1,651 research outputs found

    System performance advisor user guide

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    Journal ArticleThe usage of the System Performance Advisor (SPA) expert system is described. Documentation of SPA system commands, system variables, diagnostic rules is given. Information on how to run the SPA system is discussed. In addition, an overview of how SPA searches for problems is supplied. The purpose of SPA is to assist a system administrator in system performance management. Generally, system performance management can be described as those activities performed by a system administrator to ensure a computer system is providing as much of its capacity for the use of its users. SPA assists in performing these duties by attempting to locate the source of performance problems and then notifying the system administrator. SPA makes diagnoses about hosts and processes by monitoring current levels of activity and maintaining a history of these activity levels. By comparing historic knowledge of behavior to dynamic (current) knowledge, SPA can detect when a system is experiencing performance problems

    Student perceptions and performance in the first year of a mixed physical therapy curriculum

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    Background: Physical Therapy (PT) is a dynamic health profession. There is a compelling need to educate physical therapists to become self-directed, lifelong learners capable of thinking critically. Mixed-design curricula utilize various teaching methods to instruct students in a variety of knowledge areas, psychomotor skills, and cognitive constructs, such as problem-solving, reflection, and critical thinking (CT). Purpose: To describe outcomes for PT students enrolled in the first year of the mixed design curriculum at Grand Valley State University (GVSU). Outcomes included the development of self-directed learning (SDL) and CT, as well as student-described satisfaction with and perceptions of the first year of the curriculum. Intervention: The Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal (WGCTA) and The Self- Directed Learning Readiness Scale for adults (SDLRS-A) were used to assess students (n = 41) at the beginning of the GVSU PT curriculum. At the completion of their first year, the students retook the WGCTA and the SDLRS-A, completed questionnaires, and participated in structured focus groups. Differences between administrations of the WGCTA and SDLRS-A were statistically analyzed. Questionnaires and focus group data were used to assess students’ perceptions regarding their perceptions of the first year in the GVSU PT curriculum. Research Design: Mixed-method, cross-sectional, explanatory field study. Conclusions: WGCTA pre- and posttest means demonstrated a statistically significant difference (p = .05), and SDLRS-A pre- and posttest means approached a statistically significant difference (p = .06). The 1-point difference in CT scores represents little-to-no practical improvement in CT. The negative 4.63-point difference in SDL scores indicated poorer performance. End-of-course evaluation scores were most positive for a lecture and case-based course and least positive for a problem-based learning course. Students described lecture and hands-on laboratory as the most effective methods for their learning and PBL-based instruction as least effective. Students described lecture, memorization, and hands-on laboratories as experiences matching their learning styles. Students’ perceptions of the first-year GVSU PT curriculum were that is was high volume, which caused them anxiety and stress. They expressed preference for clear, organized content presented in traditional formats and discomfort with PBL and unstructured, self-directed learning experiences. Students valued guidance, feedback, and applied content from instructors

    Semantic definition of a subset of the structured query language (SQL)

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    Journal ArticleSQL is a relational database definition and manipulation language. Portions of the manipulation language are readily described in terms of relational algebra. The semantics of a subset of the SQL select statement is described. The select statement allows the user to query the database. The select statement is shown to be equivalent to a series of relational and set operations. The semantics are described in terms of abstract data types for relation schemes, tuples, and relations. Certain forms of the union or intersection of two select statements are shown to have equivalent single select statement forms

    Managing Crop Production Risk with Crop Index Insurance Products

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    Index crop insurance products can eliminate the asymmetric information problem inherent in farm-level multiple peril crop insurance. Purchasers of index insurance products are, however, exposed to basis risk. This study examines the feasibility of various index insurance products for corn farms in southern Georgia. Index insurance products considered are based on county yields, cooling degree days, and predicted yields from a crop simulation model.Risk and Uncertainty,

    Evaluating the Efficiency of Crop Index Insurance Products

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    Index crop insurance products can eliminate the asymmetric information problem inherent in farm-level multiple peril crop insurance. Purchasers of index insurance products are, however, exposed to basis risk. This study evaluates the efficiency of various index insurance products to reduce farm yield loss for representative corn farms in southern Georgia. Index insurance products considered are based on county yields, cooling degree days, and predicted yields from a crop simulation model.Crop Production/Industries, Risk and Uncertainty,

    Differential occupation of available coral hosts by coral-dwelling damselfish (Pomacentridae) on Australia's Great Barrier Reef

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    Associations between habitat-forming, branching scleractinian corals and damselfish have critical implications for the function and trophic dynamics of coral reef ecosystems. This study quantifies how different characteristics of reef habitat, and of coral morphology, determine whether fish occupy a coral colony. In situ surveys of aggregative damselfish-coral associations were conducted at 51 different sites distributed among 22 reefs spread along > 1700 km of the Great Barrier Reef, to quantify interaction frequency over a large spatial scale. The prevalence of fish-coral associations between five damselfish (Chromis viridis, Dascyllus aruanus, Dascyllus reticulatus, Pomacentrus amboinensis and Pomacentrus moluccensis) and five coral species (Acropora spathulata, Acropora intermedia, Pocillopora damicornis, Seriatopora hystrix, and Stylophora pistillata) averaged ~30% across all corals, but ranged from < 1% to 93% of small branching corals occupied at each site, depending on reef exposure levels and habitat. Surprisingly, coral cover was not correlated with coral occupancy, or total biomass of damselfish. Instead, the biomass of damselfish was two-fold greater on sheltered sites compared with exposed sites. Reef habitat type strongly governed these interactions with reef slope/base (25%) and shallow sand-patch habitats (38%) hosting a majority of aggregative damselfish-branching coral associations compared to reef flat (10%), crest (16%), and wall habitats (11%). Among the focal coral species, Seriatopora hystrix hosted the highest damselfish biomass (12.45 g per occupied colony) and Acropora intermedia the least (6.87 g per occupied colony). Analyses of local coral colony traits indicated that multiple factors governed colony usage, including spacing between colonies on the benthos, colony position, and colony branching patterns. Nevertheless, the morphological and habitat characteristics that determine whether or not a colony is occupied by fish varied among coral species. These findings illuminate the realized niche of one of the most important and abundant reef fish families and provide a context for understanding how fish-coral interactions influence coral population and community level processes

    Where’s the Community in Community, Work and Family? A Community-based Capabilities Approach

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    Community is a key dimension in the work–family interface as highlighted by the recent Covid-19 pandemic. Yet it is critically understudied by much work–family scholarship. We highlight and address crucial barriers preventing the integration of the community concept, developing an interdisciplinary community-based capabilities approach. This approach conceptualizes three components of community: local relationships, local policies and locality (place, space and scale). Local relationships include formal and informal relationships, networks, and a sense of belonging. Dependent on the broader socio-economic context, local policies and services can provide important resources for managing these relationships and work–life situations more generally. These relationships and policies are embedded in specific geographical localities, shaping and being shaped by social action. This interdisciplinary conceptualization of community allows relational, spatial, structural and temporal aspects of community to be integrated into a more broadly applicable conceptual approach. We base this approach on the capability approach, which allows for a pluralistic work–life framework of what individuals value and do. We further argue for a conceptualization of family as community, moving towards a work–community interface. The resulting conceptual approach is useful for explaining work–life processes for individuals with and without care responsibilities, and offers a new framework for studying the social trends intensely and rapidly highlighted by the COVID-19 pandemic

    Kennisagenda Geo-informatie: GISsen met beleid

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    LNV wil méér geo-informatie inzetten bij de ontwikkeling en uitvoering van beleid en beleidsnota’s ruimer voorzien van kaartmateriaal. Dit betekent dat geo-informatie vaker moet worden benut om lokale knelpunten, mogelijkheden en de gevolgen van alternatieve oplossingen inzichtelijk te maken. Om dit te bereiken moet de beschikbaarheid van adequate data en gebruikersvriendelijke en nieuwe GIS-technieken aanmerkelijk verbeteren
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