226 research outputs found

    Criminal liability and indirect perpetration through organised structures of power

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    Posredno storilstvo z uporabo organiziranega aparata moči je način utemeljitve krivde storilcev kaznivih dejanj Ā»za pisarniÅ”ko mizoĀ«. Po tradicionalni delitvi na storilce in udeleÅ£ence so voditelji kriminalnih organizacij, ki ne sodelujejo neposredno pri izvrÅ”itvi kaznivega dejanja, zgolj napeljevalci ali pomočniki, v tem institutu pa voditelj, ki ima aparat z velikim Å”tevilom zamenljivih neposrednih storilcev, de facto nadzoruje kaznivo dejanje in je zato pravilno, da odgovarja kot (posredni) storilec. V prispevku avtor predstavi institut, prikaÅ£e njegovo uporabo na konkretnih zadevah pred sodiŔči v Nemčiji, Argentini, Peruju, Kolumbiji, Čilu in pred Mednarodnim kazenskim sodiŔčem v Haagu in se opredeli do pomislekov zoper uporabo instituta. Na koncu Å”e raziŔče, če ima institut prostor tudi v slovenskem kazenskem pravu.Indirect perpetration through organised structures of power (Organisationsherrschaft) is a mode of liability used to convict perpetrators who commit crimes while ā€œsitting at their deskā€. According to traditional modes of liability, the leader of an organization, who does not directly participate in a commission of a crime, could only be held liable as an instigator or an abettor, which is generally considered inaccurate in respect to his actual contribution. This theory proves that a leader of an organization exercises effective control over the commission of the crime through the apparatus when physical perpetrators are interchangeable at will and have no ability to influence whether the crime will be committed, even though they can fully choose whether they will participate in it. The author starts by introducing the theory in depth, demonstrates its use in cases before courts in Germany, Argentina, Peru, Colombia, Chile and International Criminal Court in The Hague and considers some of the most common critiques and responds to them. In the end, the author evaluates whether Slovenian Penal code offers basis for the use of this form of indirect perpetration

    Strategic positioning of media and information literacy

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    Purpose. The paper aims to point out the role of scientiļ¬c research platforms as the main drivers of the integration of the concept of media and information literacy into public policies, that is, in the long term, into formal education. Approach/methodology/design. In order to successfully analyse the obstacles to establishing a clear correlation between the lack of systematic and long-term engagement of scientiļ¬c research bases and the integration of media and information literacy into public policies, this paper has explored, analysed and conceptualized the approach and results of the Institute for Social Science Research, Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Sarajevo in research, development, advocacy and integration of media and information literacy into the education system in Bosnia and Herzegovina as a case study. Results. The research has attempted to illustrate how scientiļ¬c research platforms can be used to inļ¬‚uence (and create an optimal model for public intervention) public policies, rather than just serve as platforms for academic advancement and as project implementation tools. Social value. The scientiļ¬c research platform on media and information literacy at the University of Sarajevo can be understood as an applied practice in an open scientiļ¬c environment, and developed on the principles of the common good

    Options for providing connectivity of virtual and real computers

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    Virtualization has enabled the development of cloud computing, which during the last couple of years, has increasingly become one of the most important Information Technology trends. With the numerous advantages afforded by virtualization and cloud computing, users can virtualize an increasing percentage of the existing IT infrastructure. However, there are cases where this cannot be done. Should this happen, it is often imperative to provide at least network connectivity for cloud infrastructures with the physical infrastructure in such a way as to guarantee that they are both located in the same local area network at these times. The Masterā€™s Thesis first examines the field itself and the matter of existing technologies: virtualization, SDN, NV, NFV, as well as open-source cloud platforms. We have drawn up an overview of the user isolating mechanisms used for isolating the Layer 2 and Layer 3 networks through the use of virtual networks, software virtual switches, various software plugins and tunnelling protocols. We looked at various models and architectures which would enable a safe integration with the cloud infrastructure, especially its virtualized component, with physical IT infrastructure. We used practical examples to ascertain how such interfaces and communication can be allowed for networking and communication between virtual computers and the physical infrastructure, also looking into the orchestration and automation of the procedures employed in setting up such architectures. Our work mainly centred on the most frequently used open-source cloud platform, i.e. the OpenStack. In the end, we identified the limitations and shortcomings of various existing models and architecture, and evaluated the production maturity of individual possible solutions for linking the physical and virtual infrastructure

    Factor V Leiden homozygous mutation: Recurrent venous thromboembolism during periods of discontinuation of anticoagulant therapy

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    Venous thromboembolism (VTE), also known as deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary thromboembolism, is a medical condition that has a high incidence and a multifactorial pathogenesis. One of the causes is a mutation of the Factor V Leiden (FVL), which is the most common inherited thrombotic disorder. A mutation inherited from both parents is found in about 0.05-0.5% of cases, making our case more medically interesting. We presented the case of a young male patient with recurrent VTE and few risk factors who was admitted to the hospital 4 times with VTE symptoms over a 5-year period. In the background, there was a homozygous FVL mutation and improper use of anticoagulant therapy. We examined the medical data, diagnostics, therapy, and precautions that were and are required

    Advertised apartment price analysis in the selected Slovenian and Croatian municipalities

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    The purpose of the graduation thesis is to analyse the advertised prices and rents in the three Slovenian municipalities (Municipality of Izola, Municipality of Koper, Municipality of Piran ) and three Croatian municipalities (Municipality of Novigrad , Municipality of Porec, Municipality of Umag) in the period from 1. 9. 2012. to 31. 3. 2013. Results of the analysis are based on data gathered from advertised apartments from the internet advertising sources. I have analysed influences of the location, surface area , number of rooms , age, parking and balcony with sea view of the advertised apartment price and rent. Irrespective of its location, the average advertised square meter of the Slovenian territory is approximately 500 EUR higher in price than the advertised square meter of the Croatian territory. Mainly due to advetiseing the extremely high prices of a square meter in Portorož, apartments in the Municipality of Piran are on average the most expensive. In the analyse of the impact of location of dwelling I have determined that the advertised price falls with the distance from the centre housing capital of the local community or the distance from the sea. Apartments in the Slovenian local communities that I considered are on average bigger than the apartments in Croatia area. Also in the Slovenian local communities the average rental price per day is higher. We can attribute that to not only larger area but also to a smaller number of apartments in the considered Slovenian local communities

    Structure characterization of fumonisin by mass spectrometry

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    Fumonizini su grupa mikotoksina koje proizvode plijesni roda Fusarium, prvenstveno plijesan F. verticillioides (nekada F. moniliforme). Izolirano je preko 28 fumonizina, a najučestaliji i najtoksičniji je fumonizin B1 (FB1). Fumonizini su nađeni Å”irom svijeta kao zagađivači različitih namirnica, međutim najčeŔće zagađuju kukuruz te hranu pripremljenu iz kukuruza. FB1 ima različite toksične učinke ovisno o životinjskoj vrsti. U ljudi je izloženost FB1 povezana s razvojem primarnog karcinoma jetre i karcinoma jednjaka te je od strane Međunarodne organizacije za istraživanje raka (engl. International Agency for Research on Cancer, IARC) klasificiran kao mogući karcinogen (grupa 2B). Koristeći vezani sustav tekućinske kromatografije visoke djelotvornosti i masene spektrometrije (HPLC-MS) dobili smo metodu visoke osjetljivosti i selektivnosti. Optimizacijom kromatografskih uvjeta analize postigli smo zadovoljavajuće rezultate, a cilj rada bio je strukturna karakterizacija fumonizina B1 i fumonizina B2. Predloženi su fragmentacijski putovi fumonizina B1 i fumonizina B2 koji mogu biti korisni u daljnjoj analizi fumonizina. Fragmentacijski putovi fumonizina B1 (m/z 722) i fumonizina B2 (m/z 706) uglavnom se temelje na gubitku jedne do tri molekule vode (18, 36 ili 54 Da). Kod fumonizina B1 bi to bili fragmentni ioni m/z 704, m/z 686 i m/z 668, dok bi gubitak vode kod fumonizina B2 odgovarao fragmentnim ionima m/z 668 i m/z 670 odnosno gubitku samo jedne ili dvije molekule vode. Također značajan gubitak kod oba mikotoksina je odcjepljenje trikarboksilne kiseline u ili bez kombinacije s vodom. Pa je tako kod fumonizina B1 odcjepljenjenje jedne trikarboksilne kiseline značajno za ion m/z 546, a kod fumonizina B2 m/z 530. Gubitak od dvije trikarboksilne kiseline odgovara ionu m/z 546 kod FB1, a ionu m/z 530 kod FB2. Fragmentacijski putovi gubitka trikarboksilne kiseline i vode vrlo su slični kod fumonizina B1 i fumonizina B2. Za fumonizin B1 značajni su ioni m/z 528, m/z 352, m/z 510, m/z 334 i m/z 492, a za fumonizin B2 karakteristični su ioni m/z 512, m/z 494, m/z 336 i m/z 318. Daljnjom analizom odabranih iona fumonizina B1 i fumonizina B2 dobiveni su MS3 spektri u kojima se javljaju novi fragmentni ioni koji odgovaraju gubitku postraničnih lanaca kod fumonizina B1, ali se također javljaju i već spomenuti fragmenti iz MS2 analiza fragmentih iona m/z 722 i m/z 706.Fumonisins are a group of mycotoxins produced by Fusarium spp, primarily F. verticillioides (formerly F. moniliforme). More than 28 fumonisins were isolated, the most frequent and most toxic of them fumonisin B1 (FB1). Fumonisins have been found worldwide as pollutants of various foods, but most commonly pollute corn and maize food. FB1 has different toxic effects depending on the animal species. In humans, FB1 exposure is associated with the development of primary liver cancer and esophageal cancer and it is classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) as a possible carcinogen (Group 2B). Using a coupled system of high performance liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS), we obtained a method of high sensitivity and selectivity. By optimizing the chromatographic conditions of analysis we have achieved satisfactory results, and the object of the study was the structural characterization of fumonisin B1 and fumonisin B2. Proposed fragmentation pathways of fumonisin B1 and fumonisin B2 may be useful in the further analysis of fumonisins. Fragmentation pathways of fumonisin B1 and fumonisin B2 are mainly based on the loss of one to three molecules of water (18, 36 or 54 Da). For fumonisin B1, these would be fractional ions m/z 704, m/z 686 and m/z 668, while loss of water with fumonisin B2 corresponded to m/z 668 and m/z 670 fragments, respectively, loss of only one or two molecules of water. Also significant loss of both mycotoxins is the separation of tricarboxylic acid in or without the combination with water. Thus, for fumonisin B1, a tricarboxylic acid is significantly reduced for ion m/z 546 and for fumonisin B2 m/z 530. The loss of two tricarboxylic acids corresponds to m/z 546 at FB1 and m/z ion 530 at FB2. Fragmentation routes of loss of tricarboxylic acid and water are very similar to fumonisin B1 and fumonisin B2. For fumonisin B1, significant ions are m/z 528, m/z 352, m/z 510, m/z 334 and m/z 492, and for fumonisin B2 are m/z 512, m/z 494, m/z 336 and m/z 318. Further analysis of the selected fumonisin B1 and fumonisin B2 ions generated MS3 spectra with new fragment ions corresponding to the loss of crosslinked chains in fumonisin B1, but there are also already mentioned fragments from MS2 analysis of fragmented ions m/z 722 and m/z 706
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