9 research outputs found

    Reproductive health related complications of spinal cord injury among patients at a specialized center in Bangladesh

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    Background: Our objective was to find out the reproductive health related complications among spinal cord injury patients. Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted at the Center for the Rehabilitation of the Paralyzed (CRP) in Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh from August 2017 to July 2018. A total of 289 patients, both indoor and outdoor, with spinal cord injury were randomly selected. The study aimed to examine reproductive health complications associated with spinal cord injury. Data was collected using a questionnaire and analyzed using SPSS version 20. Results: Among 220 (76.1%) were male and 69 (23.9%) were female. In 15-35 (68.1% and 91.2%), 47 (68.1%) participants had menstruation problem. 42.1% had autonomic dysreflexia and 57.9% had UTI as pregnancy related complications. In sexual activity 52% had difficulties having intercourse, 20% had difficulties to reach orgasm and 28% had dry sex. In male participants after SCI 70.5% had erection problem and 78.6% had ejaculation problem. Participants who had erection problem, most of their neurological level was thoracic level 84.51% and in case of ejaculation also their neurological level was thoracic level 81.50%. Conclusions: Awareness of sexuality and reproductive health after SCI has grown among healthcare professionals and individuals with spinal cord injuries. This recognition emphasizes the importance of open discussions, active listening, and education to enhance the quality of life for those affected by spinal cord injury

    The 2022 dengue outbreak in Bangladesh: hypotheses for the late resurgence of cases and fatalities

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    Bangladesh reported the highest number of annual deaths (n = 281) related to dengue virus infection in 2022 since the virus reappeared in the country in 2000. Earlier studies showed that >92% of the annual cases occurred between the months of August and September. The 2022 outbreak is characterized by late onset of dengue cases with unusually higher deaths in colder months, that is, October-December. Here we present possible hypotheses and explanations for this late resurgence of dengue cases. First, in 2022, the rainfall started late in the season. Compared to the monthly average rainfall for September and October between 2003 and 2021, there was 137 mm of additional monthly rainfall recorded in September and October 2022. Furthermore, the year 2022 was relatively warmer with a 0.71°C increased temperature than the mean annual temperature of the past 20 yr. Second, a new dengue virus serotype, DENV-4, had recently reintroduced/reappeared in 2022 and become the dominant serotype in the country for a large naïve population. Third, the post-pandemic return of normalcy after 2 yr of nonpharmaceutical social measures facilitates extra mosquito breeding habitats, especially in construction sites. Community engagement and regular monitoring and destruction of Aedes mosquitoes' habitats should be prioritized to control dengue virus outbreaks in Bangladesh

    Fault Ride Through Capability Improvement of DFIG Based Wind Farm Using Nonlinear Controller Based Bridge-Type Flux Coupling Non-Superconducting Fault Current Limiter

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    High penetration of Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) into existing power grid can attribute complex issues as they are very sensitive to the grid faults. In addition, Fault Ride Through (FRT) is one of the main requirements of the grid code for integrating Wind Farms (WFs) into the power grid. In this work, to enhance the FRT capability of the DFIG based WFs, a Bridge-Type Flux Coupling Non-Superconducting Fault Current Limiter (BFC-NSFCL) is proposed. The effectiveness of the proposed BFC-NSFCL is evaluated through performance comparison with that of the Bridge-Type Fault Current Limiter (BFCL) and Series Dynamic Braking Resistor (SDBR). Moreover, a dynamic nonlinear controller is also proposed for controlling the operation of the BFC-NSFCL. Extensive simulations are carried out in the MATLAB/SIMULINK environment for both symmetrical and unsymmetrical temporary as well as permanent faults. Based on the simulation results and different numerical analysis, it is found that the proposed nonlinear controller based BFC-NSFCL is very effective in enhancing the FRT capability of the WF. Also, the BFC-NSFCL outperforms the conventional BFCL and SDBR by maintaining a near-seamless performance during various grid fault situations

    Socio-economic and environmental impacts of battery driven auto rickshaw at Rajshahi city in Bangladesh

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    This paper describes the socio-economic and environmental impacts of battery driven Auto Rickshaw at Rajshahi city in Bangladesh. Unemployment problem is one of the major problems in Bangladesh. The number of unemployed people in Bangladesh is 7 lacks. Auto Rickshaw reduces this unemployment problem near about 2%.In this thesis work various questions were asked to the Auto Rickshaw driver in the different point in the Rajshahi city. Then those data were calculated to know their socio economic condition. The average number of passenger per Auto Rickshaw was determined at various places of Rajshahi city (Talaimari mor, Hadir mor, Alupotti, Shaheb bazar zero point, Shodor Hospital mor, Fire brigade mor, CNB mor, Lakshipur mor, Bondo gate, Bornali, Panir tank, Rail gate, Rail Station, Bhodrar mor, Adorsha School mor). Air pollution is a great threat for human health. One of the major causes of the air pollution is the emission from various vehicles, which are running by the burning of the fossil fuel in different internal combustion(IC) engines. All the data’s about emission from various power plants were collected from internet. Then the amounts of emission (CO2, NOX and PM) from different power plant were calculated in terms of kg/km. The energy required by the Auto Rickshaw per km was also calculated. Then the histogram of emission from different vehicles in terms of kg/km was drawn. By analyzing the data and chart, it was found that, battery driven Auto Rickshaw increases income, social status, comfort and decreases unemployment problems

    Synergistic Action in Oral Glucose Tolerance Tests between Spilanthes Calva Aerial Parts and Tubers of Colocasia Esculenta

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    Introduction: Diabetes is a debilitating disease characterized by elevated blood glucose levels, which is rapidly r eaching endemic proportions throughout the world including Bangladesh. We had previously evaluated the antihyperglycemic potential of methanolic extract of aerial parts of Spilanthes calva and tubers of Colocasia esculenta. The objective of this study was to determine whether there is any synergistic antihyperglycemic activity between the methanolic extracts of the plant parts of the two plants.Methods: Antihyperglycemic activity and synergistic potential were determined through oral glucose tolerance tests (OGTT) in mice.Result: Administration of methanolic extract of aerial parts of S. calva (MESC) at a dose of 400 mg per kg body weight led to lowering of blood glucose levels in glucose-loaded mice in OGTT by 41.6%. At the same dose, methanolic extract of tubers of C. esculenta (MECE) lowered blood glucose levels by 25.1%. At doses of 100, 200 and 400 mg each of (MESC + MECE), blood glucose levels in mice were lowered, respectively, by 38.8, 43.0, and 49.5%. At the highest dose of the combination, the reductions in blood glucose were comparable to that of a standard antihyperglycemic drug, glibenclamide, which when administered at a dose of 10 mg per kg lowered blood glucose by 52.2%.Conclusion: Synergistic antihyperglycemic activity was observed between aerial parts of S. calva and tubers of C. esculenta in oral glucose tolerance tests. The combination has the potential to be a substitute for glibenclamide.</p

    Occurrence of tuberculosis among people exposed to cattle in Bangladesh

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    BackgroundTuberculosis (TB) has been an important public health concern in Bangladesh. The most common cause of human TB is Mycobacterium tuberculosis, while bovine TB is caused by Mycobacterium bovis.ObjectiveThe objective of this study was to determine the frequency of TB in individuals with occupational exposure to cattle and to detect Mycobacterium bovis among cattle in slaughterhouses in Bangladesh.MethodsBetween August 2014 and September 2015, an observational study was conducted in two government chest disease hospitals, one cattle market, and two slaughterhouses. [Correction added on 27 June 2023, after first online publication: In the preceding sentence, the year “2014” has been added after the word “August”.] Sputum samples were collected from individuals who met the criteria for suspected TB and had been exposed to cattle. Tissue samples were collected from cattle that had low body condition score(s). Both humans and cattle samples were screened for acid-fast bacilli (AFB) by Ziehl–Neelsen (Z-N) staining and cultured for Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTC). Region of difference (RD) 9-based polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was also performed to identify Mycobacterium spp. We also conducted Spoligotyping to identify the specific strain of Mycobacterium spp.ResultsSputum was collected from a total of 412 humans. The median age of human participants was 35 (IQR: 25–50) years. Twenty-five (6%) human sputum specimens were positive for AFB, and 44 (11%) were positive for MTC by subsequent culture. All (N = 44) culture-positive isolates were confirmed as Mycobacterium tuberculosis by RD9 PCR. Besides, 10% of cattle workers were infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the cattle market. Of all TB (caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis) infected individuals, 6.8% of individuals were resistant to one or two anti-TB drugs. The majority of the sampled cattle (67%) were indigenous breeds. No Mycobacterium bovis was detected in cattle.ConclusionsWe did not detect any TB cases caused by Mycobacterium bovis in humans during the study. However, we detected TB cases caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis in all humans, including cattle market workers

    Risk practices for animal and human anthrax in Bangladesh: an exploratory study

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    Introduction: From August 2009 to October 2010, International Centre for Diarrheal Disease Research, Bangladesh and the Institute of Epidemiology, Disease Control and Research together investigated 14 outbreaks of anthrax which included 140 animal and 273 human cases in 14 anthrax-affected villages. Our investigation objectives were to explore the context in which these outbreaks occurred, including livestock rearing practices, human handling of sick and dead animals, and the anthrax vaccination program. Methods: Field anthropologists used qualitative data-collection tools, including 15 hours of unstructured observations, 11 key informant interviews, 32 open-ended interviews, and 6 group discussions in 5 anthrax-affected villages. Results: Each cattle owner in the affected communities raised a median of six ruminants on their household premises. The ruminants were often grazed in pastures and fed supplementary rice straw, green grass, water hyacinth, rice husk, wheat bran, and oil cake; lactating cows were given dicalcium phosphate. Cattle represented a major financial investment. Since Islamic law forbids eating animals that die from natural causes, when anthrax-infected cattle were moribund, farmers often slaughtered them on the household premises while they were still alive so that the meat could be eaten. Farmers ate the meat and sold it to neighbors. Skinners removed and sold the hides from discarded carcasses. Farmers discarded the carcasses and slaughtering waste into ditches, bodies of water, or open fields. Cattle in the affected communities did not receive routine anthrax vaccine due to low production, poor distribution, and limited staffing for vaccination. Conclusion: Slaughtering anthrax-infected animals and disposing of butchering waste and carcasses in environments where ruminants live and graze, combined with limited vaccination, provided a context that permitted repeated anthrax outbreaks in animals and humans. Because of strong financial incentives, slaughtering moribund animals and discarding carcasses and waste products will likely continue. Long-term vaccination coverage for at-risk animal populations may reduce anthrax infection