555 research outputs found

    Becta review 2006. Evidence on the progress of ICT in education.

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    This is the review of the use and impact of ICT in the education system prior to the publication of the Government's e-Strategy for the education system, known as Harnessing Technology. The Review drew upon Becta's surveys of schools and FE colleges as well as other research to assess the impact of technology within the education system and the progress made in achieving Government policies in 2005-06

    Becta Review 2005. Evidence on the progress of ICT in education.

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    Drawing on Becta national surveys of ICT use and implementation within the education system, the Becta Review identified the ways in which ICT could be used to support the DfES 5 year strategy, to introduce greater efficiencies in educational provision and more choice/personalisation of content and delivery

    Harnessing technology review 2007. Progress and impact of technology in education. Full Report.

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    This is the first review of the use and impact of ICT in the education system following the publication of the Government's e-Strategy for the education system, known as Harnessing Technology. The Review drew upon Becta's surveys of schools and FE colleges as well as other research to assess the impact of technology within the education system and the progress made in achieving the system outcomes of the policy

    Harnessing technology review 2007. Progress and impact of technology in education. Summary report.

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    This is the summary of the first review of the use and impact of ICT in the education system following the publication of the Government's e-Strategy for the education system, known as Harnessing Technology. The Review drew upon Becta's surveys of schools and FE colleges as well as other research to assess the impact of technology within the education system and the progress made in achieving the system outcomes of the policy

    Ascorbic acid oxidation: A potential cause of the elevated severity of atherosclerosis in diabetes mellitus?

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    AbstractThe exposure of mouse peritoneal macrophages to cholesterol linoleate-containing, artificial lipoproteins can lead to intracellular ceroid accumulation. This can be used as a model to study the role of oxidation in macrophage uptake of lipoproteins containing unsaturated fatty acids, considered by many as a primary event in atherosclerotic plaque formation. Our studies show that ascorbic acid can both inhibit and promote the formation of ceroid in such a model system. The transition metal copper (Cu(II)) further elevates ceroid accumulation and EDTA, a metal chelator, inhibits it. When trace levels of transition metals are present, low concentrations of ascorbic acid can elevate ceroid formation. This pro- and antioxidant characteristic of ascorbic acid was confirmed by monitoring the generation of oxidants by various concentrations of ascorbic acid, assessed by benzoic acid hydroxylation or the fragmentation of BSA. We discuss these observations in the context of an apparent increase in ascorbic acid oxidation and elevated severity of atherosclerosis in diabetes mellitus

    Manipulating mentors' assessment decisions: Do underperforming student nurses use coercive strategies to influence mentors' practical assessment decisions?

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    There is growing evidence of a culture of expectation among nursing students in Universities which leads to narcissistic behaviour. Evidence is growing that some student nurses are disrespectful and rude towards their university lecturers. There has been little investigation into whether they exhibit similar behaviour towards their mentors during practical placements, particularly when they, the students, are not meeting the required standards for practice. This paper focuses on adding to the evidence around a unique finding ��� that student nurses can use coercive and manipulative behaviour to elicit a successful outcome to their practice learning assessment (as noted in Hunt et al. (2016, p 82)). Four types of coercive student behaviour were identified and classified as: ingratiators, diverters, disparagers and aggressors, each of which engendered varying degrees of fear and guilt in mentors. The effects of each type of behaviour are discussed and considered in the light of psychological contracts. Mechanisms to maintain effective working relationships between student nurses and mentors and bolster the robustness of the practical assessment process under such circumstances are discussed

    Assessing Domain Specificity in the Measurement of Mathematics Calculation Anxiety

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    An online, cross-sectional approach was taken, including an opportunity sample of 160 undergraduate students from a university in the Midlands, UK. Exploratory factor analysis indicated a parsimonious, four-factor solution: abstract maths anxiety, statistics probability anxiety, statistics calculation anxiety, and numerical calculation anxiety. The results support previous evidence for the existence of a separate “numerical anxiety” or “arithmetic computation” anxiety component of maths anxiety and also support the existence of anxiety that is specific to more abstract maths. This is the first study to consider the multidimensionality of maths anxiety at the level of the calculation type. The 26-item Maths Calculation Anxiety Scale appears to be a useful measurement tool in the context of maths calculation specifically.N/

    Numerical study of thermal plume characteristics and entertainment in an enclosure with a point heat source

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    The structure of a buoyant plume above a point heat source in a ventilated enclosure has been investigated using large-eddy simulation (LES). The aim of the work is to assess the performance and the accuracy of LES for modelling buoyancy-driven displacement ventilation of an enclosure and investigate the role of coherent structures in the plume entrainment mechanism which is important in these flow types because, for example, entrainment determines the ventilation flow rate. The Smagorinsky subgrid-scale model is used for the unresolved small-scale turbulence. The Rayleigh number Ra is chosen in the range where spatial transition from laminar to turbulent flow takes place (Ra=1.5×109). The stratification height and temperature of the stratified layer deduced from the mean field of the LES data is in good agreement with the theory of Linden, Lane-Serff and Smeed (1990). The plume entrainment coefficient is in good agreement with experimental values determined by Morton, Taylor and Turner (1956), Rouse, Yih and Humphreys (1952), and Baines and Turner (1969). Instantaneously, the plume develops through expansion and contraction phases, where the expansion phase is associated with the existence of coherent large-scale structures leading to an outward stretching of the plume and the contraction occurs as a result of partial breakdown and/or loss of coherence of these structures. As a result, the instantaneous entrained mass (and thus the entrainment coefficient) at different heights below the mean interface height were found to fluctuate about a mean value. Visualization of the computed flow showed that the stretching mechanism of the large-scale structures, which governs the expansion-contraction behaviour of the plume, occurs in such a way that the coherent structure dominating the flow below the interface height takes a spiral shape

    Regional modelling of domestic energy consumption using stakeholder generated visions as scenarios

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    UK Government Carbon emission reduction targets require large scale retrofitting of the built environment. Visions of a city region in 2050 have been developed through an in-depth participatory back-casting and foresight process. This paper will explore the modelling techniques required to simulate the necessary changes to achieve the retrofitting targets for dwellings. All of the visions achieve the 80% reductions required, using different pathways. Building on earlier work based on “Bottom Up” urban scale modelling, this paper will describe the modelling of large areas using extensive data sources on the existing stock. Together with the scenario work, this research builds modelling of societal changes including population and household size, with domestic energy demand. The paper discusses the methods used and the sources of the data required to model these population and household changes. The results generated from the model show the retrofit pathways from 1990, through present day emissions, to the required levels to achieve the targets set for 2050. In addition, the outcomes of the research are visualised through mapping of the pathways across a City region