84 research outputs found

    Allgemeine Maßnahmen zur Arbeitsbeschaffung - ein Geschäft auf Gegenseitigkeit? : zur Theorie und Empirie arbeitsmarktpolitischer Feinsteuerung

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    "Seit die lokalen Akteure immer stärker bei der Gestaltung von ABM initiativ werden, erweist sich eine Forschungspraxis als unvollständig, die, von der zentralen Gestaltung der Arbeitsmarktpolitik ausgehend, nur auf die Analyse der Wirkung von ABM abzielt. Die Autoren setzen demgegenüber voraus, daß die Transformation des ABM-Prozesses auch eine Erweiterung der Forschungsperspektive impliziert: von der globalen Wirkungsanalyse zur Untersuchung der Implementation im Handlungsgeflecht lokaler Arbeitsmarktakteure. Allerdings liegen bisher zu diesem Thema nur vereinzelte Fallstudien vor, deren Ergebnisse in der präsentierten Form nicht verallgemeinert werden können. Die Autoren versuchen daher, auf der Grundlage einer sekundäranalytischen Auswertung der vorliegenden Befunde sowie unter Berücksichtigung eigener Forschungsergebnisse ein theoretisches Konzept zu entwerfen, das über die Beliebigkeit isolierter Einzelstudien hinausweist und als Grundlage für die weitere Forschungspraxis dienen kann." (Autorenreferat)Arbeitsbeschaffungsmaßnahme, Wirkungsforschung - Konzeption, Arbeitsmarktpolitik, Kommunalpolitik

    Pott's disease: a major issue for an unaccompanied refugee minor

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    Chest clinic The incidence of TB in children in Germany has been a rise since 2008, especially among foreign-born individuals. With rapidly increasing numbers of refugees from the numerous areas of conflict, this increase in incidence is not expected to halt, neither in Germany in Europe in general. We report a case of insufficient tracking in a 16-year-old unaccompanied refugee minor from Somalia who had a positive interferon. release assay on arrival in Germany. No actions were undertaken, until 6 months later, an X-ray showed prominent hilar enlargement. Nine months later, the patient presented to our hospital with abdominal pain, vomiting and B symptoms. Workup revealed a paravertebral abscess due to Pott's disease, a skeletal manifestation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis disease. The patient made a full recovery after a combination therapy for a total of 9 months

    Impact of treatment planning target volumen (PTV) size on radiation induced diarrhoea following selenium supplementation in gynecologic radiation oncology - a subgroup analysis of a multicenter, phase III trial

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    Background: In a previous analysis (Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 70:828-835,2010), we assessed whether an adjuvant supplementation with selenium (Se) improves Se status and reduces the radiation-induced side-effects of patients treated by adjuvant radiotherapy (RT) for cervical and uterine cancer. Now, a potential relation between the planning target volume (PTV) of the RT and the Se effect concerning radiation induced diarrhoea was evaluated in detail. Methods: Whole blood Se concentrations had been measured in patients with cervical (n=11) and uterine cancer (n=70) after surgical treatment, during, and at the end of RT. Patients with initial Se concentrations of less than 84 μg/l were categorized as Se-deficient and randomized before RT to receive Se (as sodium selenite) per os on the days of RT, or to receive no supplement during RT. Diarrhoea was graded according to the Common Toxicity Criteria system (CTC, Version 2a). The evaluation of the PTV of the RT was ascertained with the help of a specialised computer-assisted treatment planning software used for radiation planning procedure. Results: A total of 81 patients had been randomized for the initial supplementation study, 39 of which received Se [selenium group, SeG] and 42 serving as controls [control group, CG]. Mean Se levels did not differ between SeG and CG upon study initiation, but were significantly higher in the SeG compared to the CG at the end of RT. The actuarial incidence of at least CTC 2 radiation induced diarrhoea in the SeG was 20.5% compared to 44.5% in the CG (p=0.04). The median PTV in both groups was 1302 ml (916–4608). With a PTV of 1302 ml (n=40) the actuarial incidence of at least CTC 2 diarrhoea in the SeG was 19.1% (4 of 21 patients) versus 52.6% (10 of 19 patients) in the CG (p=0.046). Conclusions: Se supplementation during RT was effective to improve blood Se status in Se-deficient cervical and uterine cancer patients, and reduces episodes and severity of RT-induced diarrhoea. This effect was most pronounced and significant in patients with large PTV (> 1302 ml)

    Epidemiological and genetic characteristics of vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium isolates in a University Children's Hospital in Germany: 2019 to 2020

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    Background: Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium (VREfm) strains are one of the most important pathogens causing nosocomial infections in Germany. Due to limited treatment options and an increased risk for acquisition in immunocompromised children, surveillance to monitor occurrence of VREfm in paediatric clinical facilities is of critical importance. Following an unusual accumulation of VREfm positive patients between April 2019 and August 2020 at Dr. von Hauner Children’s Hospital in Munich, Germany, our study aimed to identify dynamics and routes of transmission, and analyse the affected population in view of previously described host risk factors for VREfm colonisation or infection. Methods: The hospital database was used to collect epidemiological and clinical data of VREfm cases. Descriptive statistical analyses were conducted to outline patient characteristics and depict possible differences between VREfm-colonised and -infected children. An outbreak investigation determining genetic relatedness among VREfm isolates was performed by core genome multilocus sequence typing (cgMLST). To examine potential transmission pathways, results of genome analysis were compared with epidemiological and clinical data of VREfm positive patients. Results: VREfm acquisition was documented in a total of 33 children (< 18 years). Seven VREfm-colonised patients (21.2%), especially those with a haemato-oncological disease (4/7; p = 0.011), showed signs of clinical infection. cgMLST analysis revealed seven distinct clusters, demonstrating a possible connection within each clonal lineage. Additional eight singletons were identified. Comparison with epidemiological and clinical data provided strong evidence for a link between several VREfm positive patients within the hospital. Conclusions: A nosocomial spread—at least in part—was the most likely reason for the unusual accumulation of VREfm cases. The study highlights that there is a constant need to increase efforts in hygiene measures, infection control and antibiotic stewardship to combat VREfm transmission events within German paediatric hospitals. Continuous monitoring of adherence to respective policies might reduce the occurrence of clustered cases and prevent future outbreaks.Peer Reviewe

    Antimicrobial Use in Pediatric Oncology and Hematology: Protocol for a Multicenter Point-Prevalence Study With Qualitative Expert Panel Assessment

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    Background: Because infections are a major driver of morbidity and mortality in children with hematologic or oncologic diseases, antimicrobials are frequently prescribed in pediatric oncology practice. However, excess or inappropriate use of antimicrobials is directly linked to the emergence of antimicrobial resistance. Although point-prevalence studies have examined the extent of antimicrobial use, a comprehensive qualitative evaluation of individual antimicrobial prescriptions remains lacking. Objective: The aim of this study is to identify appropriate versus inappropriate antimicrobial use among pediatric cancer patients in a point-prevalence study, followed by an expert panel adjudication process and a subsequent report of these findings to participating centers. This study also aims to improve the quality of patient care by informing centers about discrepancies between internal standards of care and national guidelines. Methods: Our point-prevalence study is performed at pediatric cancer centers in Germany and Austria. All patients under 18 years old who are hospitalized at the time of the study are included. As a supplement to the point-prevalence study, an expert panel is qualitatively assessing each of the antimicrobial prescriptions at the participating centers to review local guidelines and compare them with national guidelines. Results: As of December 2021, the point-prevalence survey has been conducted at 30 sites and expert panel adjudication for qualitative assessment of each antimicrobial use is ongoing. Results of the study are expected in 2022. Conclusions: This is the first point-prevalence study conducted among pediatric cancer centers with an integrated, multistep, qualitative approach that assesses each antimicrobial prescription. The results of this study will inform possible interventions for internal guidelines and antimicrobial stewardship programs implemented at pediatric cancer centers. In addition, local guidelines will be compared with national guidelines. Furthermore, this study will contribute to the overall integration of antimicrobial stewardship principles and initiatives in pediatric oncology and hematology, thereby improving safety and quality of care for children and adolescents with cancer and blood disorders

    Projeto ExPOSE: criação de protocolos para avaliação da exposição ocupacional ao microbiota em ambientes clínicos

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    FCT - 02/SAICT/2016 – Project nº 23222Nas últimas décadas, tem sido enfatizada a importância dos bioaerossóis em ambientes interiores, pelos efeitos adversos que causam na saúde humana e consequente impacto na saúde pública. Os hospitais e restantes unidades de saúde, pelas caraterísticas inerentes aos mesmos podem potenciar a contaminação microbiana, pelo que requerem uma atenção e intervenção especial para proteger, não só os pacientes mas também os profissionais de saúde, das infeções associadas aos cuidados de saúde e das doenças profissionais. O projeto ExPOSE tem como objetivo avaliar a exposição dos trabalhadores ao microbiota em unidades de cuidados de saúde e consequente elaboração de orientações para a redução dessa exposição.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Vascular tissue specific mirna profiles reveal novel correlations with risk factors in coronary artery disease

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    Funding Information: Acknowledgments: We wish to thank all individuals donating cardiovascular relevant tissue and data. We would like to thank the surgeons of the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery and the KaBi-DHM (Cardiovascular Biobank of the German Heart Center) for collecting the surgical specimens. We further wish to thank the German Centre for Cardiovascular Research (DZHK) for financial support, the technical assistance team (Nicole Beck, Ulrike Weiß and Susanne Blachut) for wet lab and sequencing support. M.v.S. reported support by the Clinician Scientist Excellence Program of the DZHK, the German Society of Cardiology (DGK), the German Heart Foundation (Deutsche Herzstiftung e.V.), the Fondation Leducq (PlaqOmics) and the Corona Foundation (Junior Research Group Cardiovascular Diseases). Further, support was provided within the framework of DigiMed Bayern (www.digimed-bayern.de) funded by the Bavarian State Ministry of Health and Care and the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts through the DHM-MSRM Joint Research Center. Figures were prepared based on a BioRender’s Academic License using BioRender https://biorender.com/. Funding Information: Funding: Supported by the German Centre for Cardiovascular Research (DZHK), grant number 81X2100144 and by the BMBF (German Ministry of Education and Research). Publisher Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Non-coding RNAs have already been linked to CVD development and progression. While microR-NAs (miRs) have been well studied in blood samples, there is little data on tissue-specific miRs in cardiovascular relevant tissues and their relation to cardiovascular risk factors. Tissue-specific miRs derived from Arteria mammaria interna (IMA) from 192 coronary artery disease (CAD) patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) were analyzed. The aims of the study were 1) to establish a reference atlas which can be utilized for identification of novel diagnostic biomarkers and potential therapeutic targets, and 2) to relate these miRs to cardiovascular risk factors. Overall, 393 individual miRs showed sufficient expression levels and passed quality control for further analysis. We identified 17 miRs–miR-10b-3p, miR-10-5p, miR-17-3p, miR-21-5p, miR-151a-5p, miR-181a-5p, miR-185-5p, miR-194-5p, miR-199a-3p, miR-199b-3p, miR-212-3p, miR-363-3p, miR-548d-5p, miR-744-5p, miR-3117-3p, miR-5683 and miR-5701–significantly correlated with cardiovascular risk factors (correlation coefficient >0.2 in both directions, p-value (p < 0.006, false discovery rate (FDR) <0.05). Of particular interest, miR-5701 was positively correlated with hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, and diabetes. In addition, we found that miR-629-5p and miR-98-5p were significantly correlated with acute myocardial infarction. We provide a first atlas of miR profiles in IMA samples from CAD patients. In perspective, these miRs might play an important role in improved risk assessment, mechanistic disease understanding and local therapy of CAD.Peer reviewe

    Cross-sectional seroprevalence surveys of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in children in Germany, June 2020 to May 2021

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    The rate of SARS-CoV-2 infections in children remains unclear due to many asymptomatic cases. We present a study of cross-sectional seroprevalence surveys of anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG in 10,358 children recruited in paediatric hospitals across Germany from June 2020 to May 2021. Seropositivity increased from 2.0% (95% CI 1.6, 2.5) to 10.8% (95% CI 8.7, 12.9) in March 2021 with little change up to May 2021. Rates increased by migrant background (2.8%, 4.4% and 7.8% for no, one and two parents born outside Germany). Children under three were initially 3.6 (95% CI 2.3, 5.7) times more likely to be seropositive with levels equalising later. The ratio of seropositive cases per recalled infection decreased from 8.6 to 2.8. Since seropositivity exceeds the rate of recalled infections considerably, serologic testing may provide a more valid estimate of infections, which is required to assess both the spread and the risk for severe outcomes of SARS-CoV-2 infections

    Longer and better lives for patients with atrial fibrillation:the 9th AFNET/EHRA consensus conference

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    Aims: Recent trial data demonstrate beneficial effects of active rhythm management in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) and support the concept that a low arrhythmia burden is associated with a low risk of AF-related complications. The aim of this document is to summarize the key outcomes of the 9th AFNET/EHRA Consensus Conference of the Atrial Fibrillation NETwork (AFNET) and the European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA). Methods and results: Eighty-three international experts met in Münster for 2 days in September 2023. Key findings are as follows: (i) Active rhythm management should be part of the default initial treatment for all suitable patients with AF. (ii) Patients with device-detected AF have a low burden of AF and a low risk of stroke. Anticoagulation prevents some strokes and also increases major but non-lethal bleeding. (iii) More research is needed to improve stroke risk prediction in patients with AF, especially in those with a low AF burden. Biomolecules, genetics, and imaging can support this. (iv) The presence of AF should trigger systematic workup and comprehensive treatment of concomitant cardiovascular conditions. (v) Machine learning algorithms have been used to improve detection or likely development of AF. Cooperation between clinicians and data scientists is needed to leverage the potential of data science applications for patients with AF. Conclusions: Patients with AF and a low arrhythmia burden have a lower risk of stroke and other cardiovascular events than those with a high arrhythmia burden. Combining active rhythm control, anticoagulation, rate control, and therapy of concomitant cardiovascular conditions can improve the lives of patients with AF