319 research outputs found

    a N.ew & P.owerful C.onspiracy

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    Original Senior Project in Theatre and Performance, submitted to The Division of Arts of Bard College

    Treating a 20 mm Hg Gradient Alleviates Myocardial Hypertrophy in Experimental Aortic Coarctation

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    Background Children with coarctation of the aorta (CoA) can have a hyperdynamic and remodeled left ventricle (LV) from increased afterload. Literature from an experimental model suggests the putative 20 mm Hg blood pressure gradient (BPG) treatment guideline frequently implemented in CoA studies may permit irreversible vascular changes. LV remodeling from pressure overload has been studied, but data are limited following correction and using a clinically representative BPG. Materials and methods Rabbits underwent CoA at 10 weeks to induce a 20 mm Hg BPG using permanent or dissolvable suture thereby replicating untreated and corrected CoA, respectively. Cardiac function was evaluated at 32 weeks by magnetic resonance imaging using a spoiled cine GRE sequence (TR/TE/FA 8/2.9/20), 14 × 14-cm FOV, and 3-mm slice thickness. Images (20 frames/cycle) were acquired in 6-8 short axis views from the apex to the mitral valve annulus. LV volume, ejection fraction (EF), and mass were quantified. Results LV mass was elevated for CoA (5.2 ± 0.55 g) versus control (3.6 ± 0.16 g) and corrected (4.0 ± 0.44 g) rabbits, resulting in increased LV mass/volume ratio for CoA rabbits. A trend toward increased EF and stroke volume was observed but did not reach significance. Elevated EF by volumetric analysis in CoA rabbits was supported by concomitant increases in total aortic flow by phase-contrast magnetic resonance imaging. Conclusions The indices quantified trended toward a persistent hyperdynamic LV despite correction, but differences were not statistically significant versus control rabbits. These findings suggest the current putative 20 mm Hg BPG for treatment may be reasonable from the LV\u27s perspective

    When Jack And I Were Children

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    Text only; White backgroundhttps://scholarsjunction.msstate.edu/cht-sheet-music/1355/thumbnail.jp

    The Effect of the Wood Defects on Fire Resistance

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    In the case of charcoal speeds, the defects of the wood and the effect of the metal fixing elements are not taken into account. The aim of our research was to analyze and investigate the effect of wood defects and fasteners on fire resistance. During the experiments we investigated the effect of the defects in the wood and the effect of the metal fasteners on the fire resistance. In the first part of the experiments we examined the effect of wooden defects (knots, thread direction, cracks, insect repellent) on fire resistance. We assumed that the higher hardness or density of the knots and the different fiber direction would facilitate the burning of the wood in the vicinity of the knot. In our experiments, we also examined the effects of cracks and insect pests. The second part of our experiment was to test the switching elements under the effect of heat load.res

    Development of an interface for digital neuromorphic hardware based on an FPGA

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    Exploring and understanding the functioning of the human brain is one of the greatest challenges for current research. Neuromorphic engineering tries to address this challenge by abstracting biological mechanisms and translating them into technology. Via the abstraction process and experiments with the resulting technical system, an attempt is made to obtain information about the biological counterpart. One subsection of Neuromorphic Engineering (NE) are Spiking Neural Networks (SNN), which describe the structures of the human brain more and more closely than Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). Together with their dedicated hardware, SNNs provide a good platform for developing new algorithms for information processing. In the context of these neuromorphic hardware platforms, this paper aims to develop an interface for a digital hardware platform (SPINN-3 Development Board) to enable the use of industrial or conventional sensors and thus create new approaches for experimental research. The basis for this endeavor is a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), which is placed as a gateway between the sensors and the neuromorphic hardware. Overall, the developed system provides a robust solution for a wide variety of investigations related to neuromorphic hardware and SNNs. Furthermore, the solution also offers suitable possibilities to monitor all processes within the system in order to obtain suitable measurements, which can be examined in search of meaningful results.Comment: Accepted for publication with Proceedings of the Unified Conference of DAMAS, InCoME and TEPEN Conferences (UNIfied 2023), Springer Natur

    Die Regelungen zur Umgehungsabwehr im Antidumpingrecht der EU und der USA im Lichte der WTO: Eine rechtsvergleichende Studie

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    Im Zuge der jüngsten Antidumpingmaßnahmen der US-Trump-Administration werden verstärkt die (alten) Vorwürfe laut, das Antidumpingrecht diene vorwiegend protektionistischen Interessen. Dabei steht hinter dem Antidumpingrecht das legitime Ziel, einen fairen Wettbewerb im internationalen Markt sicherzustellen. Dieses Ziel wird durch die immer komplexer gestalteten Umgehungshandlungen ausländischer Exporteure bzw. Hersteller zunehmend gefährdet. Wie stellen sich die EU und die USA diesem Effizienzproblem im Bereich des Antidumpingrechts? Welche Voraussetzungen legen die EU- und US-Umgehungsabwehrregelungen fest und wie stellt sich die jeweilige behördliche Anwendungspraxis dar? Im Wege des Vergleichs zweier großer Rechtsordnungen zur Antidumpingumgehung zeigt die Autorin Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede der Umgehungsabwehr in der EU und den USA auf. Inzident ist damit auch eine Prüfung der Effizienz, des protektionistischen Gehalts und der Vereinbarkeit der verschiedenen Umgehungsabwehrregelungen mit den Vorgaben des Welthandelsrechts verbunden. Die Autorin sieht die Vereinbarkeit der in den Umgehungsabwehrverfahren durchgeführten Ursprungsbestimmungen höchst kritisch und spricht sich für die Schaffung multilateraler Vorschriften auf WTO-Ebene aus, um einen verbindlichen Mindeststandard zu schaffen

    Auf der Suche nach dem verlorenen Grund: 'Post-Demokratie' als historische und systematische Reflexionskategorie Sozialer Arbeit

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    "Anliegen dieses Beitrages ist es, das Verhältnis Sozialer Arbeit zur Politik aus der Perspektive einer post-fundamentalistischen Theorie des Politischen zu betrachten. Zuerst werde ich fragen, was eine systematische Lesart des Topos der Postdemokratie für eine solche Re-Lektüre beitragen kann. Im Anschluss an diese Überlegungen möchte ich vorschlagen, das Verhältnis Sozialer Arbeit und Politik auf der Basis ihrer politischen Repräsentationen historisch zu rekonstruieren." (Autorenreferat

    Investigation of polyviologens as oxygen indicators in food packaging

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    A triggered oxygen indicator, formulated from a combination of electrochrome, titanium dioxide and EDTA, was evaluated for use in modified atmosphere packaging. Methylene blue was not an ideal electrochrome due to its slow reduction to the leuco form and fast subsequent oxidation by oxygen present at low concentrations, >0.1%. Polyviologen electrochromes showed much faster reduction after exposure to UV light. Thionine and 2,2?-dicyano-1,1?-dimethylviologen dimesylate, which have more anodic reduction potentials compared to methylene blue, can be used to produce oxygen indicators with decreased sensitivity to oxygen. These indicators can be used to detect oxygen even when levels increase up to 4.0%