80 research outputs found


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    This article is based on research result that was financed by DP2M DIKTI on 2009 budgeting year with contract number 123/H47.C1/PL/2009.the research aimed to desain a craft souvenir by utilizing the potential of culture and art of Gorontalo as source of idea and the potential of wood waste as the material.the method was experiment method.the procedure of the research was done through.1)exploration,to find the idea or concept in creating the craft souvenir that came from culture and art of Gorontalo also considering the characteristic of wood waste.while the visual product was 43 alternative sketches,the 20 sketches as the best designing,and 20 work picture as the representation of 18 ideas or concept.that design included the original and had a cleary source,this it has a potential to get copyright (HKI)and competitiveness.that product is useful in supporting the development of creative industry,especially in providing the craft design that innovative,unique and prospective. Keywords:culture and art of Gorontalo,wood waste,carft ,and creative industry

    The Analysis of Marketing Efficiency of Shrimp (Case Study at Padang Kerta Village, Karangasem Regency and Pering Village, Gianyar Regency)

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    This study aims to determine the pattern of Galah shrimp marketing channels, the number of margins, farmer share and R/c Ratio of marketing institutions in each region. Source of data used are primary data and secondary data collected by interview and documentation methods and then analyzed descriptively with a quantitative approach. The results showed that the price of giant prawns at the producer level was determined by the uniformity and size of the harvest. The more uniform and the bigger the size of giant prawns which are harvested at the higher price. The marketing of giant prawns in the Karangasem and Gianyar regions uses the same marketing channel pattern, from producers to collectors and then to consumers (hotels, restaurants, restaurants), but the marketing margins are different. Galah shrimp marketing margins for the Gianyar region with a margin of 23.90% while in the Karangasem region the percentage of marketing margins is 22.80% while the percentage of farmer shares both in Gianyar and in Karangasem is greater than the percentage of marketing margins in both regions. In Gianyar, the farmer share is 76.04% and in the Karangasem region is 80.07%. The efforts to enlarge Galah prawns carried out in both regions have benefited farmers, where the R / c ratio for producer levels in Gianyar and Karangasem are 1.3 and 2.1 respectively. And based on the calculation of the marketing efficiency of giant prawns in the Gianyar and Karangasem regions, the marketing efficiency of 10.60% and 11.50% respectively. Therefore, the marketing of giant prawns based on the results of this study is classified as efficient

    Bertumbuhnya Penduduk Bali Pasca-Reformasi (1998)

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    Population is a capital in a development of a country but on the other side, it is also a problem for the development if the population is not well managed. A big amount of population will be potential to provide human resources. Such a big amount will be a great market for the domestic production but it will need the provision of foods, shirts, houses, jobs, and facilities of education, health, etc. This thing happens in Bali because this island is an international popular destination. In the post-reform (reformasi Indonesia), Bali population growth in 1998 has increased. This is caused by several factors, namely: TFR increase, positive net migration, and decreased mortality. There are many potential negative impacts that can arise because of the population problems due to the increase in the rate of growth. Therefore, in development, the population must be paid more attention, because in essence in the development of the population is as the subject and object. The development should be able to improve the welfare of the inhabitants either inborn or in a just and sustainable wa

    Meningkatkan motivasi dan hasil belajar siswa menggunakan metode blended learning melalui aplikasi google classroom

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    This study aims to improve motivation and learning outcomes of PJOK class XII MIPA 1 students of SMAN 1 South Kuta by applying the Blended Learning learning method through the Google Classroom application. This type of research is a classroom action research carried out in January to February 2021. The subjects of this study were 36 students of class XII MIPA 1 SMAN 1 Kuta Selatan, while the object of this research was motivation and learning outcomes of PJOK. The method of data collection was carried out by the method of documentation, observation, and test. The research data analysis method used descriptive qualitative analysis. Data regarding student learning motivation were obtained using questionnaires and data on student learning outcomes was obtained using written tests. The success criteria defined in this study were minimum 80% academic completeness and a minimum good student motivation. The results showed that learning through the Blended Learning method through the Google Classroom application can increase motivation and learning outcomes of PJOK students in class XII MIPA 1 SMAN 1 South Kuta with completeness of learning outcomes of 79.55% in cycle I, amounting to 97.73% in cycle II. Student motivation is pretty good in cycle I, in cycle II student motivation is in the very good category. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan motivasi dan hasil belajar PJOK siswa kelas XII MIPA 1 SMAN 1 Kuta Selatan dengan menerapkan metode pembelajaran Blended Learning berbantuan aplikasi Google Classroom. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas dilaksanakan pada bulan Januari sampai dengan Februari 2021. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XII MIPA 1 SMAN 1 Kuta Selatan yang berjumlah 36 orang, sedangkan objek penelitian ini motivasi dan hasil belajar PJOK. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode dokumentasi, observasi, dan tes. Metode analisis data penelitian menggunakan analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Data motivasi belajar siswa diperoleh menggunakan angket dan data hasil belajar siswa diperoleh menggunakan tes tertulis. Kriteria keberhasilan yang ditetapkan dalam penelitian ini yaitu ketuntasan secara k;asikal minimal 80% dan motivasi siswa minimal baik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran dengan melalui metode Blended Learning berbantuan aplikasi Google Classroom dapat meningkatkan motivasi dan hasil belajar PJOK siswa kelas XII MIPA 1 SMAN 1 Kuta Selatan dengan ketuntasan hasil belajar sebesar 79,55 % pada siklus I, sebesar 97,73% pada siklus II dan peningkatan motivasi belajar siswa sebesar cukup baik pada siklus I, pada siklus II motivasi siswa dalam kategori baik sekali

    Pola Pewarisan Keterampilan Seni Ukir Pada Masyarakat Transmigrasi Bali Di Desa Mopugad Provinsi Sulawesi Utara

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap dan menjelaskan secara eksplisit pola pewarisan keterampilan seni ukir pada masyarakat transmigrasi Bali di Desa Mopugad, Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow, Provinsi Sulawesi Utara. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan format studi kasus. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode observasi, wawancara dan telaah studi pustaka. Teknik analisis dilakukan secara interaktif melalui reduksi data, penyajian data serta pembahasan dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, bahwa pola pewarisan keterampilan seni ukir yang ada di Desa Mopugad dilakukan dengan pola pewarisan tegak (vertical transmission) dan pola pewarisan miring (diagonal transmission). Pada pola pewarisan tegak, keterampilan mengukir dibelajarkan dari pengukir ahli kepada pengukir pemula berdasarkan garis keturunan keluarga, sedangkan pada pola pewarisan miring keterampilan mengukir dibelajarkan dengan kegiatan belajar secara mandiri pada lingkungan masyarakat tanpa berdasarkan keturunan. Proses pembelajaran mengukir pada kedua pola pewarisan tersebut dilakukan melalui tahap-tahap yang sistematis, yaitu: pengenalan alat, pembuatan bentuk dasar ukiran (makalin), menghaluskan, finishing, perawatan alat, dan menggambar motif-motif ukiran. Melalui pola dan proses pembelajaran tersebut, keterampilan seni pada masyarakat transmigrasi Bali di Desa Mopugad dapat diwariskan lintas generasi.Kata kunci: Pola Pewarisan, Keterampilan, Seni Ukir, Masyarakat Transmigras

    Pengembangan Desa Kreatif Melalui Implementasi Program Kampus Merdeka-Merdeka Belajar dan Hilirisasi Riset

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    Salah satu indikator utama dari desa kreatif adalah berkembangnya industri kreatif di desa bersangkutan. Oleh karena itu, untuk membangun desa kreatif harus diawali dengan pengembangan industri kreatif. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk membangun desa kreatif melalui pengembangan industri kreatif subsektor kerajinan dengan menerapkan hasil penelitian (hilirisasi riset) dosen. Metode yang digunakan adalah pelatihan (workshop) melalui tahap: sosialisasi program dan perekrutan peserta, pembekalan wawasan seni kerajinan, pembentukan produk-produk seni kerajinan, finishing, serta promosi dan pemasaran produk. Hasil yang dicapai adalah: 1) meningkatkan jumlah masyarakat yang terlibat dalam pengembangan industri kreatif subsektor kerajinan; 2) meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan masyarakat dalam memproduksi produk-produk seni kerajinan; 3) meningkatnya apresiasi dan konsumsi masyarakat terhadap produk-produk seni kerajinan. Disimpulkan, bahwa melalui pengembangan industri kreatif berpeluang untuk dibangun desa kreatif

    Kontribusi Seni Rupa dalam Merintis Pembentukan Desa Wisata

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap kontribusi seni rupa dalam merintis pembentukan desa wisata, dengan mengangkat kasus desa Wisata Huntu Selatan di Kabupaten Bone Bolango Gorontalo. Penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif model studi kasus. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi, wawancara dan studi pustaka. Data dianalisis secara interaktif melalui reduksi data, penyajian data serta pembahasan, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, kontribusi seni rupa dalam pembentukan desa wisata adalah: 1) sebagai desain objek wisata utama, dalam bentuk jembatan kayu di atas persawahan; 2) sebagai dekorasi untuk menambah daya tarik objek wisata; 3)  sebagai spot foto berupa tempat-tempat berfoto yang unik sebagai wahana mengabadikan kenangan bagi wisatawan; 4) seni rupa sebagai souvenir khas untuk benda kenangan bagi wisatawan; 5) sebagai materi pasar seni desa, yakni karya-karya seni rupa diperdagangkan kepada pengunjung; 6) sebagai sarana promosi wisata melalui pameran. Disimpulkan, bahwa seni rupa berkontribusi signifikan dalam merintis pembentukan desa wisata, yang berpeluang untuk diadaptasi dalam membentuk desa-desa wisata baru lainnya. Kata kunci: Kontribusi, Seni Rupa, Pembentukan, Desa Wisata, Gorontal

    Pengembangan Kerajinan Tenun Lokal Gorontalo Menjadi Model-Model Rancangan Busana yang Khas dan Fashionable Guna Mendukung Industri Kreatif

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan menemukan cara dalam pengembangan kerajinan tenun lokal Gorontalo dengan memanfaatkannya sebagai bahan rancangan busana dan pelengkap busana yang khas dan fashionable. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut digunakan metode eksperimen, dengan langkah: a) eksplorasi untuk menemukan konsep-konsep desain busana dan pelengkap busana yang khas; b) perancangan untuk merealisasikan konsep-konsep ke dalam desain visual. Dari hasil eksplorasi ditemukan 8 konsep desain busana fashionable dan 5 konsep desain pelengkap busana yang bersumber dari hasil analisis terhadap karakteristik tenun lokal Gorontalo dan seni ornamen Gorontalo. Konsep-konsep desain yang masih bersifat verbal itu berhasil direalisasikan ke dalam rancangan visual dalam bentuk sketsa, desain ilustrasi, dan desain produksi. Delapan desain busana tersebut terdiri dari: 2 desain busana pesta, 2 desain busana kerja dan 4 desain busana keluarga. Sementara itu, 5 desain pelengkap busana terdiri dari: desain selendang, desain jilbab, desain tas, desain dompet, dan desain topi. Pada desain-desain itu, tenun lokal Gorontalo digunakan sebagai bahan aplikasi dan ornamen Gorontalo dikreasi sebagai motif hias yang akan dikerjakan dengan teknik sulam karawo, teknik bordir, dan teknik batik. Dengan cara itu, tenun lokal Gorontalo yang mulanya hanya digunakan untuk lenan rumah tangga akan lebih berkembang, sehingga mampu mendukung pertumbuhan industri kreatif, khususnya subsektor kerajinan dan fashion. Development of Local Weaving Craft Gorontalo Being the Typical Cloth Design and Fashionable to Support Creative Industry This study aims to find a way in the development of local weaving craft Gorontalo to use it as a fashion design and as the typical materials cloth complement and fashionable. To achieve these objectives the experimental method used, the steps: a) exploration to find fashion design concepts and complementary fashion typical; b) the planning in realizing the design concepts into visual design. The results of exploration were found 8 fashionable fashion design concepts and 5 complementary fashion design concepts derived from the analysis of the characteristics of the local weaving Gorontalo and Gorontalo art ornaments. Design concepts which still in verbal are successfully realized into visual design in the form of sketches, illustrations design, and production design. The eight fashion designs are consisted of: 2 party fashion designs, 2 work fashion designs and 4 family fashion designs. Meanwhile, the 5 complementary fashion designs are consisted of: scarf design, veil design, handbag design, wallet design, and hat design. On the designs, local weaving Gorontalo used as application materials and ornaments Gorontalo used as decorative motifs that will be done with Karawo embroidery technique, Bordir technique, and batik technique. By using that way, local weaving Gorontalo which initially only used for household linen will be developed, so it could support the growth of the creative industries, particularly in subsector of crafts and fashion. Keywords: Local weaving Gorontalo, fashion, complementary cloth, and creative industries


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    This research aims to reveal the art phenomenon of I Made Suthedja, involving creative biography and his works. The method used is the historical method through case studies model. The results of this research showed that the biography of Suthedja in his art to become an artist carving reliably determined not only by great talent, but also influenced by a number of factors, such as: social environment, family, education, and various components within the scope of art worlds. Meanwhile, the results of his work can be constructed into three periods, namely: period I in the form of Togog (three-dimensional art craft); II period in the form of modem classical reliefs (two dimensional) and period III, the contemporary free-form reliefs. The strength and characteristics of Sutedja work lies in the aspect of craftsmanship, namely the application of complex, detail, and smooth carving technique. Keywords: Artisan, art craft, and art worlds
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