3 research outputs found

    Penerapan Lesson Study Berbasis Sekolah Untuk Melaksanakan Supervisi Akademik Pembelajaran Fisika Di Sma1

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    Guru membutuhkan bantuan dalam hal memahami tujuanpendidikan, kurikulum dan pembelajaran secara operasional. Orangyang memberi bantuan kepada guru-guru dalam menstimulir guru kearah USAha menciptakan suasana belajar dan mengajar yang lebihbaik disebut supervisor (pengawas/kepala sekolah). Pekerjaanmemberi bantuan itu disebut supervisi dan cara-cara membantumemperbaiki situasi belajar mengajar disebut teknik-teknik supervisi.Untuk dapat membantu guru dalam mengembangkan profesionalismedalam kegiatan belajar mengajar perlu dibuat suatu model supervisiakademik pembelajaran. Model supervisi akademik pembelajaranfisika dilaksanakan di SMA Ibu kartini. Permasalahan utama dalampenelitian ini adalah bagaimana program supervisi akademikpembelajaran dapat diterapkan di SMA Ibu kartini Semarang? ProfilMGMP rumpun IPA tingkat sekolah di SMA Ibu Kartini Semarangantara lain: 1) MGMP rumpun IPA tingkat sekolah terdiri dari 3orang, satu pengajar fisika, satu pengajar biologi, satu pengajarkimia; 2) sudah ada ketua MGMP rumpun IPA tingkat sekolah; 3)Guru tetap Yayasan satu orang guru DPK. Karakteristik supervisiakademik yang sesuai sudah diterapkan di SMA Ibu Kartini Semarangmenggunakan model Lesson Study berbasis sekolah. Beberapaprosedur dapat ditambahkan supaya Lesson Study berbasis sekolahdapat berfungsi sebagai kegiatan supervisi akademik. Prosedurtersebut antara lain adalah: 1) Ada komitmen dari MGMP rumpunIPA tingkat sekolah untuk selalu meningkatkan mutu pembelajaran; 2)Ada komitmen bahwa ketua MGMP rumpun IPA tingkat sekolahmenjadi supervisor akademik di SMA Ibu Kartini; 3) Ada komitmenbersama untuk selalu berusaha memperbaiki mutu pembelajaran: dan4) tugas supervisor adalah melakukan supervisi akademik sebagaiupaya pembinaan profesi guru

    Perkuliahan Berbasis Problem Solving Dengan Investigasi Kelompok (Pbps-ik) Pada Materi Analisis Kuantitatif

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    : Quantitative analysis subjects requires knowledge and problem solving skills of pre-service chemistry teachers. The aims of this study was to develop and to analyze problem solving skills in quantitative analysis of preservice teachers through Problem Solving Based Lecture with Group Investigation (PSBL-GI). The study was quasy experiment conducted to pre-service teachers of year 2010 in semester three of Chemistry Education programs in one of LPTK in Central Sulawesi that is one experiment class (PBPS-IK) and one control class (concept and practice approach). Data were then collected on using a test problem solving skills with a reliability coefficient of 0.84. The collected data were analyzed qualitatively and tested the difference between N-gain of problem solving PSBL-GI class with control class at level of significance is 5%. The results showed PSBL-GI can develop pre-service teachers\u27 problem solving skill with categories medium (0,56).The ability to solve problem of pre-service teacher of PSBL-GI class have is greater than the control class. Problem solving skill of high group is better than medium and low groups. The highest N-gain of indicator of problem solving skill is representation (0.82) and the lowest is identification (0,28) while the highest sub subject of quantitative analysis is neutralization titration (0,67) and the lowest is complexometry titration (0,34)

    Collaborative Learning to Improve Preservice Teachers' Knowledge About Chemistry Content in the Automotive Vocational Context

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    This study was aimed to examine the effectiveness of collaborative problem-solving-based learning to improve knowledge about chemistry content in the automotive vocational context. The study design used was one-group pretest-posttest design and applied to Vocational Chemistry subjects. Data analysis was performed by using the normalized gain-test formula and t-test using SPSS software version 21. The findings showed that collaborative learning is effective to improve pre-service teachers' knowledge about chemistry content of petroleum and polymer chemistry. The mastery level of basic knowledge about the petroleum and polymers is fairly good. However, the knowledge of the content of petroleum and polymer applications in the automotive field is not satisfactory. Although the application content knowledge increased with the moderate criterion for the application of petroleum and with the low criterion for polymer applications, the mastery level of pre-service teachers at the end of the course was still low. Factors that allegedly become the causes of the low mastery of application content knowledge are the characteristic factor of the content, conceptual learning difficulties and the experience factor