5,834 research outputs found

    Microlensing of circumstellar envelopes: II. emission lines from radial and azimuthal flow during fold caustic crossings

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    This paper examines the line profile evolution due to bulk motion in circumstellar envelopes during microlensing fold caustic crossing events. These events have recently been shown to be a sensitive probe of stellar surface brightness profiles, thus providing a means - through both photometric and spectroscopic observations - to constrain and test stellar atmosphere models. Here it is demonstrated, through the examination of simplified line profiles, that spectroscopic studies of fold caustic crossings could also prove to be a powerful diagnostic of bulk motion in circumstellar envelopes

    The Efficiency of Canadian Capital Markets: Some Bank of Canada Research

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    Capital markets and their related financial instruments make an important contribution to the welfare of Canadians. The Bank of Canada is interested in the efficient functioning of capital markets through each of its responsibilities for monetary policy, the financial system, and funds management. Hendry and King highlight the key findings of Bank research published over the past year that addresses capital market efficiency and summarize lessons that have been learned. The research conducted thus far suggests that Canadian capital markets are efficient for a capital market of Canada's size but are less diverse than the U.S. capital markets, indicating that there is room for improvement in certain areas.capital market efficiency; Canada; bond; equity; foreign exchange; derivatives; securitization.

    The Efficiency of Canadian Capital Markets: Some Bank of Canada Research

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    Capital markets and their related financial instruments make an important contribution to the welfare of Canadians. The Bank of Canada is interested in the efficient functioning of capital markets through each of its responsibilities for monetary policy, the financial system, and funds management. Hendry and King highlight the key findings of Bank research published over the past year that addresses capital market efficiency and summarize lessons that have been learned. The research conducted thus far suggests that Canadian capital markets are efficient for a capital market of Canada's size but are less diverse than the U.S. capital markets, indicating that there is room for improvement in certain areas.

    On the structure of the deep Gulf Stream

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    Tlk zonal and temporal structure of the mean and low-frequency flow beneath the Gulf Stream at 55W is explored in an analysis of 17 months of current and temperature measurements at 4000 m depth…

    The Corralitos Observatory program for the detection of lunar transient phenomena

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    This is a final report on the establishment, observing procedures, and observational results of a survey program for the detection of lunar transient phenomena (LTP's) by electro-optical image conversion means. For survey, a unique detection system with an image orthicon was used as the primary element in conjunction with a 24-in. f/20 Cassegrainian telescope. Observations in three spectral ranges, with 6,466 man-hours of observing, were actually performed during the period from October 27, 1965, to April 26, 1972. Within this entire period, no color or feature change within the detection capabilities of the instrumentation was observed, either independently or in follow up of amateur LTP reports, with the exception of one general bluing and several localized bluings (probably ascribable to the effects of the terrestrial atmosphere) that were observed solely by the Corralitos system. A table is presented indicating amateur and professional reports of LTP's and the results of efforts to confirm these reports through the Corralitos system

    Silicon isotopes in Antarctic sponges : an interlaboratory comparison

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    Cycling of deepwater silicon (Si) within the Southern Ocean, and its transport into other ocean basins, may be an important player in the uptake of atmospheric carbon, and global climate. Recent work has shown that the Si isotope (denoted by δ29Si or δ30Si) composition of deep sea sponges reflects the availability of dissolved Si during growth, and is a potential proxy for past deep and intermediate water silicic acid concentrations. As with any geochemical tool, it is essential to ensure analytical precision and accuracy, and consistency between methodologies and laboratories. Analytical bias may exist between laboratories, and sponge material may have matrix effects leading to offsets between samples and standards. Here, we report an interlaboratory evaluation of Si isotopes in Antarctic and sub-Antarctic sponges. We review independent methods for measuring Si isotopes in sponge spicules. Our results show that separate subsamples of non-homogenized sponges measured by three methods yield isotopic values within analytical error for over 80% of specimens. The relationship between δ29Si and δ30Si in sponges is consistent with kinetic fractionation during biomineralization. Sponge Si isotope analyses show potential as palaeoceaongraphic archives, and we suggest Southern Ocean sponge material would form a useful additional reference standard for future spicule analyses

    Analisis Perbandingan Akurasi Model Prediksi Pasang Surut: Studi Kasus Di Selat Larantuka, Flores Timur, Nusa Tenggara Timur

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    Sebagai negara maritim, informasi hidro-oseanografi sangatlah penting dalam mendukung segala aktivitas kelautan dan perikanan di Indonesia. Salah satu data dan informasi yang sangat penting adalah parameter pasang surut. Ketersediaan data pasang surut hasil pengukuran di lapangan yang baik sangat minim jika dibandingkan dengan luas wilayah lautan Indonesia. Model numerik pasang surut menjadi salah satu solusi untuk memberi gambaran Perubahan elevasi muka air suatu perairan. Saat ini telah banyak modul prediksi pasang surut yang mampu memberikan informasi fluktuasi muka air laut suatu perairan dengan tingkat keakurasian dan error yang berbeda. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan tingkat keakurasian model pasut dari NAOTIDE, LePROVOST, TMDTPXO 7.1 dan MIKE21. Pasang surut perairan Selat Larantuka, Nusa Tenggara Timur digunakan sebagai lokasi percontohan untuk uji akurasi model tipe perairan selat di Indonesia. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa untuk tipe perairan selat, model prediksi pasang surut NaoTide memberikan keakuratan lebih baik dengan persentase error sebesar 1,79 % dibandingkan dengan model pasut lainnya
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