883 research outputs found

    Perencanaan Struktur Gedung Tahan Gempa Rumah Sakit Dokter Rosnedy 6 Lantai + 1 Basement Dengan Sistem Rangka Pemikul Momen Menengah (Srpmm) Di Kota Solo

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    PERENCANAAN STRUKTUR GEDUNG TAHAN GEMPA RUMAH SAKIT DOKTER ROSNEDY 6 LANTAI + 1 BASEMENT DENGAN SISTEM RANGKA PEMIKUL MOMEN MENENGAH (SRPMM) DI KOTA SOLO Harun Muhammad Program Studi Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta Jl. A. YAni Tromol Pos 1 Pabelan Kartasura 57102 Telp 0271 717417 e-mail : [email protected] ABSTRAK Kota Solo menjadi sentral rujukan rumah sakit di daerah sekitarnya, sehingga kebutuhan akan rumah sakit menjadi meningkat untuk melayani kesehatan masyarakat di daerah kota solo dan sekitarnya. Oleh karena itu akan direncanakan sebuah gedung rumah sakit 6 lantai +1 basement dengan Sistem Rangka Pemikul Momen Menengah (SRPMM) di kota tersebut. Yang harus dipertimbangkan dalam merencanaan struktur gedung diantaranya aspek keamanan, arsitektural dan ekonomi. Perencanaan gedung rumah sakit ini mengacu pada standar peraturan (SNI) terbaru yang telah diterbitkan, yaitu SNI-1726:2012 (Tata Cara Perencanaan Ketahanan Gempa Untuk Struktur Gedung dan Non-Gedung) dan SNI-2847:2013 (Persyaratan Beton Struktural Untuk Bangunan Gedung). Perencanaan gedung ini mencakup struktur utama (struktur atas balok kolom dan struktur bawah) serta struktur rangka atap baja IWF dan struktur pelat (pelat lantai, tangga, dan basement). Dengan lokasi gedung di kota Solo dan perhitungan klasifikasi situs tanah termasuk kategori SD (tanah sedang), maka diperoleh nilai SDS dan SD1 adalah 0,755 dan 0,316. Untuk kebutuhan perencanaan beban gempa pada gedung SRPMM, dipakai faktor keutamaan bangunan Ie dengan nilai 1,5 (gedung rumah sakit memiliki unit bedah termasuk dalam kategori IV) faktor modifikasi respons (R) sebesar 5, metode analisis beban gempa menggunakan statik ekivalen. Mutu beton yang dipakai fc’ 30 MPa, serta mutu tulangan baja ulir fy 400 MPa dan tulangan polos fy 240 MPa. Struktur balok direncanakan berdimensi 350/700 untuk lantai 1 sampai 3, dan 300/600 untuk lantai 4 sampai atap. Sedangkan untuk kolom direncanakan dengan dimensi 500/700 untuk lantai basement sampai sampai 1, dimensi 450/650 untuk lantai 2 sampai 3, dimensi 400/600 untuk lantai 4 sampai 6. Struktur bawah direncanakan memakai pondasi tiang pancang diameter 400 mm dengan kedalaman 18 m, dengan dimensi poer 1800x1800x650mm untuk 4 tiang dan poer 2300x2300x650mm untuk 5 tiang. Sloof direncanakan berdimensi 250/500. Kata kunci : perencanaan, sistem rangka pemikul momen menengah, struktur gedung. ABSTRACT Solo city became a central referral hospital in the surrounding area, so the need for hospitals to be increased to serve the public health in solo city and surrounding area. Therefore it would planned hospital building with a 6 storey +1 basement bearer sway intermediate (SI) in the city. Which should be considered in the planning of the building structure including safety aspects, architectural and economic. Planning the hospital building refers to the regulatory standards (SNI) version that has been published, namely SNI-1726:2012 (Tata Cara Perencanaan Ketahanan Gempa Untuk Struktur Gedung dan Non-Gedung) and SNI 2847:2013 (Persyaratan Beton Struktural Untuk Bangunan Gedung). The building plan includes a main structure (the structure of columns, beams, and under the structure) and the IWF steel roof structure and a slab structure (slab floors, staircases and basement). The location of the building in the city of Solo and the land sites including SD classification (soil medium), then the SDS and SD1 values obtained are 0,755 and 0,316. For planning of earthquake loads on the building needs sway intermediate (SI), used primacy building factor 1.5 (for building hospitals have surgical units are included in category IV), response modification factor (R) equal to 5, the method of analysis earthquake load using the static equivalent. Quality of concrete used f'c 30 MPa, and the quality of threaded rebar use fy 400 MPa and for plain rebar use fy 240 MPa. Dimensional beam structure planned 350/700 for the 1st to 3rd floors, and 300/600 for the 4th floor to the roof. As for the column is planned with the dimensions 500/700 for the basement up to 1st floor, the dimensions of 450/650 to the 2nd to 3rd floor, the dimension 400/600 for 4th to 6th floors. Under the structure of pile foundation planned to use 400 mm of a diameter with a depth of 18 m, and dimensions of pile cap 1800x1800x650mm for pile foundation 4 poles and pile cap 2300x2300x650mm for pile foundation 5 poles. Sloof planned dimension 250/500. Keywords: planning, system frame bearers secondary moment, the structure of the building

    Philosophical Study of Hans Kelsen's Thoughts on Law and Satjipto Rahardjo's Ideas on Progressive Law

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    The purpose of this paper is to compare and evaluate the thoughts of Hans Kelsen with Satjipto Raharjo. Both offer their respective theories, namely Hans Kelsen's pure legal theory and Satjipto Rahardjo's progressive law. In this theory, both of them base their philosophical approach. After reviewing, the theories of these two figures are relevant for interpreting the law. This paper uses a critical paradigm with a combination of normative or doctrinal and sociological or non-doctrinal approaches. The results showed that Hans Kelsen directed his mind that legal positivism considers moral speech, values are finished and final when it comes to the formation of positive law. Pure Legal Theory is not a perfect copy of transcendental ideas, but it does not try to see the law as a posterity of justice. While Rahardjo's progressive law rests on the aspects of rules and behavior. Regulations will build a positive and rational legal system. While the behavioral or human aspects will drive the rules and systems that are built. Tujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk membandingkan dan mengevaluasi pemikiran Hans Kelsen dengan Satjipto Raharjo. Keduanya menawarkan teori masing-masing, yaitu teori hukum murni Hans Kelsen dan hukum progresif Satjipto Rahardjo. Dalam teori ini, keduanya sama-sama mendasarkan pendekatan secara filosif. Setelah dikaji, teori dari kedua tokoh ini relevan untuk memaknai hukum. Tulisan ini menggunakan paradigima kritis dengan pendekatan kombinasi normatif atau doktrinal dan sosiologis atau non doktrinal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Hans Kelsen lebih mengarahkan pikirannya bahwa positivisme hukum yang menganggap pembicaraan moral, nilai-nilai telah selesai dan final manakala sampai pada pembentukan hukum positif. Teori Hukum Murni bukanlah salinan ide transendental yang sempurna, namun tidak berusaha memandang hukum sebagai anak cucu keadilan. Sementara hukum progresifnya Rahardjo bertumpu pada aspek peraturan dan perilaku (rules and behavior). Peraturan akan membangun suatu sistem hukum positif yang logis dan rasional. Sedangkan aspek perilaku atau manusia akan menggerakkan peraturan dan sistem yang dibangun.

    Eksistensi `Urf Pada Perubahan Qawl Al-syāfi`ī (Tela`ah Terhadap Hukum Munākahāt)

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    `Urf as one of the methods istinbāţ there is no law in the legal constructs formulated by al-Syāfi`ī the book of al-treatise. However, the phenomenon of change qawl al-Syāfi`ī of qawl qadim to Jadid not based on texts which have implications for the interpretation of the existence of two `Urf; `Urf effect or no effect on these changes. In the case of the existence of the field of `Urf Munākahāt apparently only affects the order tanfīz. While in the process of change qawl al-Syāfi`ī remains influential in the texts. So it is understandable, why not include the al-`Urf Syāfi`ī on istinbāţ methods besides legal interpretation that` Urf effect on qawl change must be understood in the context of tanfīz.ملخص: `العرف وأسلوب واحد للحكم غير موجودة في قانون البنى التي صاغها شافعي على قناة اطروحة. لكن ظاهرة تغير القول المفيد القول المفيد شافعي القديم إلى الجديد لا يقوم على ناش تورط اثنين من التفسيرات لوجود `العرف. `أثر العرف أو أي تأثير على هذه التغييرات. في حالة وجود مجال الزواج ويبدو أن تؤثر فقط على `العرف حفاظ على النظام بينما في عملية التغيير يبقى القول المفيد شافعي تأثيرا في ناش

    Study On The Accuracy Of Squeeze Film Damping Calculation With Finite Element Analysis

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    Squeeze film damping due to the air trapped between oscillating membrane structure and a fixed substrate is a critical consideration in the design of MEMS devices because it can adversely affect the dynamic behaviour of the system. Therefore, the development of MEMS depends highly on the modelling and numerical simulation in order to optimize and verify their design before the batch production process. In this thesis, a method to model squeeze film damping with finite element approach to attain sufficiently high accuracy while considerably reducing the degrees of freedom is proposed, and its effectiveness is studied by comparing with other methods. The numerical analysis was performed using commercial ANSYS software. The structures were modelled using three-dimensional (3D) element and two-dimensional (2D) element. Results obtained by finite element models are compared with existing experimental measurements and analytical solutions. It was found that for the computation of damping coefficient, two-dimensional model yields slightly similar accuracy with three-dimensional model with respect to experimental data for low number of holes. In contrast, for highly perforated membranes, the proposed two-dimensional model is shown to be more accurate. The results clearly validate the proposed model to achieve good accuracy for damping coefficient solution while consuming considerably less computer time and memory

    Determinant of dividend payout ratio: Evidence from public listed companies in Malaysia

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    This dissertation examines the determinants of dividend payout ratio of 139 public listed companies in Malaysia over the period 2001 to 2014. Data are collected from DataStream database and analysed using Ordinary Least Squares (OLS). Dividend payout ratio is measured by dividend value divided by total asset, while the determinant variables are size, profitability, cash flow, sales growth, leverage ratio and historical growth. The findings demonstrate that size, profitability, leverage ratio and historical growth influence the dividend payout ratio of Malaysian public listed companies in the period studied. Size negatively influence dividend payout ratio, profitability positively influence dividend payout ratio, leverage ratio has a positive relationship with the dividend payout ratio and lastly historical growth negatively determine dividend payout ratio. This implies that in Malaysia, bigger size companies pays less dividend, more profitable companies pay more dividend, higher leverage companies pay more dividend and finally, lower growth companies pay higher dividen

    Seismic Data Visualization and Analysis

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    Seismic exploration is one of the central parts in petroleum exploration and production. In this exploration, seismic data visualization and analysis is a method to determine the structure of the earth's interior, which is a part of the whole process in predicting new oil field. SEGY (*.sgy) is one of the file formats that stores the seismic data. This paper presents the dissertation report on the development of seismic data visualization and analysis application using MATLAB. The main objectives of this project are to develop a functional application for seismic data visualization and analysis and to ensure that the application can load, read, visualize, and analyze the seismic data in SEGY file through MATLAB. This is because raw seismic data need to be converted into usable information and manual processing of the numerous data can be tedious and time consuming. The scope of study mainly focuses at SEGY file structure, seismic data reading and visualization techniques, and seismic data analysis method. Several findings of MATLAB functions on how to read the structure and content of SEGY file have been very useful for this project. In this application, seismic data analysis focuses at the study of the density variance of the earth's layer based on the seismic amplitude. This project applies evolutionary development method, which is effective as changes in requirements may appear in any phases of the application development. As overall, seismic data processing draws on the knowledge of wave propagation effects and acquisition geometry to create geologically meaningful images of the earth's subsurface. I

    The effectiveness of promotional mix (advertising and sales promotion) in enhancing the customer awareness: “study in Agrobank” / Musa Muhammad @ Harun

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    Promotion is used to communicate with customers with respect to product offering. Promotion has a key role in determining profitability and market success and is one of the key is “Four Ps” of the marketing mix. The tools that can be employed in the promotional are advertising, sponsorship, public relations personal selling and etc. This project paper which entitled ‘The Effectiveness of Promotion Tools in Enhancing Customer Awareness: Study in Agrobank” purposely to study the influence of promotion tools used by Agrobank in order to enhance the customer awareness. From the study, the researcher can identify the major problems that faced by Agrobank and searching for effective solution on it matter arises such as their advertisement is not enough to attract consumer, lack of information by consumer towards their product, service that they offer, and also the restructuring of company by using new logo and name, etc. Therefore, the researcher comes out with a few recommendations to the company such as emphasize their promotion activities through internet website, need to provide a permanent staff at helps desk and so on. These recommendations will help the bank enhancing customer awareness among the target market and attract them. This report outlining the introduction, literature review, findings and analysis, conclusions and recommendations based on the journal and observation during the practical trainee at Agrobank Jeli Branch, Kelantan

    The Development of Education Character Policy and Programs in Information Society of Kampung Cyber Yogyakarta

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    This ariticle presents studies about the Strengthening Character Education policy and practised in Kampung Cyber Yogyakarta's information society. The aim of this research was to describe how character education policy materializes in Kampung Cyber community's efforts in developing character education programs. The research was a qualitative research with a case study approach. The data were obtained through interviews, observation and documentation in the field directly. The results were divided into two things according to the main study. First, related to the dimensions and second related to the results of character education development in Kampung Cyber. The results show that the development of character education in Kampung Cyber covered five primary characters and targeted three fundamental problems: foundational problems, structural problems and operational problems. In general, the product of character education in Kampung Cyber was positive, because they can increase social-communal awareness, improve religious practice, and the synergy of character education and its natural habituation. Keywords:  Education Character Policy, Strengthening Education Characte


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    Kida-kidahan atau yang disebut dengan pertunangan ciIik ini sudah menjadi tradisi yang turun temurun dari zaman nenek moyang sampai zaman modern pada saat ini. Di awaIi dari ahIi pihak Iaki-Iaki datang ke rumah pihak perempuan dengan membawa apa sekedar yang dapat dibawanya sebagai tanda penghormatan kepada keIuarga perempuan. Namun seiring dengan perkembangan tradisi pertunangan ciIik ini Iebih banyak menghabiskan biaya karena perayaan ini setara dengan resepsi pernikahan yang diIaksanakan dengan megah dan mewah.  Tujuan peneIitian ini adaIahuntuk mengetahui bagaimana penyeIesaian sengketa pertunangan ciIik di desa Baru Rambang menurut prespektif hukum adat dan hukum IsIam. PeneIitian ini dapat menambah kajian yang Iebih Iuas secara khusus tentang penyeIesaian sengketa pertunangan ciIik daIam kehidupan masyarakat Baru Rambang, serta mampu memberikan khazanah pengetahuan bagi penuIis dan peneIiti seIanjutnya mengenai hukum IsIam, tradisi dan kebudayaan masyarakat yang bersangkutan. Metode peneIitian yang digunakan yaitu peneIitian Iapangan (fieId research) dengan sumber data meIaIui data primer dan sekunder dan dikumpuIkan dengan cara observasi, dokumentasi dan wawancara Iangsung dengan tokoh adat, tokoh agama serta perangkat desa yg terIibat. HasiI dari peneIitian ini adaIah bahwa penyeIesaian sengketa pertunangan ciIik ini diseIesaikan dengan cara yang baik yaitu dengan cara kekeIuargaan dan juga musyawarah yang meIibatkan tokoh adat, tokoh agama serta kepaIa desa. Sanksi bagi pihak yang membataIkan sudah di tetapkan oIeh masyarakat setempat supaya bisa bertanggung jawab atas apa yang teIah di perbuat dan juga demi keadiIan bagi kedua beIah pihak yang bersengketa supaya terciptanya kerukunan dan kedamaian. HaI ini pun tidak bertentangan dengan ajaran dan hukum IsIam. Kata Kunci: PembataIan Pertunangan CiIik, Adat dan IsIam.   Absract   Kida-kidahan or what is known as little engagement has become a tradition passed down from generation to generation from the time of our ancestors to modern times today. At the beginning, the men and women came to the women's house with what they could bring as a sign of respect to the women's family. However, along with the development of this little engagement tradition, it costs more because this celebration is equivalent to a wedding reception which is held grandly and luxuriously. The purpose of this research is to find out how to settle a small-scale engagement dispute in Baru Rambang village from the perspective of customary law and Islamic law. This research can add to a more extensive study in particular on the resolution of civil engagement disputes in the life of the Baru Rambang community, as well as being able to provide a wealth of knowledge for writers and further researchers regarding Islamic law, traditions and culture of the community concerned. The research method used is field research with data sources through primary and secondary data and collected by means of observation, documentation and direct interviews with traditional leaders, religious leaders and village officials involved. The result of this research is that the settlement of this small engagement dispute is resolved in a good way, namely by family methods and also through deliberation involving traditional leaders, religious leaders and village heads. Sanctions for those who break it have been set by the local community so that they can be held accountable for what has been done and also for the sake of justice for both parties to the dispute in order to create harmony and peace. This is also not contrary to the teachings and laws of Islam.   Keywords: Cancellation of Civil Engagement, Custom and Islam