51 research outputs found

    Integrated education of gross anatomy and CT radiology for current advances in medicine

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    It is essential to learn human anatomy in 3D for advanced medicine. We designed such an education system by integrating anatomy dissection with diagnostic CT radiology. Cadavers were scanned by CT, and students consulted the postmortem CT images while dissecting the cadaver to gain a better understanding of 3D human anatomy and diagnostic radiology. Students used handheld DICOM viewers at the bench-side (OsiriX on iPod touch). Students had lectures and workshops on diagnostic radiology, and study assignments where they discussed findings in anatomy labs in comparison with CT radiology. This teaching method for gross anatomy was used from 2009, and yielded positive students’ perspectives, and significant improvements in radiology skills at clinical courses.This is the pre-peer reviewed version of the following article: Tohru Murakami, Yuki Tajika, Hitoshi Ueno, Sachiko Awata, Satoshi Hirasawa, Maki Sugimoto, Yoshihiko Kominato, Yoshito Tsushima, Keigo Endo, and Hiroshi Yorifuji. An integrated teaching method of gross anatomy and computed tomography radiology. Anat Sci Educ, 2014, which has been published in final form at http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/ doi/10.1002/ase.1430/abstract

    Attitudes toward and current status of disclosure of secondary findings from next-generation sequencing: a nation-wide survey of clinical genetics professionals in Japan

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    The management of secondary findings (SFs), which are beyond the intended purpose of the analysis, from clinical comprehensive genomic analysis using next generation sequencing (NGS) presents challenges. Policy statements regarding their clinical management have been announced in Japan and other countries. In Japan, however, the current status of and attitudes of clinical genetics professionals toward reporting them are unclear. We conducted a questionnaire survey of clinical genetics professionals at two time points (2013 and 2019) to determine the enforcement of the SF management policy in cases of comprehensive genetic analysis of intractable diseases and clinical cancer genome profiling testing. According to the survey findings, 40% and 70% of the respondents stated in the 2013 and 2019 surveys, respectively, that they had an SF policy in the field of intractable diseases, indicating that SF policy awareness in Japan has changed significantly in recent years. Furthermore, a total of 80% of respondents stated that their facility had established a policy for clinical cancer genome profiling testing in the 2019 survey. In both surveys, the policies included the selection criteria for genes to be disclosed and the procedure to return SFs, followed by recommendations and proposals regarding SFs in Japan and other countries. To create a better list of the genes to be disclosed, further examination is needed considering the characteristics of each analysis

    ダイガク ト チイキ ジュウミン ガ レンケイ キョウドウ スル 「ニンチショウ カフェ」 ノ カイサイ ガ リヨウシャ ニ モタラス セイカ : グループ インタビュー ニヨル シツテキ ブンセキ

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    本研究の目的は、大学と地域住民が連携協働する「認知症カフェ」の開催が利用者にもたらす成果および継続的な運営に向けた課題を明らかにすることである。認知症カフェ継続利用者6名に対しグループインタビューを行った結果、35のコードから11サブカテゴリー、さらに5つのカテゴリーである【認知症の情報や予防の共有ができる場】【学生ボランティアとの異世代間交流を通した自尊感情の高まり】【安心・安全な地域の居場所】【連携がもたらす多彩なプログラム効果】【継続利用を可能にする両者の連携と課題】を生成した。連携協働による成果では、“学ぶ・相談する”については大学がもつ認知症に関する知識の提供ができ、一方で地域の特性を生かした“楽しむ”を主としたアクティビティの提供により、両者のもつ利点を結集できたことが利用者のニーズと合致し、成果へと繋がった。また、学生ボランティアの接待や傾聴を通した異世代間交流は利用者の自尊感情の高まりに繋がり高評価を得た。利用の継続要因として、開催地との関連が示された。高齢者にとって徒歩圏内にある場は重要であり、利便性がある安心・安全な地域の居場所であったことが利用者の継続利用に繋がった。The principal aim of the present study was to clarify the outcome of and issues related to the continuation of a “dementia café” operated through cooperation between A University and local residents. A group interview was conducted for six dementia cafe consecutive users and qualitatively analyzed. Based on the analysis results, 5 categories and 10 sub-categories were extracted from 35 codes. The 5 categories were: “A place where information on dementia and prevention can be shared,” “Enhancement of self-esteem through intergenerational exchange with student volunteers,” “A place in the local community to feel safe and secure,” “Various program effects brought about by cooperation,” and “Collaboration between the two that enable continuous use and related issues.”Regarding the achievement of collaboration/cooperation, the university could provide knowledge concerning dementia to residents. Moreover, the fact that we could conduct activities that focused on “enjoyment” ensured that the achievements of users were linked to the specific characteristics of the community. In addition, student volunteers who participated in the dementia café gave high evaluations regarding their experiences. The intergenerational exchanges between students and users increased the self-esteem of the users. The characteristics of the venue were found to be factors that contribute to continuation of utilization. For elderly persons, it is important that the facility is located within walking distance, and the facilityʼs convenience, safety, and security in the local community were associated with continued use by users. Based on the present results, it will be necessary in the future to consider programs to attract withdrawn elderly persons with pre-dementia and users with different levels of cognitive functioning

    ミンセイ イイン カラ ミタ ニンチショウ ノ カタ ト カゾク オ シエンスル 「ニンチショウ カフェ」 ノ カダイ ト イギ : イリョウケイ ダイガク ト チイキ ジュウミン スタッフ ガ キョウドウ カイサイスル カフェ ノ ウンヨウ オ トオシテ

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    ダイガク ノ カンリ エイヨウシ キョウイク ニオケル タショクシュ キョウドウ エノ リカイ ト ショクギョウテキ アイデンティティ ケイセイ オ ウナガス プロジェクト ガクシュウガタ キョウイクホウ ノ ケントウ

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    目的:「専門職ネットワーク演習」でのプロジェクト学習型教育法導入が多職種協働の意義を理解し職業的アイデンティティ(PI)形成促進に有効か検証した。方法:プロジェクト学習型の授業形態及び現場の管理栄養士と対話するフィールドワークを導入した。医師・看護師等と協働する臨床栄養、調理師等と協働する給食及びトレーナー等と協働するスポーツ栄養の各職場を想定し学生主体でテーマを決めた。ワークシート(WS)、最終レポート、リフレクションシート(RS)を用いて質的・量的に分析した。結果:WSの回答内容は授業2回より14回目で管理栄養士のネットワーク、連携の理由、必要な能力について量的・質的に充実した。最終レポートでは「学ぶ」と「自分」「働く」が共起し、RSでは「考える」と「連携」「必要」「知る」が共起し、自己評価では「他職種協働の意義・難しさ」の理解が3点満点であった。結論:本演習は多職種協働の意義を理解し、専門的知識・技能・態度を高める努力の必要性を学び、管理栄養士としてのPI形成に役立ったと考えられる。今後は他職種の理解や協働する技術の習得を促す教育内容の充実を図るため授業計画の検討が必要である。Objective:In the “Professional Network Exercise,” we adopted a new project-based learning program in which students decided their own theme: plan and work with small groups, or conduct fieldwork to interact with professional registered dietitians. We discussed whether this program was effective for the students’ realizing the purpose of interprofessional collaboration and promoting the formation of a professional identity as a registered dietitian.Methods:Quantitative and qualitative analyses were conducted for eight students, using class worksheets, final reports, and reflection sheets.Results:Judging from the worksheets, qualitative and quantitative improvements were seen in students in the second-to-last class regarding knowledge of the registered dietitian network; the reason why interprofessional collaboration is necessary; and the abilities needed to collaborate with other professionals. In the final reporting document, “Learn” co-occurred with “Self” and “Work.” On the reflection sheet, “Thinking” co-occurred with “Collaboration,” “Necessity,” and “Knowing.” Among the 25-item questionnaire for self-assessment in the reflection sheet, the highest average score was three out of three, which was detected in “Understanding importance of collaborating with other professionals” and “Understanding difficulty of collaborating with other professionals.”Conclusion:This exercise reinforced the level of understanding on the significance of interprofessional collaboration, and the abilities necessary for such collaboration. Students learned the specialized knowledge, skills, and attitudes required to be registered dietitians, and the need for further efforts to obtain them. It was also useful for forming a professional identity as a registered dietitian. However, in order to continue this educational program while maintaining its quality, further discussion about the program itself and the evaluations that follow will be necessary

    ルーブリック オ シヨウシタ カンリ エイヨウシ ヨウセイ カテイ ニオケル リンチ ジッシュウ ノ ヒョウカ

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    キョジュウ ケイタイ カラ ミタ ジョシ ガクセイ ノ ショクイシキ ト ショクコウドウ

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    居住形態別に食意識・食行動および食物摂取状況を把握するために,栄養士養成課程3年次学生を対象に,食意識と食行動に関する調査と料理単位法による食物摂取状況調査を実施した。居住形態により食事の調理担当者に違いがみられ,「家族と同居」群の場合は自分以外の家族が担当し,昼食も手作り弁当が多くなっていた。昼食に購入品が多い「一人暮らし」群に比べ,昼食においてほとんどの栄養素等摂取量が有意な高値を示し,また,1日当たりの摂取量も有意な高値を示した。1日当たり食品群別摂取量においても「家族と同居」群の方が,米類,いも類,緑黄色野菜類,その他野菜類,きのこ類,海藻類の摂取量が有意に多くなっていた。食事バランスガイドのサービング数でみると,「家族と同居」群でも摂りたい目安のサービング数に比べ主菜以外の摂取が少なく,「一人暮らし」群は,さらに少なくなっていた。「一人暮らし」群の中で食事の栄養バランスが取れていると思う者は15.4%で,「家族と同居」群に比べて低く,有意差が認められた。居住形態にかかわらず食事を改善したいという意欲はあるが,時間やお金の制約により改善できないということが明らかになった。したがって,望ましい食物摂取のためには内食に限らず,中食,外食を含めて,個々が実践できるよう食スキルの育成と食環境を整えていく必要があると考える。The purpose of this study is to determine the current state of dietary consciousness and habits and food intake in relation to living style. A survey on these three factors was administered to 165 college students enrolled in a nutrition course in Tokyo. Compared with students living alone, students living at home often brought their own lunches although they cooked less often. In addition, the intake of nutrients by students living at home was significantly higher. Students living with their family were also found to consume significantly more quantities of rice, potatoes, vegetables, mushrooms, and seaweed. In general, the students were found to consume less than the number of servings for each food group (except for main dishes) recommended in the Japanese Food Guide Spinning Top, with students living alone consuming even less. Students who were in control of their dietary habits made up 15.4% of those living alone, and this percentage was significantly lower than of those living at home. Most of the students wanted to follow ideal dietary habits, but could not afford the money and time to do so. The results suggest that the cultivation of an environment that matches participants\u27 characteristics could improve their dietary habits

    Hydraulic Conductivity and Aquaporins of Cortical Cells in Gravitropically Bending Roots of Pisum sativum L.

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    We examined the differential elongation of gravitropically bending roots of Pisum sativum L. in terms of cell enlargement and water uptake by cells in the growing tissue. Hydraulic conductivity between the elongating and mature tissues (Lp) was estimated from the equation G = A × Lp × Δψ, where G is the water-uptake rate, A is the surface area of a single cell and Δψ is the driving force. The rate of entry of water into a cell was estimated from the rate of increase in the volumes of cells in the outer cortex, which were calculated from longitudinal sections at given times. Gravitropic bending occurred 1 h after the application of gravi-stimulation and the curvature increased rapidly for the next 3 h. The biggest difference in the partial elongation rate between opposite sides of a root was found in the region 3 to 4 mm from the root tip at the start of stimulation. Cell enlargement rate was 2.8 to 3.8 times greater on the upper side of the root than on the lower side. The water potential and the osmotic potential, in both the elongating and mature tissues, were the same on both sides of the root. Therefore, there was no difference in the driving force for water flow. Hydraulic conductivity was 2.3 to 4.2 times greater on the upper side of the root than on the lower side. There was no difference between the upper and lower sides of the root in the amounts of 19-kD and 24-kD proteins in membrane fractions, which we assumed to be aquaporins (putative aquaporins), as estimated with two preparations of polyclonal antibodies. The differential elongation that occurred during root gravitropism was caused by a difference in Lp. However, the difference in Lp did not appear to be regulated by the concentration in cell membranes of the putative aquaporins

    Energy Level of a Healthy Menu Provided at a Worksite Cafeteria

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