183 research outputs found

    Non-visualization of lung markings below hemidiaphragm in subtle subpulmonic effusion: an old sign resuscitated

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    To assess the lack of visibility of vascular markings under the hemidiaphragm on a frontal chest radiograph as a sign of pleural effusion, fifteen patients were collected showing this sign. Pleural effusion was diagnosed by ultrasound, comparison with previous or subsequent chest x-ray or computed tomography. Patients in the study group exhibited this sign in the absence of the classical signs of pleural effusion. In the control group, lack of visibility of blood vessels was observed in only 4.2% cases. Non-visualization of vascular markings below the hemidiaphragm should alert the interpreter to the possible presence of pleural effusion and a lateral or decubitus view or ultrasound examination may be carried out to rule out effusion


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    Tuberculous hepatic artery aneurysm: Multimodality imaging

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    Surgeon-Performed Ultrasound as Preoperative Localization Study in Patients with Primary Hyperparathyroidism

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    Background: Minimally invasive parathyroidectomy is the treatment of choice for single-gland primary hyperparathyroidism. However, the exact location of the abnormal gland has to be established. Sestamibi scintigraphy, computed tomography and ultrasound (US) are commonly used modalities. We describe our experience in a non-academic center with surgeon-performed US (S-US) of the neck as preoperative localization study in patients with primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT). Methods: Patients with a biochemically proven diagnosis of PHPT and preoperative S-US were included. Data were recorded prospectively. Perioperative gland location was compared to the preoperative S-US to determine sensitivity, specificity and accuracy rates. Results: Two of the 50 patients who underwent S-US were not subjected to surgery. In 85% of the patients analyzed by S-US, the appropriate abnormal gland(s) were identified. In 11%, no gland was identified, but abnormal glands were found during surgery. Sensitivity of S-US in our hospital is 85%, with a positive predictive value of 97%. Conclusions: We achieved a satisfactory sensitivity rate. S-US provides anatomic information to the surgeon which enables a more detailed operation planning, and it is a valuable diagnostic modality for patients with PHPT in our opinion. We hope that our data encourage other centers to implement this technique as well. Copyrigh

    Hydroxybenzothiazoles as New Nonsteroidal Inhibitors of 17β-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 1 (17β-HSD1)

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    17β-estradiol (E2), the most potent estrogen in humans, known to be involved in the development and progession of estrogen-dependent diseases (EDD) like breast cancer and endometriosis. 17β-HSD1, which catalyses the reduction of the weak estrogen estrone (E1) to E2, is often overexpressed in breast cancer and endometriotic tissues. An inhibition of 17β-HSD1 could selectively reduce the local E2-level thus allowing for a novel, targeted approach in the treatment of EDD. Continuing our search for new nonsteroidal 17β-HSD1 inhibitors, a novel pharmacophore model was derived from crystallographic data and used for the virtual screening of a small library of compounds. Subsequent experimental verification of the virtual hits led to the identification of the moderately active compound 5. Rigidification and further structure modifications resulted in the discovery of a novel class of 17β-HSD1 inhibitors bearing a benzothiazole-scaffold linked to a phenyl ring via keto- or amide-bridge. Their putative binding modes were investigated by correlating their biological data with features of the pharmacophore model. The most active keto-derivative 6 shows IC50-values in the nanomolar range for the transformation of E1 to E2 by 17β-HSD1, reasonable selectivity against 17β-HSD2 but pronounced affinity to the estrogen receptors (ERs). On the other hand, the best amide-derivative 21 shows only medium 17β-HSD1 inhibitory activity at the target enzyme as well as fair selectivity against 17β-HSD2 and ERs. The compounds 6 and 21 can be regarded as first benzothiazole-type 17β-HSD1 inhibitors for the development of potential therapeutics

    Drought Impact Is Alleviated in Sugar Beets (Beta vulgaris L.) by Foliar Application of Fullerenol Nanoparticles

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    Over the past few years, significant efforts have been made to decrease the effects of drought stress on plant productivity and quality. We propose that fullerenol nanoparticles (FNPs, molecular formula C-60(OH)(24)) may help alleviate drought stress by serving as an additional intercellular water supply. Specifically, FNPs are able to penetrate plant leaf and root tissues, where they bind water in various cell compartments. This hydroscopic activity suggests that FNPs could be beneficial in plants. The aim of the present study was to analyse the influence of FNPs on sugar beet plants exposed to drought stress. Our results indicate that intracellular water metabolism can be modified by foliar application of FNPs in drought exposed plants. Drought stress induced a significant increase in the compatible osmolyte proline in both the leaves and roots of control plants, but not in FNP treated plants. These results indicate that FNPs could act as intracellular binders of water, creating an additional water reserve, and enabling adaptation to drought stress. Moreover, analysis of plant antioxidant enzyme activities (CAT, APx and GPx), MDA and GSH content indicate that fullerenol foliar application could have some beneficial effect on alleviating oxidative effects of drought stress, depending on the concentration of nanoparticles applied. Although further studies are necessary to elucidate the biochemical impact of FNPs on plants; the present results could directly impact agricultural practice, where available water supplies are often a limiting factor in plant bioproductivity

    Transição da pessoa com doença oncológica avançada de oncologia para cuidados paliativos: O papel do enfermeiro especialista em enfermagem de saúde mental e psiquiátrica

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    Este relatório de estágio procura estruturar o percurso desenvolvido durante o 2º Estágio do 2º Mestrado em Associação de Enfermagem de Saúde Mental e Psiquiátrica e assim demonstrar a aquisição das Competências Especificas do Enfermeiro Especialista em Enfermagem de Saúde Mental e Competências de Mestre. Grande parte das pessoas com doença oncológica avançada não têm acesso de forma sistemática às intervenções de Cuidados Paliativos. Foi utilizada a metodologia de projeto para dar resposta ao problema identificado: “A transição da pessoa com doença avançada para CP é muitas vezes realizada de forma abrupta e sem preparação gradual”. Ao longo do trabalho foi evidenciado o papel do Enfermeiro Especialista em Enfermagem de Saúde Mental e Psiquiátrica como uma mais valia nesta transição pois, além das competências de avaliação das necessidades em saúde mental, só ele poderá intervir com cuidados psicoterapêuticos, sócio-terapêuticos, psicossociais e psicoeducacionais permitindo assim promover a melhoria da qualidade dos cuidados de saúde

    Estrogen- and Progesterone (P4)-Mediated Epigenetic Modifications of Endometrial Stromal Cells (EnSCs) and/or Mesenchymal Stem/Stromal Cells (MSCs) in the Etiopathogenesis of Endometriosis

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    Endometriosis is a common chronic inflammatory condition in which endometrial tissue appears outside the uterine cavity. Because ectopic endometriosis cells express both estrogen and progesterone (P4) receptors, they grow and undergo cyclic proliferation and breakdown similar to the endometrium. This debilitating gynecological disease affects up to 15% of reproductive aged women. Despite many years of research, the etiopathogenesis of endometrial lesions remains unclear. Retrograde transport of the viable menstrual endometrial cells with retained ability for attachment within the pelvic cavity, proliferation, differentiation and subsequent invasion into the surrounding tissue constitutes the rationale for widely accepted implantation theory. Accordingly, the most abundant cells in the endometrium are endometrial stromal cells (EnSCs). These cells constitute a particular population with clonogenic activity that resembles properties of mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (MSCs). Thus, a significant role of stem cell-based dysfunction in formation of the initial endometrial lesions is suspected. There is increasing evidence that the role of epigenetic mechanisms and processes in endometriosis have been underestimated. The importance of excess estrogen exposure and P4 resistance in epigenetic homeostasis failure in the endometrial/endometriotic tissue are crucial. Epigenetic alterations regarding transcription factors of estrogen and P4 signaling pathways in MSCs are robust in endometriotic tissue. Thus, perspectives for the future may include MSCs and EnSCs as the targets of epigenetic therapies in the prevention and treatment of endometriosis. Here, we reviewed the current known changes in the epigenetic background of EnSCs and MSCs due to estrogen/P4 imbalances in the context of etiopathogenesis of endometriosis

    Species Used for Drug Testing Reveal Different Inhibition Susceptibility for 17beta-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 1

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    Steroid-related cancers can be treated by inhibitors of steroid metabolism. In searching for new inhibitors of human 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (17β-HSD 1) for the treatment of breast cancer or endometriosis, novel substances based on 15-substituted estrone were validated. We checked the specificity for different 17β-HSD types and species. Compounds were tested for specificity in vitro not only towards recombinant human 17β-HSD types 1, 2, 4, 5 and 7 but also against 17β-HSD 1 of several other species including marmoset, pig, mouse, and rat. The latter are used in the processes of pharmacophore screening. We present the quantification of inhibitor preferences between human and animal models. Profound differences in the susceptibility to inhibition of steroid conversion among all 17β-HSDs analyzed were observed. Especially, the rodent 17β-HSDs 1 were significantly less sensitive to inhibition compared to the human ortholog, while the most similar inhibition pattern to the human 17β-HSD 1 was obtained with the marmoset enzyme. Molecular docking experiments predicted estrone as the most potent inhibitor. The best performing compound in enzymatic assays was also highly ranked by docking scoring for the human enzyme. However, species-specific prediction of inhibitor performance by molecular docking was not possible. We show that experiments with good candidate compounds would out-select them in the rodent model during preclinical optimization steps. Potentially active human-relevant drugs, therefore, would no longer be further developed. Activity and efficacy screens in heterologous species systems must be evaluated with caution