149 research outputs found

    Interlace Polynomial of a Special Eulerian Graph

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    In a recent paper, Arratia, Bollobas and Sorkin discussed a graph polynomial defined recursively, which they call the interlace polynomial. There have been previous results on the interlace polynomials for special graphs, such as paths, cycles, and trees. Applications have been found in biology and other areas. In this research, I focus on the interlace polynomial of a special type of Eulerian graph, built from one cycle of size n and n cycle three graphs. I developed explicit formulas by implementing the toggling process to the graph. I further investigate the coefficients and special values of the interlace polynomial. Some of them can describe properties of the considered graph. Aigner and Holst also defined a new interlace polynomial, called the Q-interlace polynomial, recursively, which can tell other properties of the original graph. One immediate application of the Q-interlace polynomial is that a special value of it is the number of general induced subgraphs with an odd number of general perfect matchings. Thus by evaluating the Q-interlace polynomial at a specific value, we determine the number of general induced subrgaphs with an odd number of general perfect matchings of the considered Eulerian graph

    The back-to-the-city movement is leading to political and cultural displacement, transforming the inner city into condo city

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    In the past two decades many American cities have experienced an influx of middle- and upper-income residents into areas that had been primarily African-American neighborhoods. While this surge of wealth and redevelopment holds promise to benefit the poor, the reality is that low income residents in these areas are losing their political power as well as feeling increasingly feeling alienated from their own communities. Using Washington, DC as a case study Derek Hyra writes that the political displacement being experienced by African-American communities is accompanied by cultural displacement as historic music venues close while bike share stations open. He argues that urban planners must find ways to socially integrate diverse populations in communities so that all residents feel connected to the spaces in which they live

    The construct equivalence of the Customer Contact Styles Questionnaire (CCSQ7.2) for proctored and unproctored administration groups

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    The advent of the Internet in personnel selection has brought with it many opportunities, challenges and concerns. The opportunities afforded to the employer include, among others, increased security, a reduction in the resources needed, reduced geographical constraints, reduced time to hire, immediate scoring and a lowering of costs. Owing to these benefits, the use of the Internet for psychological testing will continue to become more prevalent in personnel selection over the next few years. The use and acceptance of the Internet has encouraged organisations and assessment practitioners to make use of Internet-delivered testing as the preferred mode of administration, especially in view of the benefits that it offers to the employer, as well as to the candidate. Internet-delivered testing brings with it a few concerns and many organisations are still making use of the paper-and-pencil version of an instrument even though it is available in an online version. This is because of concerns over measurement equivalence, as the paper-and-pencil version is seen as a “safer” and more accepted mode of administration. There are also many test publishers that would like to take advantage of the practicability of Internet-delivered testing by converting their current selection procedures to an Internet format. This conversion cannot simply be assumed and needs to be examined and documented for each instrument. The primary purpose of this study is to determine the construct equivalence of the Customer Contact Styles Questionnaire (CCSQ7.2) when it is administered via paper-and-pencil in the presence of a proctor and when it is administered online in the absence of a proctor. The aim is to determine whether the online version of the CCSQ7.2 can be considered equivalent to its paper-and-pencil counterpart without loss of psychometric property. The results of the study revealed that the mode in which the CCSQ7.2 is administered does not compromise scale reliabilities and that the relationship between scales of the CCSQ7.2 are not affected by modes of administration. It can thus be said with confidence that the online version of the CCSQ7.2 can be considered equivalent to its paper-and-pencil counterpart without loss of psychometric property. CopyrightDissertation (MCom)--University of Pretoria, 2008.Human Resource Managementunrestricte

    Entre o risco e o dano: Redução de danos, redução de riscos e prevenção no Brasil e na França

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    Based on an ethnographic and comparative research carried out in institutions that work with risk reduction (réduction des risques) and prevention of risky behavior (prévention des conduites à risques) in Paris, France, and with harm reduction (redução de danos) in Sao Paulo, Brazil, this paper aims to discuss some aspects of the differential developments that such preventive approaches to social problems, derived from harm reduction, have had in these countries. Therefore, it uses local translations of harm as “damage” or “risk” as a narrative support to reflect on the characteristics that the strategies, discourses and practices based on this model have assumed in Brazil and France.A partir de uma pesquisa etnográfica e comparativa realizada em instituições que trabalham com redução de riscos (réduction des risques) e prevenção de condutas de risco (prévention des conduites à risques) na região de Paris, na França, e com redução de danos em São Paulo, no Brasil, este artigo visa discutir alguns aspectos dos desenvolvimentos diferenciais que tais abordagens preventivas de problemas sociais derivadas da harm reduction tiveram nos dois países. Para tanto, utiliza as traduções locais de harm como dano ou risco como suporte narrativo para refletir sobre as características que as estratégias, os discursos e as práticas baseadas nesse modelo assumiram no Brasil e na França

    Security Testing With Python Scripts

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    Cyber security is one of the main issues that is discussed today everywhere in the world. The development of technology has grown rapidly and it is important that this development should be done simultaneously with the increase in security. When we talk about the network, we must also consider its "Security". On the other hand, Python is a language which, especially in recent times, has received a great development and now we can say that it enjoys such a wide community. Our goal in this article is the advantages that this programming language offers in cases of cyber security issues. It has everything that cyber security professionals need to protect against cyber vulnerabilities and threats. It allows developers to do anything that relates to cyber security by detecting threats to system fixes. Python is a high-level, general-purpose, interpreted programming language for analyzing small networks. So, the implications of the study are for cybersecurity professionals and developers. They use the NetworkX grid tools imported into python. NetworkX provides many functions and generation facilities to read and write graphics in many formats. By analyzing these network nodes graphs, are identified the nodes that can be "bad". With Python scripts, you can scan ports and compromised device. In order to achieve this, we have obtained two concrete dataset which were obtained respectively from a public and a private network. After analyzing the graphs, the weaknesses of the network and unidentified devices in the network are identified, creating the possibility of taking appropriate measures to protect against cyber-attacks

    Contando as violências: estudo de narrativas e discursos sobre eventos violentos em Florianópolis (SC)

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Unversidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social.Esta dissertação é uma análise de narrativas de experiência pessoal de eventos considerados violentos. Trata-se de uma interpretação da forma pela qual habitantes de Florianópolis (SC) que se consideram como vítimas de alguma das modalidades das violências expressam suas experiências. Busca-se analisar o significado de eventos violentos e como as pessoas vivenciam, pensam, interpretam, concedem sentido e o expressam em suas narrativas, em que se pode encontrar a expressão da identidade do sujeito narrador, assim como a formulação de contra-identidades dos sujeitos que se considera serem responsáveis pelas violências sofridas. Procura-se também entender como tais eventos e o medo associado a eles alteram o cotidiano e a sociabilidade dos indivíduos, e como os habitantes da cidade concedem significado às suas experiências das violências

    Entre faltas e oportunidades: ONGs e prevenção da violência

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    Um discurso social muito comum no Brasil estabelece que se deve “retirar as crianças das ruas e dar oportunidades”. Tal discurso serve de base para ações de ONGs e projetos sociais instalados nas periferias brasileiras. Estas ações podem ser entendidas como manifestações da movimentação da sociedade civil organizada que se dirigem ao enfrentamento de problemas sociais em um contexto de aparente “crise das instituições”. Além disso, são características de uma mudança de foco no enfrentamento das violências em uma direção preventiva. Este artigo analisa os discursos e práticas de educadores de ONGs de educação infantil, e procura explorar os entendimentos do conceito de “violência” e as formas como este entendimento afeta as modalidades propostas de intervenção e prevenção, buscando perceber o que as soluções propostas podem nos dizer acerca da maneira como estes agentes veem e interpretam moralmente o público atendido, o mundo contemporâneo e seus problemas e a si mesmos

    The fine structure of the midgut epithelium in Xerobiotus pseudohufelandi (Iharos, 1966) (Tardigrada, Eutardigrada, Macrobiotidae)

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    The aims of our studies were to describe the ultrastructure of the midgut epithelial cells of the eutardigrade Xerobiotus pseudohufelandi and to determine if there are any differences in the ultrastructure of midgut epithelial cells between males and females. The analysis was performed with the use of the light and transmission electron microscopes. In X. pseudohufelandi the midgut epithelium is composed of digestive cells, but in the anterior portion of the midgut a group of cells with different ultrastructure has been observed. Histochemical staining showed the accumulation of reserve material in the cytoplasm of digestive cells. We suggest that some of them fulfil the role of regenerative cells (crescent-like cells, midgut stem cells), whereas others are differentiating cells which form new digestive cells. No differences in the ultrastructure of the midgut epithelium between males and females were distinguished except in the amount of multivesicular bodies

    Tirando do crime e dando oportunidade: estratégias educacionais de prevenção das violências em duas ONGs de Florianópolis, SC

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social, Florianópolis, 2011Esta tese analisa discursos e práticas de educadores de duas ONGS de Florianópolis cujas ações sociopolíticas e pedagógicas têm como objetivo "retirar as crianças das ruas" (leia-se: da "criminalidade" e da "violência"), e "dar oportunidades", um discurso social bastante comum no Brasil. Estas ações podem ser entendidas como manifestações da movimentação da sociedade civil organizada que se dirigem ao enfrentamento de problemas sociais em um contexto de aparente "crise das instituições". Além disso, são características de uma mudança de foco no enfrentamento das violências em uma direção preventiva, através de intervenções sobre categorias e configurações de sujeitos. A discussão se baseia em uma tentativa de articular os debates acerca das violências com as teorias da civilização e da pacificação social, com as análises sobre a sociedade civil em seu papel de enfrentamento destes "problemas" e também com as teorias do reconhecimento social e da redistribuição material, agência e empoderamento, como estratégias para aportar "soluções". Busca-se neste trabalho perceber nas ações de agentes de ONGs de educação infantil e educação complementar comunitária de Florianópolis as possibilidades e limites de enfrentamento das violências entre os jovens e crianças atendidos por estas instituições. Para tanto, procurou-se articular e fazer dialogar teorias antropológicas e sociológicas com os discursos e práticas dos sujeitos pesquisados acerca dos temas relativos às violências, à educação e aos movimentos sociais. Procurou-se explorar os entendimentos do conceito de "violência" e as formas como este entendimento afeta as modalidades propostas de intervenção e prevenção, buscando perceber o que as soluções propostas podem nos dizer acerca da maneira como estes agentes veem e interpretam moralmente a si, ao mundo contemporâneo e seus problemas.This thesis analyzes educators speeches and practices from two NGOs in Florianópolis, whose social-political-pedagogical actions aim to rescue children from the streets (meaning: from criminality and violence), and to give opportunities, a very common social speech in Brazil. These actions can be understood as manifestations of the organized civil society movement towards dealing with social problems in an apparent "institutional crisis" context. Furthermore, these are characteristics of a change in focusing violence in a preventive mode, by means of interventions on subjects categories and configurations. The discussion is based on an attempt to link the discussions about violences with the theories of civilization and social pacification, with the analysis about the civil society in its role of facing these "problems" and also with the theories of social recognition and material re-distribution, agency and empowerment as strategies to bring "solutions". The scope of this work is to seek the possibilities and limits in the actions and verbalizations of the NGOs agents, who work with children's education and complementary education in Florianópolis, of confronting violences among young people and children who are cared for in these institutions. For this it was articulated a debate between anthropological and sociological theories and the discourses and practices of the researched subjects about topics related to violences, education and social movements. It was sought to explore the understanding of the "violence" concept and the ways in which this understanding affects the proposed modalities of intervention and prevention, aiming to apprehend what the proposed solutions may tell us about the manner in which these agents see and morally interpret themselves, the contemporary world and its problems