143 research outputs found

    On the evaluation of derivatives of Gaussian integrals

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    We show that by a suitable change of variables, the derivatives of molecular integrals over Gaussian-type functions required for analytic energy derivatives can be evaluated with significantly less computational effort than current formulations. The reduction in effort increases with the order of differentiation

    Fermion NN-representability for prescribed density and paramagnetic current density

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    The NN-representability problem is the problem of determining whether or not there exists NN-particle states with some prescribed property. Here we report an affirmative solution to the fermion NN-representability problem when both the density and paramagnetic current density are prescribed. This problem arises in current-density functional theory and is a generalization of the well-studied corresponding problem (only the density prescribed) in density functional theory. Given any density and paramagnetic current density satisfying a minimal regularity condition (essentially that a von Weiz\"acker-like the canonical kinetic energy density is locally integrable), we prove that there exist a corresponding NN-particle state. We prove this by constructing an explicit one-particle reduced density matrix in the form of a position-space kernel, i.e.\ a function of two continuous position variables. In order to make minimal assumptions, we also address mathematical subtleties regarding the diagonal of, and how to rigorously extract paramagnetic current densities from, one-particle reduced density matrices in kernel form

    Alternative separation of exchange and correlation energies in multi-configuration range-separated density-functional theory

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    The alternative separation of exchange and correlation energies proposed by Toulouse et al. [Theor. Chem. Acc. 114, 305 (2005)] is explored in the context of multi-configuration range-separated density-functional theory. The new decomposition of the short-range exchange-correlation energy relies on the auxiliary long-range interacting wavefunction rather than the Kohn-Sham (KS) determinant. The advantage, relative to the traditional KS decomposition, is that the wavefunction part of the energy is now computed with the regular (fully-interacting) Hamiltonian. One potential drawback is that, because of double counting, the wavefunction used to compute the energy cannot be obtained by minimizing the energy expression with respect to the wavefunction parameters. The problem is overcome by using short-range optimized effective potentials (OEPs). The resulting combination of OEP techniques with wavefunction theory has been investigated in this work, at the Hartree-Fock (HF) and multi-configuration self-consistent-field (MCSCF) levels. In the HF case, an analytical expression for the energy gradient has been derived and implemented. Calculations have been performed within the short-range local density approximation on H2, N2, Li2 and H2O. Significant improvements in binding energies are obtained with the new decomposition of the short-range energy. The importance of optimizing the short-range OEP at the MCSCF level when static correlation becomes significant has also been demonstrated for H2, using a finite-difference gradient. The implementation of the analytical gradient for MCSCF wavefunctions is currently in progress.Comment: 5 figure

    Kohn-Sham theory with paramagnetic currents: compatibility and functional differentiability

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    Recent work has established Moreau-Yosida regularization as a mathematical tool to achieve rigorous functional differentiability in density-functional theory. In this article, we extend this tool to paramagnetic current-density-functional theory, the most common density-functional framework for magnetic field effects. The extension includes a well-defined Kohn-Sham iteration scheme with a partial convergence result. To this end, we rely on a formulation of Moreau-Yosida regularization for reflexive and strictly convex function spaces. The optimal LpL^p-characterization of the paramagnetic current density L1L3/2L^1\cap L^{3/2} is derived from the NN-representability conditions. A crucial prerequisite for the convex formulation of paramagnetic current-density-functional theory, termed compatibility between function spaces for the particle density and the current density, is pointed out and analyzed. Several results about compatible function spaces are given, including their recursive construction. The regularized, exact functionals are calculated numerically for a Kohn-Sham iteration on a quantum ring, illustrating their performance for different regularization parameters

    The choice of basic variables in current-density functional theory

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    The selection of basic variables in current-density functional theory and formal properties of the resulting formulations are critically examined. Focus is placed on the extent to which the Hohenberg--Kohn theorem, constrained-search approach and Lieb's formulation (in terms of convex and concave conjugation) of standard density-functional theory can be generalized to provide foundations for current-density functional theory. For the well-known case with the gauge-dependent paramagnetic current density as a basic variable, we find that the resulting total energy functional is not concave. It is shown that a simple redefinition of the scalar potential restores concavity and enables the application of convex analysis and convex/concave conjugation. As a result, the solution sets arising in potential-optimization problems can be given a simple characterization. We also review attempts to establish theories with the physical current density as a basic variable. Despite the appealing physical motivation behind this choice of basic variables, we find that the mathematical foundations of the theories proposed to date are unsatisfactory. Moreover, the analogy to standard density-functional theory is substantially weaker as neither the constrained-search approach nor the convex analysis framework carry over to a theory making use of the physical current density

    Molecular vibrations in the presence of velocity-dependent forces

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    A semiclassical theory of small oscillations is developed for nuclei that are subject to velocity-dependent forces in addition to the usual interatomic forces. When the velocity-dependent forces are due to a strong magnetic field, novel effects arise -- for example, the coupling of vibrational, rotational, and translational modes. The theory is first developed using Newtonian mechanics and we provide a simple quantification of the coupling between these types of modes. We also discuss the mathematical structure of the problem, which turns out to be a quadratic eigenvalue problem rather than a standard eigenvalue problem. The theory is then re-derived using the Hamiltonian formalism, which brings additional insight, including a close analogy to the quantum-mechanical treatment of the problem. Finally, we provide numerical examples for the H2_2, HT, and HCN molecules in a strong magnetic field

    The integral‐direct coupled cluster singles and doubles model

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    An efficient and highly vectorized implementation of the coupled cluster singles and doubles (CCSD) model using a direct atomic integral technique is presented. The minimal number of n6 processes has been implemented for the most time consuming terms and point group symmetry is used to further reduce operation counts and memory requirements. The significantly increased application range of the CCSD method is illustrated with sample calculations on several systems with more than 500 basis functions. Furthermore, we present the basic trends of an open ended algorithm and discuss the use of integral [email protected]