307 research outputs found

    Recherches de l'IRD au Brésil depuis 1998

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    Densidades, tamanho de grupo e reprodução de emas no Pantanal Sul.

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    Este estudo sobre a ecologia das emas no Pantanal foi uma primeira experiência na região, e teve o objetivo de avaliar as possibilidades de utilização da espécie nas fazendas do Pantanal da Nhecolândia. A população estimada, através de um levantamento aéreo, foi de 6.500 emas adultas, em todo o Pantanal. Na fazenda Nhumirim foram encontrados 73 grupos de emas durante o estudo, e o número de grupos variou ao longo do ano, de 2 a 17 indivíduos. A razão sexual foi de 1 macho para 3,6 fêmeas. Os ninhos foram feitos pelos machos, em áreas abertas e em áreas fechadas. Nos 2 anos do estudo foram encontrados 26 ninhos, e o número de ovos variou de 5 a 25. O principal predador dos ninhos foi o tatu-peba. A população de emas no Pantanal está bem conservada e existe possibilidade do uso sustentado da espécie.bitstream/item/37302/1/BP55.pd

    Modeling HIV/AIDS Drug Price Determinants in Brazil: Is Generic Competition a Myth?

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    Brazil became the first developing country to guarantee free and universal access to HIV/AIDS treatment, with antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) being delivered to nearly 190,000 patients. The analysis of ARV price evolution and market dynamics in Brazil can help anticipate issues soon to afflict other developing countries, as the 2010 revision of the World Health Organization guidelines shifts demand towards more expensive treatments, and, at the same time, current evolution of international legislation and trade agreements on intellectual property rights may reduce availability of generic drugs for HIV care.Our analyses are based on effective prices paid for ARV procurement in Brazil between 1996 and 2009. Data panel structure was exploited to gather ex-ante and ex-post information and address various sources of statistical bias. In-difference estimation offered in-depth information on ARV market characteristics which significantly influence prices. Although overall ARV prices follow a declining trend, changing characteristics in the generic segment help explain recent increase in generic ARV prices. Our results show that generic suppliers are more likely to respond to factors influencing demand size and market competition, while originator suppliers tend to set prices strategically to offset compulsory licensing threats and generic competition.In order to guarantee the long term sustainability of access to antiretroviral treatment, our findings highlight the importance of preserving and stimulating generic market dynamics to sustain developing countries' bargaining power in price negotiations undertaken with originator companies

    Isolamento, identificação e sorotipagem de candida albicans a partir de secreção vaginal

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    Foram estudadas 104 amostras de secreção vaginal de mulheres com suspeita de candidiase segundo observações clinicas, na cidade de Alfenas-MG. Encontrou-se 55,7% de positividade para Candida albicans .prevalecendo maior índice na raça negra (64% de 25 amostras), sendo de 53,1% (79 amostras), a positividade na raça branca. Em 14 gestantes, a pesquisa da levedura mostrou-se positiva na totalidade dos casos. A maioria das amostras positivas (93,1%) procedia de mulheres com idade compreendida entre 20 40 anos. O uso de anticoncepcionais, antibióticos e presença de displasias cervicais mostraram-se como fatores que contribuiram para maior incidência do fungo. Das 58 amostras de C. albicans isoladas, 50 (86,2%) pertenciam ao sorotipo "A", sendo 37 (74%) isoladas de mulheres da raça branca e 13 (26%) da raça negra. Apenas 08 amostras (13,8%) pertenciam ao sorotipo "B", sendo 05 (11,9%) isoladas a partir de mulheres da raça branca e 03 (18,75%) da raça negra

    Distinct degassing pulses during magma invasion in the stratified Karoo Basin – New insights from hydrothermal fluid flow modelling

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    Magma emplacement in organic‐rich sedimentary basins is a main driver of past environmental crises. Using a 2D numerical model, we investigate the process of thermal cracking in contact aureoles of cooling sills and subsequent transport and emission of thermogenic methane by hydrothermal fluids. Our model includes a Mohr‐Coulomb failure criterion to initiate hydrofracturing and a dynamic porosity/permeability. We investigate the Karoo Basin, taking into account host‐rock material properties from borehole data, realistic total organic carbon content, and different sill geometries. Consistent with geological observations, we find that thermal plumes quickly rise at the edges of saucer‐shaped sills, guided along vertically fractured high permeability pathways. Contrastingly, less focused and slower plumes rise from the edges and the central part of flat‐lying sills. Using a novel upscaling method based on sill‐to‐sediment ratio we find that degassing of the Karoo Basin occurred in two distinct phases during magma invasion. Rapid degassing triggered by sills emplaced within the top 1.5 km emitted ~1.6·103 Gt of thermogenic methane, while thermal plumes originating from deeper sills, carrying a 12‐times greater mass of methane, may not reach the surface. We suggest that these large quantities of methane could be re‐mobilized by the heat provided by neighboring sills. We conclude that the Karoo LIP may have emitted as much as ~22.3·103 Gt of thermogenic methane in the half million years of magmatic activity, with emissions up to 3 Gt/year. This quantity of methane and the emission rates can explain the negative δ13C excursion of the Toarcian environmental crisis. Key Points Sill geometry and emplacement depth as well as intruded host rock type are the main factors controlling methane mobilization and degassing Dehydration‐related porosity increase and pore‐pressure‐induced hydrofracturing are important mechanisms for a quick transport of methane from sill to the surface The Karoo Basin may have degassed ~22.3·103 Gt of thermogenic methane in the half million years of magmatic activit

    Finite temperature density matrix and two-point correlations in the antiferromagnetic XXZ chain

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    We derive finite temperature versions of integral formulae for the two-point correlation functions in the antiferromagnetic XXZ chain. The derivation is based on the summation of density matrix elements characterizing a finite chain segment of length mm. On this occasion we also supply a proof of the basic integral formula for the density matrix presented in an earlier publication.Comment: 35 page