241 research outputs found

    Asperity contacts at the nanoscale: comparison of Ru and Au

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    We develop and validate an interatomic potential for ruthenium based on the embedded atom method framework with the Finnis/Sinclair representation. We confirm that the new potential yields a stable hcp lattice with reasonable lattice and elastic constants and surface and stacking fault energies. We employ molecular dynamics simulations to bring two surfaces together; one flat and the other with a single asperity. We compare the process of asperity contact formation and breaking in Au and Ru, two materials currently in use in micro electro mechanical system switches. While Au is very ductile at 150 and 300 K, Ru shows considerably less plasticity at 300 and 600 K (approximately the same homologous temperature). In Au, the asperity necks down to a single atom thick bridge at separation. While similar necking occurs in Ru at 600 K, it is much more limited than in Au. On the other hand, at 300 K, Ru breaks by a much more brittle process of fracture/decohesion with limited plastic deformation.Comment: 10 pages, 13 figure

    Identifying the protein folding nucleus using molecular dynamics

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    Molecular dynamics simulations of folding in an off-lattice protein model reveal a nucleation scenario, in which a few well-defined contacts are formed with high probability in the transition state ensemble of conformations. Their appearance determines folding cooperativity and drives the model protein into its folded conformation. Amino acid residues participating in those contacts may serve as “accelerator pedals” used by molecular evolution to control protein folding rate.R01-52126 - PHS HHS; GM20251-01 - NIGMS NIH HHS; GM08291-09 - NIGMS NIH HHSAccepted manuscrip

    Discrete molecular dynamics studies of the folding of a protein-like model

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    Background: Many attempts have been made to resolve in time the folding of model proteins in computer simulations. Different computational approaches have emerged. Some of these approaches suffer from the insensitivity to the geometrical properties of the proteins (lattice models), while others are computationally heavy (traditional MD). Results: We use a recently-proposed approach of Zhou and Karplus to study the folding of the protein model based on the discrete time molecular dynamics algorithm. We show that this algorithm resolves with respect to time the folding --- unfolding transition. In addition, we demonstrate the ability to study the coreof the model protein. Conclusion: The algorithm along with the model of inter-residue interactions can serve as a tool to study the thermodynamics and kinetics of protein models.Comment: 15 pages including 20 figures (Folding & Design in press

    Energy landscape of a simple model for strong liquids

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    We calculate the statistical properties of the energy landscape of a minimal model for strong network-forming liquids. Dynamics and thermodynamic properties of this model can be computed with arbitrary precision even at low temperatures. A degenerate disordered ground state and logarithmic statistics for the energy distribution are the landscape signatures of strong liquid behavior. Differences from fragile liquid properties are attributed to the presence of a discrete energy scale, provided by the particle bonds, and to the intrinsic degeneracy of topologically disordered networks.Comment: Revised versio

    Non-Gaussian energy landscape of a simple model for strong network-forming liquids: accurate evaluation of the configurational entropy

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    We present a numerical study of the statistical properties of the potential energy landscape of a simple model for strong network-forming liquids. The model is a system of spherical particles interacting through a square well potential, with an additional constraint that limits the maximum number of bonds, NmaxN_{\rm max}, per particle. Extensive simulations have been carried out as a function of temperature, packing fraction, and NmaxN_{\rm max}. The dynamics of this model are characterized by Arrhenius temperature dependence of the transport coefficients and by nearly exponential relaxation of dynamic correlators, i.e. features defining strong glass-forming liquids. This model has two important features: (i) landscape basins can be associated with bonding patterns; (ii) the configurational volume of the basin can be evaluated in a formally exact way, and numerically with arbitrary precision. These features allow us to evaluate the number of different topologies the bonding pattern can adopt. We find that the number of fully bonded configurations, i.e. configurations in which all particles are bonded to NmaxN_{\rm max} neighbors, is extensive, suggesting that the configurational entropy of the low temperature fluid is finite. We also evaluate the energy dependence of the configurational entropy close to the fully bonded state, and show that it follows a logarithmic functional form, differently from the quadratic dependence characterizing fragile liquids. We suggest that the presence of a discrete energy scale, provided by the particle bonds, and the intrinsic degeneracy of fully bonded disordered networks differentiates strong from fragile behavior.Comment: Final version. Journal of Chemical Physics 124, 204509 (2006

    A Family of Tunable Spherically-Symmetric Potentials that Span the Range from Hard Spheres to Water-like Behavior

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    We investigate the equation of state, diffusion coefficient, and structural order of a family of spherically-symmetric potentials consisting of a hard core and a linear repulsive ramp. This generic potential has two characteristic length scales: the hard and soft core diameters. The family of potentials is generated by varying their ratio, λ\lambda. We find negative thermal expansion (thermodynamic anomaly) and an increase of the diffusion coefficient upon isothermal compression (dynamic anomaly) for 0λ<6/70\leq\lambda<6/7. As in water, the regions where these anomalies occur are nested domes in the (T,ρT, \rho) or (T,PT, P) planes, with the thermodynamic anomaly dome contained entirely within the dynamic anomaly dome. We calculate translational and orientational order parameters (tt and Q6Q_6), and project equilibrium state points onto the (t,Q6t, Q_6) plane, or order map. The order map evolves from water-like behavior to hard-sphere-like behavior upon varying λ\lambda between 4/7 and 6/7. Thus, we traverse the range of liquid behavior encompassed by hard spheres (λ=1\lambda=1) and water-like (λ4/7\lambda\sim4/7) with a family of tunable spherically-symmetric potentials by simply varying the ratio of hard to soft-core diameters. Although dynamic and thermodynamic anomalies occur almost across the entire range 0λ10\leq\lambda\leq1, water-like structural anomalies (i.e., decrease in both tt and Q6Q_6 upon compression and strictly correlated tt and Q6Q_6 in the anomalous region) occur only around λ=4/7\lambda=4/7. Water-like anomalies in structure, dynamics and thermodynamics arise solely due to the existence of two length scales, orientation-dependent interactions being absent by design.Comment: total 21 pages, 6 figure

    The extreme vulnerability of interdependent spatially embedded networks

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    Recent studies show that in interdependent networks a very small failure in one network may lead to catastrophic consequences. Above a critical fraction of interdependent nodes, even a single node failure can invoke cascading failures that may abruptly fragment the system, while below this "critical dependency" (CD) a failure of few nodes leads only to small damage to the system. So far, the research has been focused on interdependent random networks without space limitations. However, many real systems, such as power grids and the Internet, are not random but are spatially embedded. Here we analytically and numerically analyze the stability of systems consisting of interdependent spatially embedded networks modeled as lattice networks. Surprisingly, we find that in lattice systems, in contrast to non-embedded systems, there is no CD and \textit{any} small fraction of interdependent nodes leads to an abrupt collapse. We show that this extreme vulnerability of very weakly coupled lattices is a consequence of the critical exponent describing the percolation transition of a single lattice. Our results are important for understanding the vulnerabilities and for designing robust interdependent spatial embedded networks.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    Distributed Generation and Resilience in Power Grids

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    We study the effects of the allocation of distributed generation on the resilience of power grids. We find that an unconstrained allocation and growth of the distributed generation can drive a power grid beyond its design parameters. In order to overcome such a problem, we propose a topological algorithm derived from the field of Complex Networks to allocate distributed generation sources in an existing power grid.Comment: proceedings of Critis 2012 http://critis12.hig.no

    Critical field-exponents for secure message-passing in modular networks

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    We study secure message-passing in the presence of multiple adversaries in modular networks. We assume a dominant fraction of nodes in each module have the same vulnerability, i.e., the same entity spying on them. We find both analytically and via simulations that the links between the modules (interlinks) have effects analogous to a magnetic field in a spin-system in that for any amount of interlinks the system no longer undergoes a phase transition. We then define the exponents δ, which relates the order parameter (the size of the giant secure component) at the critical point to the field strength (average number of interlinks per node), and γ, which describes the susceptibility near criticality. These are found to be δ = 2 and γ = 1 (with the scaling of the order parameter near the critical point given by β = 1). When two or more vulnerabilities are equally present in a module we find δ = 1 and γ = 0 (with β ≥ 2). Apart from defining a previously unidentified universality class, these exponents show that increasing connections between modules is more beneficial for security than increasing connections within modules. We also measure the correlation critical exponent ν, and the upper critical dimension d c, finding that as for ordinary percolation, suggesting that for secure message-passing d c = 6. These results provide an interesting analogy between secure message-passing in modular networks and the physics of magnetic spin-systems