445 research outputs found

    A Note on Rate of Convergence in Probability to Semicircular Law

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    In the present paper, we prove that under the assumption of the finite sixth moment for elements of a Wigner matrix, the convergence rate of its empirical spectral distribution to the Wigner semicircular law in probability is O(n1/2)O(n^{-1/2}) when the dimension nn tends to infinity.Comment: 13 page

    Convergence of the empirical spectral distribution function of Beta matrices

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    Let Bn=Sn(Sn+αnTN)1\mathbf{B}_n=\mathbf {S}_n(\mathbf {S}_n+\alpha_n\mathbf {T}_N)^{-1}, where Sn\mathbf {S}_n and TN\mathbf {T}_N are two independent sample covariance matrices with dimension pp and sample sizes nn and NN, respectively. This is the so-called Beta matrix. In this paper, we focus on the limiting spectral distribution function and the central limit theorem of linear spectral statistics of Bn\mathbf {B}_n. Especially, we do not require Sn\mathbf {S}_n or TN\mathbf {T}_N to be invertible. Namely, we can deal with the case where p>max{n,N}p>\max\{n,N\} and p<n+Np<n+N. Therefore, our results cover many important applications which cannot be simply deduced from the corresponding results for multivariate FF matrices.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.3150/14-BEJ613 in the Bernoulli (http://isi.cbs.nl/bernoulli/) by the International Statistical Institute/Bernoulli Society (http://isi.cbs.nl/BS/bshome.htm

    Circle packings and total geodesic curvatures in hyperbolic background geometry

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    In this paper, we study a new type of circle packings in hyperbolic background geometry. Horocycles and hypercycles are also considered in this packing. We give the existence and rigidity of this type of circle packing with conical singularities in terms of the total geodesic curvature. Moreover, we introduce the combinatorial curvature flow on surfaces to find the desired circle packing with the prescribed total geodesic curvature

    Hyperbolic Circle Packings and Total Geodesic Curvatures on Surfaces with Boundary

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    This paper investigates a generalized hyperbolic circle packing (including circles, horocycles or hypercycles) with respect to the total geodesic curvatures on the surface with boundary. We mainly focus on the existence and rigidity of circle packing whose contact graph is the 11-skeleton of a finite polygonal cellular decomposition, which is analogous to the construction of Bobenko and Springborn [4]. Motivated by Colin de Verdi\`ere's method [6], we introduce the variational principle for generalized hyperbolic circle packings on polygons. By analyzing limit behaviours of generalized circle packings on polygons, we give an existence and rigidity for the generalized hyperbolic circle packing with conical singularities regarding the total geodesic curvature on each vertex of the contact graph. As a consequence, we introduce the combinatoral Ricci flow to find a desired circle packing with a prescribed total geodesic curvature on each vertex of the contact graph.Comment: 26 pages, 7 figure