137 research outputs found

    Rigid Chiral Membranes

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    Statistical ensembles of flexible two-dimensional fluid membranes arise naturally in the description of many physical systems. Typically one encounters such systems in a regime of low tension but high stiffness against bending, which is just the opposite of the regime described by the Polyakov string. We study a class of couplings between membrane shape and in-plane order which break 3-space parity invariance. Remarkably there is only {\it one} such allowed coupling (up to boundary terms); this term will be present for any lipid bilayer composed of tilted chiral molecules. We calculate the renormalization-group behavior of this relevant coupling in a simplified model and show how thermal fluctuations effectively reduce it in the infrared.Comment: 11 pages, UPR-518T (This replaced version has fonts not used removed.

    A state-of-the-art review of curve squeal noise: Phenomena, mechanisms, modelling and mitigation

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    [EN] Curve squeal is an intense tonal noise occurring when a rail vehicle negotiates a sharp curve. The phenomenon can be considered to be chaotic, with a widely differing likelihood of occurrence on different days or even times of day. The term curve squeal may include several different phenomena with a wide range of dominant frequencies and potentially different excitation mechanisms. This review addresses the different squeal phenomena and the approaches used to model squeal noise; both time-domain and frequency-domain approaches are discussed and compared. Supporting measurements using test rigs and field tests are also summarised. A particular aspect that is addressed is the excitation mechanism. Two mechanisms have mainly been considered in previous publications. In many early papers the squeal was supposed to be generated by the so-called falling friction characteristic in which the friction coefficient reduces with increasing sliding velocity. More recently the mode coupling mechanism has been raised as an alternative. These two mechanisms are explained and compared and the evidence for each is discussed. Finally, a short review is given of mitigation measures and some suggestions are offered for why these are not always successful.Squicciarini, G.; Thompson, D.; Ding, B.; Baeza González, LM. (2018). A state-of-the-art review of curve squeal noise: Phenomena, mechanisms, modelling and mitigation. Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design. 139:3-41. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-73411-8_1S341139Anderson, D., Wheatley, N., Fogarty, B., Jiang, J., Howie, A., Potter, W.: Mitigation of curve squeal noise in Queensland, New South Wales and South Australia. In: Conference on Railway Engineering. pp. 625–636, Perth, Australia (2008)Hanson, D., Jiang, J., Dowdell, B., Dwight, R.: Curve squeal: causes, treatments and results. 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    Comprehensive CRISPR-Cas9 screens identify genetic determinants of drug responsiveness in multiple myeloma

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    The introduction of new drugs in the past years has substantially improved outcome in multiple myeloma (MM). However, the majority of patients eventually relapse and become resistant to one or multiple drugs. While the genetic landscape of relapsed/ resistant multiple myeloma has been elucidated, the causal relationship between relapse-specific gene mutations and the sensitivity to a given drug in MM has not systematically been evaluated. To determine the functional impact of gene mutations, we performed combined whole-exome sequencing (WES) of longitudinal patient samples with CRISPR-Cas9 drug resistance screens for lenalidomide, bortezomib, dexamethasone, and melphalan. WES of longitudinal samples from 16 MM patients identified a large number of mutations in each patient that were newly acquired or evolved from a small subclone (median 9, range 1-55), including recurrent mutations in TP53, DNAH5, and WSCD2. Focused CRISPR-Cas9 resistance screens against 170 relapse-specific mutations functionally linked 15 of them to drug resistance. These included cereblon E3 ligase complex members for lenalidomide, structural genes PCDHA5 and ANKMY2 for dexamethasone, RB1 and CDK2NC for bortezomib, and TP53 for melphalan. In contrast, inactivation of genes involved in the DNA damage repair pathway, including ATM, FANCA, RAD54B, and BRCC3, enhanced susceptibility to cytotoxic chemotherapy. Resistance patterns were highly drug specific with low overlap and highly correlated with the treatment-dependent clonal evolution in patients. The functional association of specific genetic alterations with drug sensitivity will help to personalize treatment of MM in the future

    Meta Modeling for Business Process Improvement

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    Conducting business process improvement (BPI) initiatives is a topic of high priority for today’s companies. However, performing BPI projects has become challenging. This is due to rapidly changing customer requirements and an increase of inter-organizational business processes, which need to be considered from an end-to-end perspective. In addition, traditional BPI approaches are more and more perceived as overly complex and too resource-consuming in practice. Against this background, the paper proposes a BPI roadmap, which is an approach for systematically performing BPI projects and serves practitioners’ needs for manageable BPI methods. Based on this BPI roadmap, a domain-specific conceptual modeling method (DSMM) has been developed. The DSMM supports the efficient documentation and communication of the results that emerge during the application of the roadmap. Thus, conceptual modeling acts as a means for purposefully codifying the outcomes of a BPI project. Furthermore, a corresponding software prototype has been implemented using a meta modeling platform to assess the technical feasibility of the approach. Finally, the usability of the prototype has been empirically evaluated

    NUDT2 Disruption Elevates Diadenosine Tetraphosphate (Ap4A) and Down-Regulates Immune Response and Cancer Promotion Genes.

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    Regulation of gene expression is one of several roles proposed for the stress-induced nucleotide diadenosine tetraphosphate (Ap4A). We have examined this directly by a comparative RNA-Seq analysis of KBM-7 chronic myelogenous leukemia cells and KBM-7 cells in which the NUDT2 Ap4A hydrolase gene had been disrupted (NuKO cells), causing a 175-fold increase in intracellular Ap4A. 6,288 differentially expressed genes were identified with P < 0.05. Of these, 980 were up-regulated and 705 down-regulated in NuKO cells with a fold-change ≥ 2. Ingenuity® Pathway Analysis (IPA®) was used to assign these genes to known canonical pathways and functional networks. Pathways associated with interferon responses, pattern recognition receptors and inflammation scored highly in the down-regulated set of genes while functions associated with MHC class II antigens were prominent among the up-regulated genes, which otherwise showed little organization into major functional gene sets. Tryptophan catabolism was also strongly down-regulated as were numerous genes known to be involved in tumor promotion in other systems, with roles in the epithelial-mesenchymal transition, proliferation, invasion and metastasis. Conversely, some pro-apoptotic genes were up-regulated. Major upstream factors predicted by IPA® for gene down-regulation included NFκB, STAT1/2, IRF3/4 and SP1 but no major factors controlling gene up-regulation were identified. Potential mechanisms for gene regulation mediated by Ap4A and/or NUDT2 disruption include binding of Ap4A to the HINT1 co-repressor, autocrine activation of purinoceptors by Ap4A, chromatin remodeling, effects of NUDT2 loss on transcript stability, and inhibition of ATP-dependent regulatory factors such as protein kinases by Ap4A. Existing evidence favors the last of these as the most probable mechanism. Regardless, our results suggest that the NUDT2 protein could be a novel cancer chemotherapeutic target, with its inhibition potentially exerting strong anti-tumor effects via multiple pathways involving metastasis, invasion, immunosuppression and apoptosis

    Railway-induced ground vibrations – a review of vehicle effects

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    This paper is a review of the effect of vehicle characteristics on ground- and track borne-vibrations from railways. It combines traditional theory with modern thinking and uses a range of numerical analysis and experimental results to provide a broad analysis of the subject area. First, the effect of different train types on vibration propagation is investigated. Then, despite not being the focus of this work, numerical approaches to vibration propagation modelling within the track and soil are briefly touched upon. Next an in-depth discussion is presented related to the evolution of numerical models, with analysis of the suitability of various modelling approaches for analysing vehicle effects. The differences between quasi-static and dynamic characteristics are also discussed with insights into defects such as wheel/rail irregularities. Additionally, as an appendix, a modest database of train types are presented along with detailed information related to their physical attributes. It is hoped that this information may provide assistance to future researchers attempting to simulate railway vehicle vibrations. It is concluded that train type and the contact conditions at the wheel/rail interface can be influential in the generation of vibration. Therefore, where possible, when using numerical approach, the vehicle should be modelled in detail. Additionally, it was found that there are a wide variety of modelling approaches capable of simulating train types effects. If non-linear behaviour needs to be included in the model, then time domain simulations are preferable, however if the system can be assumed linear then frequency domain simulations are suitable due to their reduced computational demand
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