2,017 research outputs found

    Made to serve: a model of the operations practices and technologies that deliver servitization

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    This paper explores how successfully servitised manufacturers deliver advanced services and proposes a model that describes how they configure their operations. A case study methodology is applied across four manufacturing organisations successful in delivering advanced services. A descriptive model is then formed based around six popular technologies and practices

    The Impact of Two-Loop Effects on the Scenario of MSSM Higgs Alignment without Decoupling

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    In multi-Higgs models, the properties of one neutral scalar state approximate those of the Standard Model (SM) Higgs boson in a limit where the corresponding scalar field is roughly aligned in field space with the scalar doublet vacuum expectation value. In a scenario of alignment without decoupling, a SM-like Higgs boson can be accompanied by additional scalar states whose masses are of a similar order of magnitude. In the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM), alignment without decoupling can be achieved due to an accidental cancellation of tree-level and radiative loop-level effects. In this paper we assess the impact of the leading two-loop O(alpha_s h_t^2) corrections on the Higgs alignment condition in the MSSM. These corrections are sizable and important in the relevant regions of parameter space and furthermore give rise to solutions of the alignment condition that are not present in the approximate one-loop description. We provide a comprehensive numerical comparison of the alignment condition obtained in the approximate one-loop and two-loop approximations, and discuss its implications for phenomenologically viable regions of the MSSM parameter space.Comment: 31 pages, 7 figure

    Orion GN and C Overview and Architecture

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    The Crew Exploration Vehicle, named Orion, is a critical element in the Constellation Program to develop the transportation system needed to send humans back to the moon and then beyond. Lockheed Martin is the prime contractor for the Orion spacecraft, which is managed by the Johnson Space Center. The Orion GN&C sub-system is being jointly developed by NASA and Lockheed Martin through a mode team approach. The GN&C is a critical element of the Orion mission to carry astronauts to low earth orbit to service the International Space Station and then on later flights to transfer and return a crew of four to the moon. The Orion GN&C system must perform monitoring and abort functions during ascent, rendezvous and docking in both low earth and lunar orbits, perform uncrewed lunar loiter operations, perform trans earth injection and atmospheric entry and landing. The Orion also must be integrated with the Ares I Crew Launch Vehicle, the Earth Departure Stage of the Ares V and the Lunar Surface Access Module. This paper provides an overview of the Orion GN&C system. The functional capabilities of the Orion GN&C will be provided in the context of Constellation architecture, the key GN&C requirements will be summarized, the GN&C architecture will be presented, the development schedule and plans will summarized and finally conclusions will be presented

    EEG-Based Quantification of Cortical Current Density and Dynamic Causal Connectivity Generalized across Subjects Performing BCI-Monitored Cognitive Tasks.

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    Quantification of dynamic causal interactions among brain regions constitutes an important component of conducting research and developing applications in experimental and translational neuroscience. Furthermore, cortical networks with dynamic causal connectivity in brain-computer interface (BCI) applications offer a more comprehensive view of brain states implicated in behavior than do individual brain regions. However, models of cortical network dynamics are difficult to generalize across subjects because current electroencephalography (EEG) signal analysis techniques are limited in their ability to reliably localize sources across subjects. We propose an algorithmic and computational framework for identifying cortical networks across subjects in which dynamic causal connectivity is modeled among user-selected cortical regions of interest (ROIs). We demonstrate the strength of the proposed framework using a "reach/saccade to spatial target" cognitive task performed by 10 right-handed individuals. Modeling of causal cortical interactions was accomplished through measurement of cortical activity using (EEG), application of independent component clustering to identify cortical ROIs as network nodes, estimation of cortical current density using cortically constrained low resolution electromagnetic brain tomography (cLORETA), multivariate autoregressive (MVAR) modeling of representative cortical activity signals from each ROI, and quantification of the dynamic causal interaction among the identified ROIs using the Short-time direct Directed Transfer function (SdDTF). The resulting cortical network and the computed causal dynamics among its nodes exhibited physiologically plausible behavior, consistent with past results reported in the literature. This physiological plausibility of the results strengthens the framework's applicability in reliably capturing complex brain functionality, which is required by applications, such as diagnostics and BCI

    Leadership in high-value services for manufacturers:an exploration of the impact to facilitates practices

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    Servitization is a growing area of interest amongst practitioners, policy makers and academics, and much is still to be learnt about its adoption in practice. This paper makes a contribution to this debate by identifying the key facilities practices that successfully servitizing manufacturers appear to be deploying and the underlying rationale behind their configuration. Although these are preliminary findings from a longer-term research programme,this short communication seeks to highlight implications to manufacturing professionals and organisations who are considering the servitization of their operations

    Leadership in high-value services for manufacturers:people and the delivery of advanced services

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    This short paper sets out to further develop the debate around the practices and technologies within operations that are critical to success with servitization. This paper draws findings from four companies that are leading in their delivery of advanced services, and reports on the organisation and skill-sets of people within these organisations. In particular it examines the roles and activities of people within the front-office, identifies the skill-sets that are espoused as being critical, and then seeks to present the rational that explains this importance. It concludes by proposing a working hypothesis for future studies in this field

    Leadership in high-value services for manufacturers:advanced services and their impact on vertical integration

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    The debate about services-led competitive strategies continues to grow with much interest emerging around the differing practices between production and servitised operations. This paper contributes to this discussion byinvestigating the vertical integration practice (in particular the micro-vertical integration otherwise known as the supply chain position)of manufacturers who are successful in their adoption of servitization.Although these are preliminary findings from a longer-term research programme, through this technical note we seek to simultaneously contribute to the debate in the research community and offer guidance to practitioners exploring the consequences of servitization. Keyword: Servitization, Product-Service Systems, Through-life Services

    Leadership in high-value services for manufacturers:information and communication technologies and the delivery of advanced services

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    Services-led competitive strategies are critically important to western manufacturers. This paper contributes to our foundational knowledge of such strategies by examining the enabling information and communication technologies that successfully servitized manufacturers appear to be adopting. Although these are preliminary findings from a longer-term research programme, through this article we seek to offer immediate assistance to manufacturers who wish to understand how they might exploit the servitization movement

    Servitization of the manufacturing firm:exploring the operations practices and technologies that deliver advanced services

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    Purpose: This paper aims to explore practices and technologies successfully servitised manufacturers employ in the delivery of advanced services. Design/methodology/approach: A case study methodology is applied across four manufacturing organisations successful in servitization. Through interviews with personnel across host manufacturers, their partners, and key customers, extensive data are collected about service delivery systems. Analyses identify convergence in their practices and technologies. Findings: Six distinct technologies and practices are revealed: facilities and their location, micro-vertical integration and supplier relationships, information and communication technologies (ICTs), performance measurement and value demonstration, people deployment and their skills, and business processes and customer relationships. These are then combined in an integrative framework that illustrates how operations are configured to successfully deliver advanced services. Research limitations/implications: The analyses are reductive and rationalising. Future studies could identify other technologies and practices. Case study as a method is inherently limited in the extent to which findings can be generalised. Practical implications: Awareness and interest in servitization is growing, yet adoption of a servitization strategy requires particular organisational capabilities on the part of the manufacturer. This study identifies technologies and practices that underpin these capabilities. Originality/value: This paper contributes to the understanding of the servitization process and, in particular, the implications to broader operations of the firm