236 research outputs found

    Исследование уровня эмоционального интеллекта воспитателей-методистов учреждений дошкольного образования

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    The objective of this study was to find out the level of emotional intelligence of preschool teachersmethodologists with the purpose of further professional advancement (enhancing their emotional competence). Tools applied for collecting and processing statistics were the following: survey results, methodologist’s checklists of observation of conducting classes by the teacher, N. Hall’s Emotional Intelligence Test, questionnaires for parents. There was also a survey of training participants followed by written feedback. STATA software was used for data processing, and the online TextAnalyzer utility was used to process free responses from the parent questionnaires. It is found that the system of formation of emotional intelligence, based on the training we have developed, has a positive impact on the development of emotional intelligence of preschool teachers-methodologists. The above approach enhances the knowledge of preschool teachers about their emotions, senses and feelings, contributing to the development of their ability to understand their own emotions. After the training, 7.14% of the participants showed a low level as opposed to the initial level of 33.33%. The medium level rose significantly, from 60.0% to 78.6%. And the high level of awareness of emotional intelligence in teachers has increased more than twice - from 6.67% to 14.29%. The arithmetical mean for raw scores also increased - from 43.87 to 57.54, thus confirming that the system used in training allows developing strategies for modulation of their emotions, introducing the training participants to the techniques of expression of their emotions and developing a range of emotional competency skills aimed at overcoming emotive situations. Since during the analysis of the lessons by the methodologist the teacher had to respect both the positive and negative response of the methodologist and since respect is a component of leadership, we can say that the feedback contributed to the development of leadership qualities of teachers. Regarding pedagogical skills, provided that the teacher constantly works on self-improvement of emotional intelligence, we state that the level of the teacher’s pedagogical skills also improves. We consider it reasonable to further explore the possibilities of developing the competence of emotional intelligence in future teachers during their study in higher educational institutions and preschool teachers.Метою даного дослідження було визначено з’ясування рівня емоційного інтелекту вихователів-методистів закладів дошкільної освіти з ціллю їх подальшого професійного апгрейду (підвищення рівня їх емоційної компетентності). Для збору та обробки статистичних даних використовувалися такі інструменти, як: результати анкетувань, чек-листи спостереження методистом ведення занять педагогом/вихователем, діагностичний тест Н. Холла «Діагностика емоційного інтелекту», опитувальники для батьків. Також проводилось анкетування учасників тренінгу і письмовий зворотній зв’язок. Для обробки даних було використано програмне забезпечення STATA Software та для обробки відкритих відповідей з питальників для батьків було використано онлайн утиліту TextAnalyzer. З’ясовано, що система формування емоційного інтелекту, яка базується на розробленому нами тренінгу, позитивно впливає на розвиток емоційного інтелекту вихователів-методистів закладів дошкільної освіти. Вищеописаний підхід поглиблює знання педагогів закладів дошкільної освіти про власні емоції, відчуття та почуття, що сприяє розвитку їх здатності до розуміння власних емоцій. Після проведеного навчання у тренінгах низький рівень показали 7,14% учасників на відміну від початкового рівня, показник якого сягав 33,33%. Середній рівень значно піднявся, з 60,0% до 78,6%. А показник високого рівня обізнаності емоційному інтелекту у педагогів зріс з 6,67% до 14,29%, більше, ніж у двічі. Показник середнього арифметичного по сирим балам теж змінився у сторону збільшення – з 43,87 до 57,54, що підтверджує, що система навчання, застосована у тренінгу, дозволяє виробити стратегії управління власними емоціями, ознайомити учасників тренінгу із техніками екологічного вираження своїх емоцій й сформувати спектр навичок з емоційної компетентності спрямованих на подолання емоціогенних ситуацій. Вважаємо доцільним у подальшому дослідити можливості формування компетентності з емоційного інтелекту у майбутніх педагогів під час їх навчання у закладах вищої освіти та у вихователів закладів дошкільної освіти.Целью данного исследования было выяснить уровень эмоционального интеллекта воспитателей-методистов дошкольных учреждений с целью дальнейшего профессионального роста (повышения их эмоциональной компетентности). Для сбора и обработки статистики использовались следующие инструменты: результаты опросов, контрольные списки методистов наблюдения за проведением занятий воспитателем, тест эмоционального интеллекта Н. Холла, анкеты для родителей. Был также опрос участников тренинга с последующим письменным отзывом. Программное обеспечение STATA было использовано для данных обработки, онлайн-утилита TextAnalyzer использовалась для обработки бесплатных ответов анкет родителей. Установлено, что система формирования эмоционального интеллекта, основанная на разработанном нами тренинге, имеет положительный влияние на развитие эмоционального интеллекта воспитателей-методистов дошкольных учреждений. Вышеуказанный подход расширяет знания дошкольных педагогов об их эмоциях и чувствах, способствуя развитию их способности понимать свои эмоции. После тренинга 7,14% участников показали низкий уровень по сравнению с начальным уровнем 33,33%. Средний уровень значительно вырос, с 60,0% до 78,6%. И высокий уровень осознания эмоционального интеллекта у методистов возрос более чем в два раза - с 6,67% до 14,29%. Среднее арифметическое для необработанных оценок также увеличилось - с 43,87 до 57,54, что подтверждает, что система, используемая в обучении позволяет разрабатывать стратегии модуляции своих эмоций, знакомить участников тренинга с методиками выражения своих эмоций и развития ряда навыков эмоциональной компетентности, направленных на преодоление эмоциогенных ситуаций. Мы считаем целесообразным продолжить изучение возможности формирования эмоционального интеллекта у будущих воспитателей при обучении их в высших учебных заведениях

    Research of the Level of Emotional Intelligence of Preschool Teachers-Methodologists

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    The objective of this study was to find out the level of emotional intelligence of preschool teachers-methodologists with the purpose of further professional advancement (enhancing their emotional competence). Tools applied for collecting and processing statistics were the following: survey results, methodologist's checklists of observation of conducting classes by the teacher, N. Hall's Emotional Intelligence Test, questionnaires for parents. There was also a survey of training participants followed by written feedback. STATA software was used for data processing, and the online TextAnalyzer utility was used to process free responses from the parent questionnaires. It is found that the system of formation of emotional intelligence, based on the training we have developed, has a positive impact on the development of emotional intelligence of preschool teachers-methodologists. The above approach enhances the knowledge of preschool teachers about their emotions, senses and feelings, contributing to the development of their ability to understand their own emotions. After the training, 7.14% of the participants showed a low level as opposed to the initial level of 33.33%. The medium level rose significantly, from 60.0% to 78.6%. And the high level of awareness of emotional intelligence in teachers has increased more than twice - from 6.67% to 14.29%. The arithmetical mean for raw scores also increased - from 43.87 to 57.54, thus confirming that the system used in training allows developing strategies for modulation of their emotions, introducing the training participants to the techniques of expression of their emotions and developing a range of emotional competency skills aimed at overcoming emotive situations. Since during the analysis of the lessons by the methodologist the teacher had to respect both the positive and negative response of the methodologist and since respect is a component of leadership, we can say that the feedback contributed to the development of leadership qualities of teachers. Regarding pedagogical skills, provided that the teacher constantly works on self-improvement of emotional intelligence, we state that the level of the teacher's pedagogical skills also improves. We consider it reasonable to further explore the possibilities of developing the competence of emotional intelligence in future teachers during their study in higher educational institutions and preschool teachers

    Characterization and Whole Genome Analysis of Human Papillomavirus Type 16 E1-1374^63nt Variants

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    Background. The variation of the most common Human papillomavirus (HPV) type found in cervical cancer, the HPV16, has been extensively investigated in almost all viral genes. The E1 gene variation, however, has been rarely studied. The main objective of the present investigation was to analyze the variability of the E6 and E1 genes, focusing on the recently identified E1-1374^63nt variant. Methodology/Principal Findings. Variation within the E6 of 786 HPV16 positive cervical samples was analyzed using high-resolution melting, while the E1-1374^63nt duplication was assayed by PCR. Both techniques were supplemented with sequencing. The E1-1374^63nt duplication was linked with the E-G350 and the E-C109/G350 variants. In comparison to the referent HPV16, the E1-1374^63nt E-G350 variant was significantly associated with lower grade cervical lesions (p=0.029), while the E1-1374^63nt E-C109/G350 variant was equally distributed between high and low grade lesions. The E1-1374^63nt variants were phylogenetically closest to E-G350 variant lineage (A2 sub-lineage based on full genome classification). The major differences between E1-1374^63nt variants were within the LCR and the E6 region. On the other hand, changes within the E1 region were the major differences from the A2 sub-lineage, which has been historically but inconclusively associated with high grade cervical disease. Thus, the shared variations cannot explain the particular association of the E1-1374^63nt variant with lower grade cervical lesions. Conclusions/Significance. The E1 region has been thus far considered to be well conserved among all HPVs and therefore uninteresting for variability studies. However, this study shows that the variations within the E1 region could possibly affect cervical disease, since the E1-1374^63nt E-G350 variant is significantly associated with lower grade cervical lesions, in comparison to the A1 and A2 sub-lineage variants. Furthermore, it appears that the silent variation 109T>C of the E-C109/G350 variant might have a significant role in the viral life cycle and warrants further study

    Adoption of BIM by architectural firms in India: technology–organization–environment perspective

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    Building information modelling (BIM) is being heralded as a remarkable innovation in the built environment sector with expectations of lofty sector-wide improvements. Some countries have shown remarkable levels of uptake of BIM, along the way documenting some evidence of benefits stemming from BIM. However, countries such as India and China are late entrants in the BIM adoption journey and are seeing a slower adoption rate. This study develops a model using the technology–organization–environment framework to study the factors influencing BIM adoption by architectural firms in India and reasons for this slow adoption. The proposed model of BIM adoption is tested using the partial least square method against responses collected from 184 industry professionals based in India. Findings reveal that the adoption of BIM by Indian architectural firms is at the ‘experimentation’ stage with variables such as expertise, trialability, and management support exhibiting a strong positive influence on BIM adoption. The study also explains the status of BIM adoption in India with the help of a multi-level social construct, which places the level of BIM adoption in India between the micro- and meso-levels of organizational scales. Similarities and dissimilarities with previous findings are discussed in the paper to highlight the findings of this study. © 2016 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Grou

    Identification of KIF21A mutations as a rare cause of congenital fibrosis of the extraocular muscles type 3 (CFEOM3).

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    PURPOSE. Three congenital fibrosis of the extraocular muscles phenotypes (CFEOM1-3) have been identified. Each represents a specific form of paralytic strabismus characterized by congenital restrictive ophthalmoplegia, often with accompanying ptosis. It has been demonstrated that CFEOM1 results from mutations in KIF21A and CFEOM2 from mutations in PHOX2A. This study was conducted to determine the incidence of KIF21A and PHOX2A mutations among individuals with the third CFEOM phenotype, CFEOM3. METHODS. All pedigrees and sporadic individuals with CFEOM3 in the authors' database were identified, whether the pedigrees were linked or consistent with linkage to the FEOM1, FEOM2, and/or FEOM3 loci was determined, and the appropriate pedigrees and the sporadic individuals were screened for mutations in KIF21A and PHOX2A. RESULTS. Twelve CFEOM3 pedigrees and 10 CFEOM3 sporadic individuals were identified in the database. The structures of eight of the pedigrees permitted the generation of meaningful linkage data. KIF21A was screened in 17 probands, and mutations were identified in two CFEOM3 pedigrees. One pedigree harbored a novel mutation (2841G-->A, M947I) and one harbored the most common and recurrent of the CFEOM1 mutations identified previously (2860C-->T, R954W). None of CFEOM3 pedigrees or sporadic individuals harbored mutations in PHOX2A. CONCLUSIONS. The results demonstrate that KIF21A mutations are a rare cause of CFEOM3 and that KIF21A mutations can be nonpenetrant. Although KIF21A is the first gene to be associated with CFEOM3, the results imply that mutations in the unidentified FEOM3 gene are the more common cause of this phenotype

    GYNOCARE Update: Modern Strategies to Improve Diagnosis and Treatment of Rare Gynecologic Tumors—Current Challenges and Future Directions

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    More than 50% of all gynecologic tumors can be classified as rare (defined as an incidence of ≤6 per 100,000 women) and usually have a poor prognosis owing to delayed diagnosis and treatment. In contrast to almost all other common solid tumors, the treatment of rare gynecologic tumors (RGT) is often based on expert opinion, retrospective studies, or extrapolation from other tumor sites with similar histology, leading to difficulty in developing guidelines for clinical practice. Currently, gynecologic cancer research, due to distinct scientific and technological challenges, is lagging behind. Moreover, the overall efforts for addressing these challenges are fragmented across different European countries and indeed, worldwide. The GYNOCARE, COST Action CA18117 (European Network for Gynecological Rare Cancer Research) programme aims to address these challenges through the creation of a unique network between key stakeholders covering distinct domains from concept to cure: basic research on RGT, biobanking, bridging with industry, and setting up the legal and regulatory requirements for international innovative clinical trials. On this basis, members of this COST Action, (Working Group 1, “Basic and Translational Research on Rare Gynecological Cancer”) have decided to focus their future efforts on the development of new approaches to improve the diagnosis and treatment of RGT. Here, we provide a brief overview of the current state-of-the-art and describe the goals of this COST Action and its future challenges with the aim to stimulate discussion and promote synergy across scientists engaged in the fight against this rare cancer worldwide

    Influences of polymorphic variants of DRD2 and SLC6A3 genes, and their combinations on smoking in Polish population

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Polymorphisms in dopaminergic genes may influence cigarette smoking by their potential impact on dopamine reward pathway function. <it>A1 </it>allele of <it>DRD2 </it>gene is associated with a reduced dopamine D2 receptor density, and it has been hypothesised that <it>A1 </it>carriers are more vulnerable to smoking. In turn, the 9-repeat allele of dopamine transporter gene (<it>SLC6A3</it>) has been associated with a substantial reduction in dopamine transporter, what might result in the higher level of dopamine in the synaptic cleft, and thereby protective role of this allele from smoking. In the present study we investigated whether polymorphic variants of <it>DRD2 </it>and <it>SLC6A3 </it>genes and their combinations are associated with the smoking habit in the Polish population.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Genotyping for <it>Taq</it>I<it>A </it>polymorphism of <it>DRD2 </it>and <it>SLC6A3 </it>VNTR polymorphism was performed in 150 ever-smokers and 158 never-smokers. The association between the smoking status and smoking phenotypes (related to the number of cigarettes smoked daily and age of starting regular smoking), and genotype/genotype combinations was expressed by ORs together with 95% CI. Alpha level of 0.05, with Bonferroni correction whenever appropriate, was used for statistical significance.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>At the used alpha levels no association between <it>DRD2 </it>and <it>SLC6A</it>3 genotypes and smoking status was found. However, <it>A1 </it>allele carriers reported longer abstinence periods on quitting attempts than non-carriers (p = 0.049). The ORs for heavier smoking were 0.38 (0.17-0.88), p = 0.023, and 0.39 (0.17-0.88), p = 0.021 in carriers compared to non-carriers of <it>A1 </it>or <it>*9 </it>allele, respectively, and the OR for this smoking phenotype was 8.68 (2.47-30.46), p = 0.0005 for the <it>A1</it>-/<it>9</it>- genotype combination, relatively to the <it>A1</it>+/<it>9</it>+. Carriers of <it>*9 </it>allele of <it>SLC6A3 </it>had over twice a lower risk to start smoking before the age of 20 years compared to non-carriers (sex-adjusted OR = 0.44; 95% CI: 0.22-0.89; p = 0.0017), and subjects with <it>A1-/9- </it>genotype combination had a higher risk for staring regular smoking before the age of 20 years in comparison to subjects with <it>A1+/9+ </it>genotype combination (sex-adjusted OR = 3.79; 95% CI:1.03-13.90; p = 0.003).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Polymorphic variants of <it>DRD2 </it>and <it>SLC6A3 </it>genes may influence some aspects of the smoking behavior, including age of starting regular smoking, the level of cigarette consumption, and periods of abstinence. Further large sample studies are needed to verify this hypothesis.</p