13,407 research outputs found

    From Cosmology to Cold Atoms: Observation of Sakharov Oscillations in Quenched Atomic Superfluids

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    Sakharov oscillations, conventionally discussed in the context of early universe evolution and the anisotropy of cosmic microwave background radiation, is the manifestation of interfering acoustic waves synchronously generated in an ideal fluid. Here we report the laboratory demonstration of Sakharov oscillations in a quenched atomic superfluid. We quench the sample by Feshbach tuning and monitor the subsequent density fluctuations at different time and length scales by in situ imaging. Sakharov oscillations are identified as the multi-peak structure in the atomic density power spectrum, resembling that of the cosmic microwave background. We also observe Sakharov oscillations in the time domain, from which we extract the energy dispersion of the superfluid, and determine the sonic horizon of the excitations

    Mining and Incentive Concession Contracts

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    This paper studies the design of a mining concession contract as a multi-period autoselection problem where production is the depletion of a non renewable resource. As compared to symmetric information, we show that overproduction (resp. underproduction) is optimal in the initial phase (resp. terminal phase ) of the resource extraction program. Also, asymmetric information lengthens the contract duration but reduces the scarcity rent. Finally, when there are several agents competing for contract bid, we show that optimal auctioning could be used to award the concession, assigning the lowest cost agent to carry out the extraction.ADVERSE SELECTION; EXHAUSTIBILITY; OVERPRODUCTION

    Quantum Spin Dynamics with Pairwise-Tunable, Long-Range Interactions

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    We present a platform for the simulation of quantum magnetism with full control of interactions between pairs of spins at arbitrary distances in one- and two-dimensional lattices. In our scheme, two internal atomic states represent a pseudo-spin for atoms trapped within a photonic crystal waveguide (PCW). With the atomic transition frequency aligned inside a band gap of the PCW, virtual photons mediate coherent spin-spin interactions between lattice sites. To obtain full control of interaction coefficients at arbitrary atom-atom separations, ground-state energy shifts are introduced as a function of distance across the PCW. In conjunction with auxiliary pump fields, spin-exchange versus atom-atom separation can be engineered with arbitrary magnitude and phase, and arranged to introduce non-trivial Berry phases in the spin lattice, thus opening new avenues for realizing novel topological spin models. We illustrate the broad applicability of our scheme by explicit construction for several well known spin models.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figure


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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the ground reaction forces of pushing leg and landing leg during softball pitching with windmill style fastball. Four female elite fastpitch softball pitchers served as subjects. A Peak high-speed camera (120Hz) was synchronized with a force plate (600Hz) to collect the parameters of lower extremity during pitching. Results indicated that the higher impulse of pushing leg and the peak slope of landing leg improve softball pitching performance. In addition, the peak ground reaction forces appeared before the human neuromuscular system responded to modify these forces. The greater ground reaction forces created during the landing phase putting a heavy load on lower extremity. It was suggested that the improvement of lower extremities strength would reduce the injury and improve softball pitching performance

    A new mechanism for a naturally small Dirac neutrino mass

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    A mechanism is proposed in which a right-handed neutrino zero mode and a right-handed charged lepton zero mode can be localized at the same place along an extra compact dimension while having markedly different spreads in their wave functions: a relatively narrow one for the neutrino and a rather broad one for the charged lepton. In their overlaps with the wave function for the left-handed zero modes, this mechanism could produce a natural large hierarchy in the effective Yukawa couplings in four dimensions, and hence a large disparity in masses.Comment: 6 pages (2 with figures), twocolumn forma

    Exotic fermion multiplets as a solution to baryon asymmetry, dark matter and neutrino masses

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    We propose an extension to the standard model where three exotic fermion 5-plets and one scalar 6-plet are added to the particle content. By demanding that all interactions are renormalizable and standard model gauge invariant, we show that the lightest exotic particle in this model can be a dark matter candidate as long as the new 6-plet scalar does not develop a nonzero vacuum expectation value. Furthermore, light neutrino masses are generated radiatively at one-loop while the baryon asymmetry is produced by the CP-violating decays of the second lightest exotic particle. We have demonstrated using concrete examples that there is a parameter space where a consistent solution to the problems of baryon asymmetry, dark matter and neutrino masses can be obtained.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figures (REVTeX4.1), v2: some refs added, v3: typos corrected, Sec.VI.B, C modified, this version to appear in PR

    Near-Infrared MOSFIRE Spectra of Dusty Star-Forming Galaxies at 0.2<z<4

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    We present near-infrared and optical spectroscopic observations of a sample of 450μ\mum and 850μ\mum-selected dusty star-forming galaxies (DSFGs) identified in a 400 arcmin2^2 area in the COSMOS field. Thirty-one sources of the 102 targets were spectroscopically confirmed at 0.2<z<40.2<z<4, identified primarily in the near-infrared with Keck MOSFIRE and some in the optical with Keck LRIS and DEIMOS. The low rate of confirmation is attributable both to high rest-frame optical obscuration in our targets and limited sensitivity to certain redshift ranges. The high-quality photometric redshifts available in the COSMOS field allow us to test the robustness of photometric redshifts for DSFGs. We find a subset (11/31≈35\approx35%) of DSFGs with inaccurate (Δz/(1+z)>0.2\Delta z/(1+z)>0.2) or non-existent photometric redshifts; these have very distinct spectral energy distributions from the remaining DSFGs, suggesting a decoupling of highly obscured and unobscured components. We present a composite rest-frame 4300--7300\AA\ spectrum for DSFGs, and find evidence of 200±\pm30 km s−1^{-1} gas outflows. Nebular line emission for a sub-sample of our detections indicate that hard ionizing radiation fields are ubiquitous in high-z DSFGs, even more so than typical mass or UV-selected high-z galaxies. We also confirm the extreme level of dust obscuration in DSFGs, measuring very high Balmer decrements, and very high ratios of IR to UV and IR to Hα\alpha luminosities. This work demonstrates the need to broaden the use of wide bandwidth technology in the millimeter to the spectroscopic confirmations of large samples of high-z DSFGs, as the difficulty in confirming such sources at optical/near-infrared wavelengths is exceedingly challenging given their obscuration.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figures, ApJ accepted. Composite DSFG Halpha spectrum available at www.as.utexas.edu/~cmcasey/downloads.htm

    Quantum many-body models with cold atoms coupled to photonic crystals

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    Using cold atoms to simulate strongly interacting quantum systems represents an exciting frontier of physics. However, as atoms are nominally neutral point particles, this limits the types of interactions that can be produced. We propose to use the powerful new platform of cold atoms trapped near nanophotonic systems to extend these limits, enabling a novel quantum material in which atomic spin degrees of freedom, motion, and photons strongly couple over long distances. In this system, an atom trapped near a photonic crystal seeds a localized, tunable cavity mode around the atomic position. We find that this effective cavity facilitates interactions with other atoms within the cavity length, in a way that can be made robust against realistic imperfections. Finally, we show that such phenomena should be accessible using one-dimensional photonic crystal waveguides in which coupling to atoms has already been experimentally demonstrated
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