties of the CBPs, we conclude that the CBPs inside CHs tend to be less bright on average, but also smaller in comparison to those outside of CHs. This conclusion might point to the specific physical conditions and properties of the local CH region around a CBP limiting the maximum achievable intensity (temperature) and size of a CBP. The need for the interferometric ALMA data is also emphasised to get more precise physical CBP property measurements at chromospheric heights

    Exploring the Sun with ALMA

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    The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) Observatory opens a new window onto the Universe. The ability to perform continuum imaging and spectroscopy of astrophysical phenomena at millimetre and submillimetre wavelengths with unprecedented sensitivity opens up new avenues for the study of cosmology and the evolution of galaxies, the formation of stars and planets, and astrochemistry. ALMA also allows fundamentally new observations to be made of objects much closer to home, including the Sun. The Sun has long served as a touchstone for our understanding of astrophysical processes, from the nature of stellar interiors, to magnetic dynamos, non-radiative heating, stellar mass loss, and energetic phenomena such as solar flares. ALMA offers new insights into all of these processes. © 2018 European Southern Observatory (ESO