425 research outputs found

    Single-photon emission at a rate of 143 MHz from a deterministic quantum-dot microlens triggered by a mode-locked vertical-external-cavity surface-emitting laser

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    This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and AIP Publishing. This article appeared in Appl. Phys. Lett. 107, 041105 (2015) and may be found at https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4927429.We report on the realization of a quantum dot (QD) based single-photon source with a record-high single-photon emission rate. The quantum light source consists of an InGaAs QD which is deterministically integrated within a monolithic microlens with a distributed Bragg reflector as back-side mirror, which is triggered using the frequency-doubled emission of a mode-locked vertical-external-cavity surface-emitting laser (ML-VECSEL). The utilized compact and stable laser system allows us to excite the single-QD microlens at a wavelength of 508 nm with a pulse repetition rate close to 500 MHz at a pulse width of 4.2 ps. Probing the photon statistics of the emission from a single QD state at saturation, we demonstrate single-photon emission of the QD-microlens chip with g(2)(0) < 0.03 at a record-high single-photon flux of (143 ± 16) MHz collected by the first lens of the detection system. Our approach is fully compatible with resonant excitation schemes using wavelength tunable ML-VECSELs, which will optimize the quantum optical properties of the single-photon emission in terms of photon indistinguishability.BMBF, 03V0630, Entwicklung einer Halbleiterbasierten Einzelphotonenquelle für die Quanteninformationstechnologie (QSOURCE)DFG, 43659573, SFB 787: Halbleiter - Nanophotonik: Materialien, Modelle, BauelementeDFG, 192635911, GRK 1782: Funktionalisierung von HalbleiternDFG, 223848855, SFB 1083: Struktur und Dynamik innerer Grenzfläche

    13th Meeting of the Scientific Group on Methodologies for the Safety Evaluation of Chemicals (SGOMSEC): alternative testing methodologies for organ toxicity.

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    In the past decade in vitro tests have been developed that represent a range of anatomic structure from perfused whole organs to subcellular fractions. To assess the use of in vitro tests for toxicity testing, we describe and evaluate the current status of organotypic cultures for the major target organs of toxic agents. This includes liver, kidney, neural tissue, the hematopoietic system, the immune system, reproductive organs, and the endocrine system. The second part of this report reviews the application of in vitro culture systems to organ specific toxicity and evaluates the application of these systems both in industry for safety assessment and in government for regulatory purposes. Members of the working group (WG) felt that access to high-quality human material is essential for better use of in vitro organ and tissue cultures in the risk assessment process. Therefore, research should focus on improving culture techniques that will allow better preservation of human material. The WG felt that it is also important to develop and make available relevant reference compounds for toxicity assessment in each organ system, to organize and make available via the Internet complete in vivo toxicity data, including human data, containing dose, end points, and toxicokinetics. The WG also recommended that research should be supported to identify and to validate biological end points for target organ toxicity to be used in alternative toxicity testing strategies

    Combined Monte Carlo/torsion-angle molecular dynamics for ensemble modeling of proteins, nucleic acids and carbohydrates

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    We describe a general method to use Monte Carlo simulation followed by torsion-angle molecular dynamics simulations to create ensembles of structures to model a wide variety of soft-matter biological systems. Our particular emphasis is focused on modeling low-resolution small-angle scattering and reflectivity structural data. We provide examples of this method applied to HIV-1 Gag protein and derived fragment proteins, TraI protein, linear B-DNA, a nucleosome core particle, and a glycosylated monoclonal antibody. This procedure will enable a large community of researchers to model low-resolution experimental data with greater accuracy by using robust physics based simulation and sampling methods which are a significant improvement over traditional methods used to interpret such data

    No evidence for parental imprinting of mouse 22q11 gene orthologues

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    Non-mendelian factors may influence CNS phenotypes in patients with 22q11 deletion syndrome (22q11DS, also known as DiGeorge or Velocardiofacial Syndrome), and similar mechanisms may operate in mice carrying a deletion of one or more 22q11 gene orthologues. Accordingly, we examined the influence of parent of origin on expression of 25 murine 22q11 orthologues in the developing and mature CNS using SNP-based analysis in interspecific crosses, as well as quantification of mRNA in a murine model of 22q11DS. We found no evidence for absolute genomic imprinting or silencing. All 25 genes are biallelically expressed in the developing and adult brain. Furthermore, if more subtle forms of allelic biasing are present, they are very small in magnitude, and most likely beyond the resolution of currently available quantitative approaches. Given the high degree of similarity of human 22q11 and the orthologous region of mmChr16, genomic imprinting most likely cannot explain apparent parent-of-origin effects in 22q11DS

    Motor-Skill Learning in Alzheimer’s Disease: A Review with an Eye to the Clinical Practice

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    Since elderly people suffering from dementia want to go on living independently for as long as possible, they need to be able to maintain familiar and learn new practical skills. Although explicit or declarative learning methods are mostly used to train new skills, it is hypothesized that implicit or procedural techniques may be more effective in this population. The present review discusses 23 experimental studies on implicit motor-skill learning in patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). All studies found intact implicit motor-learning capacities. Subsequently, it is elaborated how these intact learning abilities can be exploited in the patients’ rehabilitation with respect to the variables ‘practice’ and ‘feedback.’ Recommendations for future research are provided, and it is concluded that if training programs are adjusted to specific needs and abilities, older people with AD are well able to (re)learn practical motor skills, which may enhance their autonomy

    Endocrine Disruptors and Obesity: An Examination of Selected Persistent Organic Pollutants in the NHANES 1999–2002 Data

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    Recent evidence suggests that endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) may cause perturbations in endogenous hormonal regulation that predispose to weight gain. Using data from NHANES (1999–2002), we investigated the association between body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC) and selected persistent organic pollutants (POPs) via multiple linear regressions. Consistent interaction was found between gender, ln oxychlordane and ln p,p’ DDT. Also, we found an association between WC and ln oxychlordane and ln hpcdd in subjects with detectable levels of POPs, whereas an association between WC and ln p,p’ DDT was observed in all subjects. Furthermore, ln Ocdd showed an increase with higher WC and BMI, whereas, ln trans-nonachlor decreased with higher BMI. Hence, BMI and WC are associated with POPs levels, making the chemicals plausible contributors to the obesity epidemic

    Electrically driven single photon source based on a site-controlled quantum dot with self-aligned current injection

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    This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and AIP Publishing. This article appeared in Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 211119 (2012) and may be found at https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4767525.Electrical operation of single photon emitting devices employing site-controlled quantum dot (QD) growth is demonstrated. An oxide aperture acting as a buried stressor structure is forcing site-controlled QD growth, leading to both QD self-alignment with respect to the current path in vertical injection pin-diodes and narrow, jitter-free emission lines. Emissions from a neutral exciton, a neutral bi-exciton, and a charged exciton are unambiguously identified. Polarization-dependent measurements yield an exciton fine-structure splitting of (84 ± 2) μeV at photon energies of 1.28–1.29 eV. Single-photon emission is proven by Hanbury Brown and Twiss experiments yielding an anti-bunching value of g(2)(0) = 0.05 under direct current injection.DFG, 43659573, SFB 787: Halbleiter - Nanophotonik: Materialien, Modelle, Bauelement
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