20,855 research outputs found

    Apparatus and method for stabilized phase detection for binary signal tracking loops

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    Apparatus and method is presented for phase detection in binary signal tracking loops wherein two bandpass detectors are alternately interchanged between electrical connection with two local code reference tracking signals in order to cancel any adverse effect of gain imbalance in the bandpass detectors and direct current offset or drift. The detectors are time shared in multiplex fashion between the two local reference signals

    Review Of Devotional Poetics And The Indian Sublime By V. Mishra

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    Sanskrit From Tamil Nadu: At Play In The Forests Of The Lord: The Gopalavimshati Of Vedantadeshika

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    Differential phase shift keyed signal resolver

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    A differential phase shift keyed signal resolver resolves the differential phase shift in the incoming signal to determine the data content thereof overcoming phase uncertainty without requiring a transmitted reference signal

    Responses of three Muslim majority primary schools in England to the Islamic faith of their pupils

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    This paper considers the responses of three English primary schools to the education of their Muslim pupils. It begins by setting out the context of discussion about Muslims and education in Europe as well as by describing some of the structural and pedagogical characteristics and trends in English education influencing the schools’ options and choices. The main body of the article is a comparative analysis of the three schools, focusing on the approaches of teachers and school leaders to the faith backgrounds of their pupils, their constructions of Islam for these educational contexts, and their preparation of Muslim children for a religiously plural Britain. As the schools devise strategies and select between options, they provide in microcosm differing models of the inclusion of minority Islam in a western society

    Four-phase differential phase shift resolver

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    Two systems have been developed to resolve phase uncertainty without transmitting reference signals. In both methods signal is impressed on carrier as differential, rather than absolute, phase shift. At the receiver four-phase demodulation and logic process unambiguously resolves differential phase shift of input carrier

    Differential phase shift keyed communication system

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    A communication system using differential phase-shift-keying (DPSK) transmits and receives binary data without requiring timing or phase reference signals. The system encodes and modulates the data at the transmitter, and decodes and demodulates the data at the receiver, without ambiguity as to the data content
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