74 research outputs found

    Performance Investigation of High-Speed Train OFDM Systems under the Geometry-Based Channel Model

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    The high-speed of train (HST) in combination with the high carrier frequency of HST systems leads to the severe inter carrier interference (ICI) in the HST orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (HST-OFDM) systems. To avoid the complexity in OFDM receiver design for ICI eliminations, the OFDM system parameters such as symbol duration, signal bandwidth, and the number of subcarriers should be chosen appropriately. This paper aims to propose a process of HST-OFDM system performance investigation to determine these parameters in order to enhance spectral efficiency and meet a given quality-of-service (QoS) level. The signal-to-­interference-­plus-­noise ratio (SINR) has been used as a figure of merit to analyze the system performance instead of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) as most of recent research studies. Firstly, using the non-stationary geometry-based stochastic HST channel model, the SINR of each subcarrier has been derived for different speeds of the train, signal bandwidths, and number of subcarriers. Consequently, the system capacity has been formulated as the sum of all the single channel capacity from each sub-carrier. The constraints on designing HST-OFDM system parameters have been thoughtfully analyzed using the obtained expressions of SINR and capacity. Finally, by analyzing the numerical results, the system parameters can be found for the design of HST-OFDM systems under different speeds of train. The proposed process can be used to provide hints to predict performance of HST communication systems before doing further high cost implementations as hardware designs

    Performance Investigation of High-Speed Train OFDM Systems under the Geometry-Based Channel Model

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    The high-speed of train (HST) in combination with the high carrier frequency of HST systems leads to the severe inter carrier interference (ICI) in the HST orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (HST-OFDM) systems. To avoid the complexity in OFDM receiver design for ICI eliminations, the OFDM system parameters such as symbol duration, signal bandwidth, and the number of subcarriers should be chosen appropriately. This paper aims to propose a process of HST-OFDM system performance investigation to determine these parameters in order to enhance spectral efficiency and meet a given quality-of-service (QoS) level. The signal-to-­interference-­plus-­noise ratio (SINR) has been used as a figure of merit to analyze the system performance instead of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) as most of recent research studies. Firstly, using the non-stationary geometry-based stochastic HST channel model, the SINR of each subcarrier has been derived for different speeds of the train, signal bandwidths, and number of subcarriers. Consequently, the system capacity has been formulated as the sum of all the single channel capacity from each sub-carrier. The constraints on designing HST-OFDM system parameters have been thoughtfully analyzed using the obtained expressions of SINR and capacity. Finally, by analyzing the numerical results, the system parameters can be found for the design of HST-OFDM systems under different speeds of train. The proposed process can be used to provide hints to predict performance of HST communication systems before doing further high cost implementations as hardware designs

    Carotenoid producing Bacillus aquimaris found in chicken gastrointestinal tracts

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    Pigmented spore-forming bacterial strains were isolated from the gastrointestinal tracts of chickens for screening for heat-stable carotenoid-producing strains that could be applied as feed supplements. Of the seven heat-stable pigmented isolates screened, only two, yellow Sporosarcina saromensis CH1 and red-orange Bacillus aquimaris CH9, produced pigments with typical carotenoid absorbance peaks (400–500 nm). The CH9 carotenoids exhibited higher scavenging activity (73.2%) of DPPH free radicals than the CH1 carotenoids (35.9%) and carotenoids of the reference B. indicus HU36 strain (78.4%), in comparison to 100% activity of acid ascorbic at 18.75 M as the standard. The CH9 strain produced high levels of carotenoids (439 g [g DW]-1) and formed nearly 100% spores, whereas the CH1 strain produced low levels of carotenoids (92 g [g DW]-1) and only achieved 30% sporulation. Chromatographic and spectral profiles of the carotenoids found in CH9 indicated the presence of as many as 11 different carotenoid types closely related to 1-HO-demethylspheroidene and keto/hydroxyl derivatives of carotene. We successfully produced concentrated orange CH9 spore powder at a high concentration of 6.1 × 1011 CFU g-1; these spores were much more heat-stable (66% survival at 80°C for 20 min) than the reference B. indicus HU36 spores (9% survival at 50°C for 20 min). In conclusion, B. aquimaris CH9 is a promising probiotic carotenoid-producing strain, with heat-stable spores that should withstand the heat-treatment processing required for feed and food supplement production

    All-enzymatic HPLC method for determination of individual and total contents of vitamin B6 in foods

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    Background : There is a need for a reliable and accurate method for quantification of each of the seven individual vitamin B6 compounds including pyridoxine-β-glucoside in foods. Objective : To determine pyridoxal (PL), pyridoxamine (PM), pyridoxine (PN), pyridoxal 5′-phosphate (PLP), pyridoxamine 5′-phosphate (PMP), pyridoxine 5′-phosphate (PNP), and pyridoxine-β-glucoside (PNG) in foods. Design : By specific enzymatic treatment, each of the seven vitamin B6 compounds was all converted into 4-pyridoxolactone, which is a highly fluorescent compound. In total, seven separate, enzymatic steps were performed for each sample. Separation and quantification were performed with reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled with fluorescence detection. For each sample type the result was corrected for the recovery based on spiked samples. The method was applied for analyses of chicken liver, chicken white meat, egg yolk, egg white, dried anchovy, carrots, and garlic. Results : The recovery varied from 14 to 114% in chicken liver, chicken white meat, egg yolk, egg white, dried anchovy, carrot, and garlic. Each food showed a characteristic distribution of the seven vitamin B6 compounds. The PNG was only found in low amounts; that is, 17–29 nmol vitamin B6/g in the plant-derived foods, carrot and garlic. Only egg white showed a lower content, 3 nmol/g. Overall the content in chicken liver, chicken white meat, and egg yolk had a total content of vitamin B6 between 42 and 51 nmol/g. Both PM and PMP were high in the chicken liver. In contrast, PL and PLP were high in the chicken white meat. The main vitamin B6 in the egg yolk was PLP. The dried anchovy contained high amounts of PLP and PMP and a total content of 144 nmol/g. Conclusions : The enzymatic-based HPLC method was applied for the determination of seven vitamin B6 compounds in foods. Their distribution in the foods varied significantly


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    Joint Research on Environmental Science and Technology for the Eart


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    Joint Research on Environmental Science and Technology for the Eart


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    The paper presents a new method for tracking control of EOTS (Electro-Optical Tracking System) operating in mobile environment such as ship, air plane, tank and so on. This makes the base body of the EOTS has angular motion. The control alogorithm used in this paper is adaptive fuzzy sliding mode. The overall control is built and simulated in Matlab and compared with a sliding mode controller and a conventional PID controller. The simulation result illustrated the effectiveness of the proposed controlle

    A Study on Factors Impacting on Profitability: The Case of Vietnam

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    This study is conducted to investigate factors influencing the profitability of the Vietnamese food processing firms. Data was collected from audited financial statements from listed food processing firms on the Vietnam Stock Exchange. Panel regression model was applied in this study (PLS). The testing methods used in this research were Pearson model; Modified Wald Test, Wooldridge test (for autocorreclation in panel data), Hausman model, especially the relationship between FEM and REM as well as Multicollinearity test based on VIF coeficient. The results shows that DR, SDR and LDR have negative impacts on profitability. In contrast, TDTELT have positive impacts on the profitability. FATA and SIZE impact return on asset (ROA) without statistical significance. SIZE has positive impact on return on equity (ROE) while it impacts negatively on profit margin (PM). Moreover, AGE, GDP growth, and inflation do not have impact on profitability. Keywords: Factors, Return on assets, Food processing firms, Vietnam DOI: 10.7176/RJFA/11-10-07 Publication date:May 31st 202