261 research outputs found

    Redução da exigência de fósforo disponível em dietas com adição de fitase para frangos de corte machos de oito aos 21 dias de idade

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    Introduction: in formulating concentrates for broilers (fe), inorganic sources of phosphorus (P) are used. Phytic P (derived from vegetables in concentrates) and excess added inorganic P are eliminated in the stool and cause problems to the environment. The aim of this study was to evaluate the reduction of the demand for available phosphorus (Pd) in 8-to-21-day-old male fe subject to three levels of Pd with phytase (500 FTU kg -1 of concentrate) on performance and bone parameters. Materials and methods: 480 Cobb® fe were used and distributed according to a completely randomized design. Pd levels were 0.391% (level of demand for male fe with medium performance) plus two levels: -10 % and +10%. The ratio between calcium and Pd was 2.13:1 (Ca:Pd). 8 replications of 20 birds per box were performed and an iso-nutrient diet was provided. Final weight, weight gain, concentrate intake, feed conversion, and ash, P and Ca contents in tibias were evaluated. Collected data were submitted to anova ; where there was a significant difference (P< 0.05), the treatment averages were compared by the snk test. Results:concentrate intake decreased (P=0.0265) at the level of 110%. As for bone mineralization, the 90% level resulted in lower ash (%), calcium (% e g) and P (% e g; P<0.05) contents. Conclusion: it is possible to decrease the demand for Pd in malefe when their performance has been evaluated. Also, diets containing 10% less than the demand for Pd in malefe meet the needs for animal bone mineralization.Introdução: Na formulação de rações para frangos de corte (FC) é usado o fósforo inorgânico (Pi) na forma de fosfato bicálcico (Fb) de alta disponibilidade que diminui na presença de ácido fítico, complexo que provem dos ingredientes vegetais das rações. Tanto o fósforo fítico, juntamente com o excesso de Pi adicionado, é eliminado nas fezes e causa sérios problemas ao ambiente. Além dessa problemática, as reservas do mineral estão se esgotando encarecendo os custos de produção obrigando o uso de fontes alternativas do mineral. Objetivou-se neste estudo avaliar a redução da exigência de fósforo disponível (Pd) para frangos de corte (FC) machos submetidos a três níveis Pd com adição de fitase (500FTU kg-1 de ração) no período dos oito aos 21 dias de idade sobre desempenho e parâmetros ósseos. Material e método: Usaram-se 480 frangos da linhagem Cobb®, distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado. Os níveis de Pd foram 0,391% (nível da exigência de FC machos de desempenho médio [1], o qual foi assumido como 100%); e mais dois níveis: -10% (obtendo-se 0,352% (assumido como 90%) e +10% isto é 0,430% (assumido como 110%). A relação do cálcio com o Pd foi de 2,13:1 (Ca:Pd). Tiveram-se oito-repetições e 20 aves por boxe sendo ministrada uma dieta iso-nutriente. Avaliou-se peso final, ganho de peso, consumo de ração, conversão alimentar, e nas tíbias os teores de cinzas, P e Ca. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos à análise de variância; quando houve diferença significativa (P<0,05) as médias dos tratamentos foram comparadas pelo teste de Student-Newman-Keuls. Resultados: O consumo de ração diminuiu (P=0,0265) no nível 110%. Em relação à mineralização óssea, o nível de 90% resultou em menor teor de cinzas (%), de cálcio (% e g) e de fósforo (% e g) (P<0,05). É possível diminuir a exigência de Pd em FC machos de desempenho médio quando avaliados parâmetros zootécnicos. Conclusão: É possível que dietas contendo 10% a menos da exigência de Pd para FC machos atendam às necessidades de mineralização óssea do animal. Neste estudo não foi verificada resistência óssea

    Organic trace minerals and calcium levels in broilers’ diets to 21 days old

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    This study was undertaken to evaluate the effects of dietary calcium levels and supplementation with organic trace minerals selenium, copper, iron, zinc and manganese on performance, tissue deposition and litter mineral concentration. A total of 2,496 one-day-old male Cobb 500 broilers were randomly assigned to a 3 × 4 factorial experimental design with three levels of dietary Ca [8, 10 and 12 g kg–1, while maintaining the same Ca:nPP (non-phytate phosphorus) ratio (2:1)] and four levels of micromineral supplementation (0.62, 0.72, 0.82 and 0.92 g kg–1). There was a total of 12 treatments, with eight replicates of 26 birds per pen. Micromineral supplementation (MS) was achieved by adding different levels of the product Bioplex TR Se® and Ca supplementation was achieved by adding increasing levels of limestone and dicalcium phosphate. An interaction between Ca and MS levels was observed (p < 0.05) for the parameters of performance, liver Cu concentration, breast Se and Cu concentrations and litter Se, Mn and Zn concentrations. No interactions were observed (p > 0.05) for Ca, P or ash concentrations in the tibia, which were influenced only by dietary Ca levels (p < 0.05). The Ca level of 10 g kg–1 promoted higher Ca and P concentration in the tibia and lower micromineral excretion in the litter. The combination of MS level of 0.82 g kg–1 with Ca level of 10 g kg–1 led to the best BWG response. The supplementation conditions that led to higher micromineral levels in the liver and breast varied for each mineral

    Calcium levels and calcium:available phosphorus ratios in diets for white egg layers from 42 to 58 weeks of age

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    The experiment was conducted to determine the nutritional requirement of calcium and the best calcium:available phosphorus ratio for commercial layers at the post-laying peak. A total of 324 Hy-Line W-36 laying hens were utilized in the period from 42 to 58 weeks of age, distributed in a completely randomized design in a 3 × 3 factorial arrangement, composed of three levels of calcium (39, 42 and 45 g/kg) and three calcium:phosphorus ratios (12.12:1; 10.53:1; and 9.30:1), totaling nine treatments with six replications and six birds per experimental unit. There was no significant effect from the calcium levels × calcium:phosphorus ratio interaction for any of the variables studied. The calcium levels and the calcium:phosphorus ratios did not affect the variables performance or egg and bone quality. At the evaluation of the calcium:phosphorus balance, as the levels of calcium of the diet were raised, the intake of calcium and phosphorus and the contents of mineral matter and calcium in the excreta increased linearly, and the retention of calcium by birds decreased linearly. With the reduction of the calcium:phosphorus ratios of the diet, intake, retention and excretion of phosphorus by layers increased. Diets containing calcium at 39 g/kg and a calcium:phosphorus ratio of 12.12:1, corresponding to an increase in calcium of 3.51 g/bird/day and available phosphorus of 289 mg/bird/day, meet the requirements of calcium and available phosphorus of white egg layers in the period from 42 to 58 weeks of age

    Sunflower meal and supplementation of enzyme complex in diets for growing and finishing pigs

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    Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a inclusão de farelo de girassol e a suplementação de complexo enzimático sobre os parâmetros de desempenho e características de carcaça de suínos, dos 30 aos 100 kg de peso vivo. Foram utilizados 96 suínos com peso vivo médio de 32,19±3,27 kg, distribuídos em um delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados, em esquema fatorial 4 x 2 (quatro níveis de farelo de girassol-FG: 0, 8, 16 e 24% com ou sem inclusão do complexo enzimático-CE), com seis repetições e dois animais por unidade experimental. As variáveis analisadas foram o consumo de ração (kg), o ganho de peso (kg), a conversão alimentar (kg/ kg), a espessura de toucinho (mm), a musculosidade (kg), o peso da carcaça quente (%), a porcentagem de carne magra na carcaça (%), a quantidade de carne magra na carcaça (kg). Não houve nenhuma interação entre os fatores para nenhuma das variáveis estudadas. A conversão alimentar dos animais dos 30 aos 70 kg de peso foi diminuída pela inclusão do CE, porém não afetou os parâmetros de carcaça. Níveis crescentes de FG na ração apresentaram efeito quadrático sobre o ganho de peso dos animais e sobre a espessura de toucinho, com valores máximos dessas variáveis em 7,26% e 8,16% de inclusão do FG, respectivamente. Aiming to evaluate the performance of pigs from 30 to 100 kg of live a total of 96 pigs with average live weight of 32.19±3.27 kg were distributed in randomized blocks design in a 4 × 2 (four levels of SM: 0, 8, 16 and 24%; with or without inclusion of EC)  factorial arrangement with six replicates and two animals per experimental unit. The parameters analyzed were feed intake (kg), weight gain (kg), feed conversion (kg/kg), backfat thickness (mm), carcass muscularity (kg), hot carcass weight (%), percentage of lean meat in the carcass (%), and quantity of lean meat in the carcass (kg). There was no interaction between EC and SM levels in the diet. The addition of EC in the diet affected the performance of the animals, but not carcass characteristics. Feed conversion of animals from 30 to 70 kg weight was improved by the inclusion of EC. The increasing levels of SM in the diet presented quadratic effect on weight gain and on backfat thickness, with inclusion points of SM that promoted maximum values of these parameters of 7.26% and 8.16%, respectively.