38 research outputs found

    Influence of motivation in the English Teaching and Learning process of fifth year students on distance learning at the National school Rosa Montoya of El Cua – Jinotega, during the second semester 2011

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    This study is about the influences of motivation in the English Teaching and learning process of fifth year students on distance learning at the National school Rosa Montoya of El Cua, Jinotega, during the second semester 2011. The main purpose of this research is to assess how motivation influences in the English teaching and learning process specifically in these students. In addition, it tries to propose some strategies and techniques to support the teacher to become the class a place where the students feel excited and motivated to learn the English language and communicate in the real life. To study this topic is very important because teachers could discover the appropriate ways to increase the students’ motivation. Moreover, with this research paper teachers will be able to apply the strategies and techniques suggested to student’s reality, because it is important that the teacher knows each learner has different needs and individual preferences. For this reason, it is considered that the information stated in this study has considerable advantages to those teachers who face poor motivation in the classroom and specially those who do not have enough knowledge about theories and strategies. Regarding to this study, it was found that a low level of motivation is evident in the classroom: lack of students’ participation, students’ shyness, and little target language is used by the students, lack of self-study; lack of self confidence and a boring environment was seen in the classroom. Students are rewarded with grades most of the time to each task assigned, the students are worried only to pass the English class but they are not interested to learn how to communicate. The English teaching and learning process is developed in the traditional way. The old curriculum is used by the teacher. The method of teaching used by the teacher is: The grammar translation method. The class is organized in pair group, and group work. The means of teaching used by the teacher are handouts and the lesson plan. Actually, it is not easy for the teacher to keep students intrinsically motivated because there are many factors that influence in motivation. For example, those students’ internal needs which have been not satisfied, the only application of external motivators is not enough. For this reason, the teacher should look for activities to reinforce the intrinsic motivatio

    Planeacion Financiera:Analisis del Presupuesto como Herramienta de la Planeacion Financiera a Corto Plazo en la Empresa NICACEL S,A, Durante el Periodo 2014

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    Todos los comercios están circundados por un entorno socio-económico cambiante en el cual la incertidumbre de lo que pueda pasar con sus empresas es como una variable inconstante, por esta razón se realiza la planeación financiera en el cual se proyectan y se fijan las bases de las actividades financieras con el objeto de minimizar el riesgo y aprovechar las oportunidades y los recursos. Por lo tanto las técnicas de planeación financiero consisten en recopilar los datos de los estados financieros principales (Balance general y estados de resultados), del año en curso, con la finalidad de ver y evaluar, la gestión y el grado de éxito alcanzado por la empresa permitiendo el planteamiento de un presupuesto con el cual se trazan nuevas metas y planes que se concretan dentro de la empresa

    Mathematics Teaching Assistants’ Community-Building Activities During Remote Instruction

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    The need to build community in mathematics learning spaces was exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. This study examined the community-building efforts of mathematics TAs during a dynamically uncertain period and how they engaged in pandemic-sensemaking to make sense of and adapt their community-building efforts for remote instruction. We found that TAs engaged in various community-building activities through the synchronous and asynchronous interactions afforded by the design of the course (e.g., during sections, in office hours), and pandemic-sensemaking enabled them to better understand students’ challenges and adapt their efforts to attend to the challenges with building community

    Estrés laboral y satisfacción sexual en personal sanitario

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    Job stress and sexual satisfaction are relevant issues in the modern society. Those ones can change notably the life quality of health workers. Also, it is pointed out that health workers are a set of people that has not been studied deepen. This work aimed to determine the job stress and sexual satisfaction in health workers. It was carried out quantitative research of correlational scope with a non-experimental cross-sectional design. The sample selected had 100 workers of health industry that were selected through a non-probabilistic sampling. The sample was conformed of 40% men and 60% women. It was evaluated two kinds of test, the first one was job stress through the scale job stress of the ILO-WHO, and the second one was the new sexual satisfaction scale (NSSS). The results identified a predominant pattern of job stress and a medium level of sexual satisfaction. The sexual satisfaction results did not show meaningful differences based on the statistics between men and women (t (98.0) = -1.56, p >0.05). In addition, it is worth to mention that job stress and sexual satisfaction follow a slightly relation between both (Rho= -0.427 p < .001). Finally, it was concluded that the higher job stress is, the less sexual satisfaction is.   El estrés laboral y la satisfacción sexual representan un problema significativo en la sociedad moderna debido a que puede afectar notablemente en la calidad de vida de los trabajadores, además de ser una asociación que no ha sido estudiada a profundidad, por esta razón la presente investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación entre estrés laboral y satisfacción sexual en el personal sanitario, mediante un enfoque cuantitativo, de alcance correlacional, diseño no experimental de corte transversal, en una muestra conformada de 100 profesionales pertenecientes al área de salud (40% hombres y 60% mujeres) seleccionados mediante un muestreo no probabilístico a quienes se les aplicó la escala de estrés laboral OIT- OMS y la nueva escala de satisfacción sexual (NSSS). Los resultados obtenidos identificaron la predominancia de estrés, así como nivel medio de satisfacción sexual sin diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre hombres y mujeres con relación a la variable satisfacción sexual (t (98.0) = -1.56, p >0.05). Además, existe una relación negativa leve entre estrés laboral y satisfacción sexual (Rho= -0.427 p < .001). Se concluyó que a mayor estrés laboral menor satisfacción sexua

    Job Stress and Sexual Satisfaction in Health Workers

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    El estrés laboral y la satisfacción sexual representan un problema significativo en la sociedad moderna debido a que puede afectar notablemente en la calidad de vida de los trabajadores, además de ser una asociación que no ha sido estudiada a profundidad, por esta razón la presente investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación entre estrés laboral y satisfacción sexual en el personal sanitario, mediante un enfoque cuantitativo, de alcance correlacional, diseño no experimental de corte transversal, en una muestra conformada de 100 profesionales pertenecientes al área de salud (40% hombres y 60% mujeres) seleccionados mediante un muestreo no probabilístico a quienes se les aplicó la escala de estrés laboral OIT- OMS y la nueva escala de satisfacción sexual (NSSS). Los resultados obtenidos identificaron la predominancia de estrés, así como nivel medio de satisfacción sexual sin diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre hombres y mujeres con relación a la variable satisfacción sexual (t (98.0) = -1.56, p >0.05). Además, existe una relación negativa leve entre estrés laboral y satisfacción sexual (Rho= -0.427 p < .001). Se concluyó que a mayor estrés laboral menor satisfacción sexual.Job stress and sexual satisfaction are relevant issues in the modern society. Those ones can change notably the life quality of health workers. Also, it is pointed out that health workers are a set of people that has not been studied deepen. This work aimed to determine the job stress and sexual satisfaction in health workers. It was carried out quantitative research of correlational scope with a non-experimental cross-sectional design. The sample selected had 100 workers of health industry that were selected through a non-probabilistic sampling. The sample was conformed of 40% men and 60% women. It was evaluated two kinds of test, the first one was job stress through the scale job stress of the ILO-WHO, and the second one was the new sexual satisfaction scale (NSSS). The results identified a predominant pattern of job stress and a medium level of sexual satisfaction. The sexual satisfaction results did not show meaningful differences based on the statistics between men and women (t (98.0) = -1.56, p >0.05). In addition, it is worth to mention that job stress and sexual satisfaction follow a slightly relation between both (Rho= -0.427 p < .001). Finally, it was concluded that the higher job stress is, the less sexual satisfaction is.&nbsp

    Job Stress and Sexual Satisfaction in Health Workers

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    El estrés laboral y la satisfacción sexual representan un problema significativo en la sociedad moderna debido a que puede afectar notablemente en la calidad de vida de los trabajadores, además de ser una asociación que no ha sido estudiada a profundidad, por esta razón la presente investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación entre estrés laboral y satisfacción sexual en el personal sanitario, mediante un enfoque cuantitativo, de alcance correlacional, diseño no experimental de corte transversal, en una muestra conformada de 100 profesionales pertenecientes al área de salud (40% hombres y 60% mujeres) seleccionados mediante un muestreo no probabilístico a quienes se les aplicó la escala de estrés laboral OIT- OMS y la nueva escala de satisfacción sexual (NSSS). Los resultados obtenidos identificaron la predominancia de estrés, así como nivel medio de satisfacción sexual sin diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre hombres y mujeres con relación a la variable satisfacción sexual (t (98.0) = -1.56, p >0.05). Además, existe una relación negativa leve entre estrés laboral y satisfacción sexual (Rho= -0.427 p < .001). Se concluyó que a mayor estrés laboral menor satisfacción sexual.Job stress and sexual satisfaction are relevant issues in the modern society. Those ones can change notably the life quality of health workers. Also, it is pointed out that health workers are a set of people that has not been studied deepen. This work aimed to determine the job stress and sexual satisfaction in health workers. It was carried out quantitative research of correlational scope with a non-experimental cross-sectional design. The sample selected had 100 workers of health industry that were selected through a non-probabilistic sampling. The sample was conformed of 40% men and 60% women. It was evaluated two kinds of test, the first one was job stress through the scale job stress of the ILO-WHO, and the second one was the new sexual satisfaction scale (NSSS). The results identified a predominant pattern of job stress and a medium level of sexual satisfaction. The sexual satisfaction results did not show meaningful differences based on the statistics between men and women (t (98.0) = -1.56, p >0.05). In addition, it is worth to mention that job stress and sexual satisfaction follow a slightly relation between both (Rho= -0.427 p < .001). Finally, it was concluded that the higher job stress is, the less sexual satisfaction is.&nbsp

    Causas de muerte en las mujeres víctimas de feminicidio en el periodo comprendido de enero de 2018 a marzo de 2020 en el departamento de Sonsonate

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    El delito del feminicidio es la máxima expresión de violencia contra la mujer, y es una de las problemáticas más difíciles a las que se enfrenta El Salvador, es por eso que la investigación ha dado un seguimiento hacia las mujeres víctimas de feminicidio, para eso es importante profundizar otros aspecto que rodean este fenómeno, los cuales aborda esta investigación que tiene como finalidad conocer la causa de muerte en la mujeres víctimas de feminicidio, caracterizar a las víctima según su lugar de procedencia, identificar cual fue la causa final de muerte y delimitar cuales son lo grupo etarios a lo que pertenecieron las víctimas de feminicidio


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    Pecan production is one of the most important crops in our country. It not only has an economical capacity as a generator of foreign currency, but also for the social context in which it develops its production. Most of the pecan growers have small sized orchards, but at the same time, there are few pecan growers with large sized orchards that use modern technology. The objective of this study is to present a SWOT analysis of the pecan system and to describe the contexts in which it is produced and commercialized, as well as the main characteristics and problems that appear in pecan production, as well as the prediction of its future under current production and management conditions.WOTS-UP analysis, pecan system, production and commercialization., Agribusiness,

    La Imagen y la Narrativa como Herramientas para el Abordaje Psicosocial en Escenarios de Violencia – Municipios de Anorí, Bello, Cisneros, Medellín y Montebello.

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    Las problemáticas que se viven con el conflicto armado generan pérdida de significado en la población, situación que preocupa y que invita a todos los profesionales para que realicen una pronta y asertiva intervención. Así, el siguiente artículo inicia con el análisis del relato de Alfredo Campo, indígena desplazado que se enfrentó a diferentes situaciones de intimidación y vulneración de sus derechos humanos. En esta sección, se plantean subjetividades que están inmersas en contextos de violencia; el enfoque narrativo se resuelve dando respuesta a una serie de interrogantes que sirven como base para su comprensión y análisis, planteando algunos interrogantes que permitirán una proximidad psicosocial. Posteriormente, se analiza y reflexiona acerca del caso Pandurí y se propondrán estrategias de acompañamiento psicosocial. Finalmente, se presenta un informe de la experiencia de foto voz realizada por cada uno de los autores de este escrito, siendo esta herramienta una técnica de análisis y acción psicosocial, que utiliza el retrato como una forma de visibilización de las realidades sociales con problemáticas y traumas, utilizando la investigación y la intervención como medio de cambios para las realidades de los contextos. Dentro de las intervenciones psicosociales, las preguntas son un elemento de gran interés, siendo utilizadas como herramientas de apoyo, pues invitan a participar de forma activa a los colaboradores, los proveen de instrumentos para realizar el abordaje psicoterapéutico y permiten tener una mayor comprensión de la dimensión psicosocial y las problemáticas de los fenómenos de violencia, facilitando la reconstrucción social a partir de sus potencialidades por medio de acciones con sentido y afrontamiento colectivo. La implementación de preguntas desde una perspectiva psicológica, permite adquirir conocimientos implícitos de los escenarios de violencia, ayudando al establecimiento de reflexiones y descripciones y proporcionando espacios de diálogos y confianza. Los profesionales que reconocen la importancia del diálogo deben dirigir las conversaciones hacia la reflexión, la recuperación de sus recursos, contextos y potencializar sus capacidades; todo en favor de la recuperación y la dignificación de la vida humana.The problems experienced with the armed conflict generate a loss of meaning in the population, a situation that is of concern and that invites all professionals to intervene promptly and assertively. Thus, the following article begins with an analysis of the story of Alfredo Campo, an indigenous displaced person who faced different situations of intimidation and violation of his human rights. In this section, subjectivities that are immersed in contexts of violence are raised; the narrative approach is resolved by answering a series of questions that serve as a basis for its understanding and analysis, raising some questions that will allow a psychosocial proximity. Subsequently, the case of Pandurí is analysed and reflected upon, and strategies for psychosocial accompaniment are proposed. Finally, it is presented a report of the experience of photo voice carried out by each of the authors of this paper, this tool being a technique of psychosocial analysis and action, which uses the portrait as a form of visibility of social realities with problems and traumas, using research and intervention as a means of change for the realities of the contexts. Within the psychosocial interventions, the questions are an element of great interest, being used as support tools, because they invite the collaborators to participate actively, they provide them with instruments to carry out the psychotherapeutic approach and they allow them to have a greater understanding of the psychosocial dimension and the problems of the violence phenomena, facilitating the social reconstruction from their potentialities by means of actions with sense and collective confrontation. The implementation of questions from a psychological perspective, allows the acquisition of implicit knowledge of the scenarios of violence, helping to establish reflections and descriptions and providing spaces for dialogue and trust. Professionals who recognize the importance of dialogue must direct the conversations towards reflection, the recovery of their resources, contexts and potentialize their capacities; all in favor of the recovery and dignity of human life