4,874 research outputs found


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    We propose an estimator for count data regression models where a binary regressor is endogenously determined. This estimator departs from previous approaches by using a flexible form for the conditional probability function of the counts. Using a Monte Carlo experiment we show that our estimator improves the fit and provides a more reliable estimate of the impact of regressors on the count when compared to alternatives which do restrict the mean to be linear-exponential. In an application to the number of trips by households in the US, we find that the estimate of the treatment effect obtained is considerably different from the one obtained under a linear-exponential mean specification.Count data, Polynominal Poisson Expansions, Flexible Functional Form.

    Are tax subsidies for private medical insurance self-financing? Evidence from a microsimulation model for outpatient and inpatient episodes

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    This paper analyses whether or not tax subsidies to private medical insurance are self-financing by means of a structural approach. We construct a simulation routine based on a microeconometric discrete choice model that allows us to evaluate the impact of premium changes on the utilisation of outpatient and inpatient health care services. We simulate the 1999 Spanish tax reform that abolished the tax deduction for expenditures on private health insurance using a representative sample of the Catalan population. Prior to this reform, foregone tax revenue arising from deductions after the purchase of private insurance amounted to €69.2 M. per year. In contrast, the elimination of the subsidies to private policies is estimated to generate an extra cost for the public sector of about €8.9 M. per year.Health care utilisation, structural modelling, tax reform evaluation

    Erotismo en Homero (I)

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    As a stated in a passage of Dissertation XVIII, 8 by Maximus of Tyre (2nd c AD), summarizing what he describes as Homer’s eroticism, the article focuses on love as depicted in Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey, distinguishing godly love from love between gods and heroes, and love between heroes.A partir de un pasaje de Máximo de Tiro (s. II d. C.) en su Disertación XVIII, 8, que resume lo que él mismo denomina la erótica de Homero, proponemos un estudio de todo lo relacionado con el amor en la Iliada y Odisea, haciendo una distinción del amor entre dioses, el amor entre dioses y héroes y el amor entre héroes

    Psychological treatment of impulsivity from the perspective of the third generation of behavior therapies. About a case report

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    Objetivo: en el presente trabajo se muestran algunos aspectos claves del tratamiento, en un centro público de la Comunidad de Madrid, de un sujeto policonsumidor de drogas ilegales con importantes conductas impulsivas. Método: la intervención realizada se enmarca en el paradigma conductista, utilizando herramientas características de las terapias de conducta de tercera generación. En este sentido, se utilizó la relación terapéutica como el contexto en el que aplicar contingencias que alteraran las relaciones funcionales problemáticas. También se emplearon el rol-playing, exposiciones planificadas a circunstancias en donde el paciente pretendía poner en marcha alternativas de respuesta, e instrucciones a los educadores del piso de tratamiento en el que residía. Toda esta intervención psicológica se realizó en el marco de un tratamiento multidisciplinar, en donde el trabajador social y el médico tuvieron un papel relevante. Resultados: dicha intervención permitió la recuperación significativa del paciente en sus áreas vitales importantes y el logro de los objetivos terapéuticos. Discusión: con esta exposición se pretende mostrar la utilidad, para el abordaje de la conducta impulsiva, de la tecnología conductual y del planteamiento de objetivos diferentes a los habituales en otros modelos terapéuticosAim: This paper show some key aspects of the treatment, in a public center of the Community of Madrid, of a subject with polydrug addiction with important impulsive behaviors. Method: The intervention realized belongs to the behavioral paradigm, using typical tools of the third wave of behavior therapy. In this sense, the therapeutic relationship was used as the context to apply contingencies that alter the functional problematic relations. In the intervention was also used roleplaying, exposures to circumstances where the patient was trying to implement alternative responses, and instructions to the educators of the treatment flat where he lived. All this psychological intervention was realized in the frame of a multidisciplinary approach, where the social worker and the doctor had an important role. Results: This intervention allowed the significant recovery of the patient in his vital important areas, and the achievement of therapeutic goals. Discussion: This work tries to show the usefulness, for the treatment of the acting-out, of the behavioral technology, and the different objectives with respect to other therapeutic approaches

    Financial information and restructuring of spanish savings banks in a context of crisis. Changes in the regulation; content and evolution of FROB

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    The worsening of the financial crisis in September 2008, coinciding with the collapse of Lehman Brothers, set off unprecedented action in the European states to support the stability of their markets and financial institutions. Different forums asked for joint and faster implementation. This lead the Spanish authorities to take a series of measures. In the first part of this paper we make a theoretical review of previous studies at international level on early warning systems and about prediction of failure in the banking sector. No doubt it helps to situate and understand better the later Spanish analysis, why it is necessary and its development. We also analyze the evolution of the Spanish financial system between 2008-2011 with the focus on explaining the reform and restructuring of savings banks. Specifically, a study of the accounting and financial standards evolution is made, as well as an examination of the changes in banking regulations that emerged during this period and the role of the Banking Management Restructuring Fund (FROB) and the Institutional Protection Systems (SIP).FROB, SIP, banking regulation changes, early warning systems.

    Islas míticas en relación con Canarias

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    In this paper we study some questions of nesology, as the concept of island, the islands in the literature (specifi cally greek and latin) and their typology, particularly the mythic islands, some of them (Isles of the Blest, Hesperides Islands, Atlantis, Fortunate Islands, Saint Brandan) , we analyse connected with the Canary Islands.En este artículo estudiamos algunas cuestiones de nesología, como el concepto mismo de isla, las islas en la literatura(concretamente griega y latina) y su tipología, especialmente las islas míticas, algunas de las cuales (Islas de los Bienaventurados, Islas de las Hespérides, Atlántida, Islas Afortunadas, San Borondón) las analizamos en relación con las Islas Canarias

    «Absolutismo ilustrado». El problema de la legitimación contractual de la monarquía en la Prusia federiciana

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    Este trabajo trata de ofrecer una explicación de la categoría historiográfica del «absolutismo ilustrado» desde la perspectiva del problema político de la legitimación de la monarquía absoluta en la época de la Ilustración. Para ello examina el caso paradigmático de la Prusia de Federico II centrándose en la solución propuesta por el jurista Carl Gottlieb Svarez para hacer compatibles cultura ilustrada y poder absoluto del rey, a saber: la teoría del doble contrato civil («pacto de sometimiento» y «pacto de unión civil»). Mediante este doble pacto se separaban el problema de la constitución del Estado y el problema de su legitimación, ya que aquélla seguía descansando en el dogma de la soberanía absoluta del príncipe y esta última se desplazaba al plano de la acción del gobernante. De este modo Svarez creía que la monarquía absoluta resultaba fortalecida sin tener que someterse al proceso crítico del razonamiento libre