1,959 research outputs found

    Burst avalanches in solvable models of fibrous materials

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    We review limiting models for fracture in bundles of fibers, with statistically distributed thresholds for breakdown of individual fibers. During the breakdown process, avalanches consisting of simultaneous rupture of several fibers occur, and the distribution D(Δ)D(\Delta) of the magnitude Δ\Delta of such avalanches is the central characteristics in our analysis. For a bundle of parallel fibers two limiting models of load sharing are studied and contrasted: the global model in which the load carried by a bursting fiber is equally distributed among the surviving members, and the local model in which the nearest surviving neighbors take up the load. For the global model we investigate in particular the conditions on the threshold distribution which would lead to anomalous behavior, i.e. deviations from the asymptotics D(Δ)Δ5/2D(\Delta) \sim \Delta^{-5/2}, known to be the generic behavior. For the local model no universal power-law asymptotics exists, but we show for a particular threshold distribution how the avalanche distribution can nevertheless be explicitly calculated in the large-bundle limit.Comment: 28 pages, RevTeX, 3 Postscript figure

    Research Note:<br>Derivation of temperature lapse rates in semi-arid south-eastern Arizona

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    International audienceEcological and hydrological modelling at the regional scale requires distributed information on weather variables, and temperature is important among these. In an area of basin and range topography with a wide range of elevations, such as south-eastern Arizona, measurements are usually available only at a relatively small number of locations and elevations, and temperatures elsewhere must be estimated from atmospheric lapse rate. This paper derives the lapse rates to estimate maximum, minimum and mean daily temperatures from elevation. Lapse rates were calculated using air temperatures at 2 m collected during 2002 at 18 locations across south-eastern Arizona, with elevations from 779 to 2512 m. The lapse rate predicted for the minimum temperature was lower than the mean environmental lapse rate (MELR), i.e. 6 K km?1, whereas those predicted for the mean and maximum daily temperature were very similar to the MELR. Lapse rates were also derived from radiosonde data at 00 and 12 UTC (5 pm and 5 am local time, respectively). The lapse rates calculated from radiosonde data were greater than those from the 2 m measurements, presumably because the effect of the surface was less. Given temperatures measured at Tucson airport, temperatures at the other sites were predicted using the different estimates of lapse rates. The best predictions of temperatures used the locally predicted lapse rates. In the case of maximum and mean temperature, using the MELR also resulted in accurate predictions. Keywords: near surface lapse rates, semi-arid climate, mean minimum and maximum temperatures, basin and range topograph

    Cloning and expression of a mammalian peptide chain release factor with sequence similarity to tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetases

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    The termination of protein synthesis is encoded by in-frame nonsense (stop) codons. Most organisms use three nonsense codons: UGA, UAG, and UAA. In contrast to sense codons, which are decoded by specific tRNAs, nonsense codons are decoded by proteins called release factors (RFs). Here we report the cloning of a mammalian RF cDNA by the use of monoclonal antibodies specific for rabbit RF. Functional studies showed that, when expressed in Escherichia coli, the protein encoded by this cDNA has in vitro biochemical characteristics similar to those of previously characterized mammalian RFs. DNA sequencing of this eukaryotic RF cDNA revealed a remarkable sequence similarity to bacterial and mitochondrial tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetases, with the greatest similarity confined to the synthetase active site, and no obvious similarity to bacterial RFs

    Dynamical Backaction of Microwave Fields on a Nanomechanical Oscillator

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    We measure the response and thermal motion of a high-Q nanomechanical oscillator coupled to a superconducting microwave cavity in the resolved-sideband regime where the oscillator's resonance frequency exceeds the cavity's linewidth. The coupling between the microwave field and mechanical motion is strong enough for radiation pressure to overwhelm the intrinsic mechanical damping. This radiation-pressure damping cools the fundamental mechanical mode by a factor of 5 below the thermal equilibrium temperature in a dilution refrigerator to a phonon occupancy of 140 quanta.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Parametric coupling between macroscopic quantum resonators

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    Time-dependent linear coupling between macroscopic quantum resonator modes generates both a parametric amplification also known as a {}"squeezing operation" and a beam splitter operation, analogous to quantum optical systems. These operations, when applied properly, can robustly generate entanglement and squeezing for the quantum resonator modes. Here, we present such coupling schemes between a nanomechanical resonator and a superconducting electrical resonator using applied microwave voltages as well as between two superconducting lumped-element electrical resonators using a r.f. SQUID-mediated tunable coupler. By calculating the logarithmic negativity of the partially transposed density matrix, we quantitatively study the entanglement generated at finite temperatures. We also show that characterization of the nanomechanical resonator state after the quantum operations can be achieved by detecting the electrical resonator only. Thus, one of the electrical resonator modes can act as a probe to measure the entanglement of the coupled systems and the degree of squeezing for the other resonator mode.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, submitte

    The Wicked Machinery of Government: Malta and the Problems of Continuity under the New Model Administration

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    This is a study focused on the early years of British rule in Malta (1800-1813). It explores the application to the island of the “new model” of colonial government, one based on direct rule from London mediated by the continuation of existing laws and institutions. Systemic deficiencies are identified. These tended to undermine the effectiveness of direct British rule. This study also reveals, in the context of legal and constitutional continuity, unresolved tensions between modernity and tradition. The political stability of the island was damaged and the possibility of continued British possession was threatened

    Spectroscopy of Blue Stragglers and Turnoff Stars in M67 (NGC 2682)

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    We have analyzed high-resolution spectra of relatively cool blue stragglers and main sequence turnoff stars in the old open cluster M67 (NGC 2682). We attempt to identify blue stragglers whose spectra are least contaminated by binary effects (contamination by a binary companion or absorption by circumstellar material). These ``best'' stragglers have metallicities ([Fe/H] = -0.05) and abundance ratios of the blue stragglers are not significantly different from those of the turnoff stars. Based on arguments from hydrodynamical models of stellar collisions, we assert that the current upper limits for the lithium abundances of all blue stragglers observed in M67 (by us and others) are consistent with no mixing during the formation process, assuming pre-main sequence and main sequence depletion patterns observed for M67 main sequence stars. We discuss composition signatures that could more definitively distinguish between blue straggler formation mechanisms in open cluster stars. We confirm the spectroscopic detection of a binary companion to the straggler S 1082. From our spectra, we measure a projected rotational speed of 90+/-20 km/sec for the secondary, and find that its radial velocity varies with a peak-to-peak amplitude of ~ 25 km/sec. Because the radial velocities do not vary with a period corresponding to the partial eclipses in the system, we believe this system is currently undergoing mass transfer. In addition we present evidence that S 984 is a true blue straggler (and not an unresolved pair). If this can be proven, our detection of lithium may indicate a collisional origin.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures, to appear in October 2000 A

    The Post-Common Envelope and Pre-Cataclysmic Binary PG 1224+309

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    We have made extensive spectroscopic and photometric observations of PG 1224+309, a close binary containing a DA white dwarf primary and an M4+ secondary. The H alpha line is in emission due to irradiation of the M-star by the hot white dwarf and is seen to vary around the orbit. From the radial velocities of the H alpha line we derive a period of P = 0.258689 +/- 0.000004 days and a semi-amplitude of K_Halpha = 160 +/- 8 km/s. We estimate a correction Delta_K = 21 +/- 2 km/s, where K_M = K_Halpha + Delta_K. Radial velocity variations of the white dwarf reveal a semi-amplitude of K_WD = 112 +/- 14 km/s. The blue spectrum of the white dwarf is well fit by a synthetic spectrum having T_eff = 29,300 K and log(g) = 7.38. The white dwarf contributes 97% of the light at 4500 Angstroms and virtually all of the light blueward of 3800 Angstroms. No eclipses are observed. The mass inferred for the white dwarf depends on the assumed mass of the thin residual hydrogen envelope: 0.40 < M_WD < 0.45 solar masses for hydrogen envelope masses of 0 < M_H < 4.0E-4 solar masses. We argue that the mass of the white dwarf is closer to 0.45 solar masses, hence it appears that the white dwarf has a relatively large residual hydrogen envelope. The mass of the M-star is then M_M = 0.28 +/- 0.05 solar masses, and the inclination is i = 77 +/- 7 degrees. We discuss briefly how PG 1224+309 may be used to constrain theories of close binary star evolution, and the past and future histories of PG 1224+309 itself. The star is both a ``post-common envelope'' star and a ``pre-cataclysmic binary'' star. Mass transfer by Roche-lobe overflow should commence in about 10 Gyr.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures, AAS LaTeX, to appear in AJ, March 199

    Bursts in a fiber bundle model with continuous damage

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    We study the constitutive behaviour, the damage process, and the properties of bursts in the continuous damage fiber bundle model introduced recently. Depending on its two parameters, the model provides various types of constitutive behaviours including also macroscopic plasticity. Analytic results are obtained to characterize the damage process along the plastic plateau under strain controlled loading, furthermore, for stress controlled experiments we develop a simulation technique and explore numerically the distribution of bursts of fiber breaks assuming infinite range of interaction. Simulations revealed that under certain conditions power law distribution of bursts arises with an exponent significantly different from the mean field exponent 5/2. A phase diagram of the model characterizing the possible burst distributions is constructed.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figures, APS style, submitted for publicatio

    Electron-nuclear interaction in 13C nanotube double quantum dots

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    For coherent electron spins, hyperfine coupling to nuclei in the host material can either be a dominant source of unwanted spin decoherence or, if controlled effectively, a resource allowing storage and retrieval of quantum information. To investigate the effect of a controllable nuclear environment on the evolution of confined electron spins, we have fabricated and measured gate-defined double quantum dots with integrated charge sensors made from single-walled carbon nanotubes with a variable concentration of 13C (nuclear spin I=1/2) among the majority zero-nuclear-spin 12C atoms. Spin-sensitive transport in double-dot devices grown using methane with the natural abundance (~ 1%) of 13C is compared with similar devices grown using an enhanced (~99%) concentration of 13C. We observe strong isotope effects in spin-blockaded transport, and from the dependence on external magnetic field, estimate the hyperfine coupling in 13C nanotubes to be on the order of 100 micro-eV, two orders of magnitude larger than anticipated theoretically. 13C-enhanced nanotubes are an interesting new system for spin-based quantum information processing and memory, with nuclei that are strongly coupled to gate-controlled electrons, differ from nuclei in the substrate, are naturally confined to one dimension, lack quadrupolar coupling, and have a readily controllable concentration from less than one to 10^5 per electron.Comment: supplementary discussion at http://marcuslab.harvard.edu/13CSupp.pd