15 research outputs found

    ValidaciĂłn de un cuestionario de autoeficacia del estudiante de EFL usando el modelo de Rasch

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    Self-efficacy plays a key role in learners' learning processes by helping or hindering their development (Bandura, 1984). Based on related studies (e.g. Littel, 1991; Lier, 2010) one major point affected on language learning is self-efficacy. To this aim, a 35-item an EFL learners’ selfefficacy questionnaire was adapted and validated by the application of the Rasch model. The test was developed in Persian to be used for Iranian EFL learners. A total number of 987 EFL learners learning English in different language institutions of Iran participated in this study. The results revealed that the Rasch model fits the test after removing 10 items from the scale. Moreover, it is confirmed that the scale enjoyed suitable reliability. This proposes that the questionnaire is potentially valid and can be used as a measure of EFL learners’ self-efficacy.La autoeficacia desempeña un papel clave en los procesos de aprendizaje de los alumnos al ayudar o dificultar su desarrollo (Bandura, 1984). Basado en estudios relacionados (por ejemplo, Littel, 1991; Lier, 2010) un punto importante afectado en el aprendizaje de idiomas es la autoeficacia. Con este objetivo, la aplicación del modelo de Rasch adaptó y validó un cuestionario de autoeficacia de 35 ítems de EFL. La prueba fue desarrollada en persa para ser utilizada por estudiantes iraníes de inglés como lengua extranjera. Un total de 987 estudiantes de inglés que aprenden inglés como lengua extranjera en diferentes instituciones lingüísticas de Irán participaron en este estudio. Los resultados revelaron que el modelo de Rasch se ajusta a la prueba después de eliminar 10 elementos de la escala. Además, se confirma que la escala gozó de una fiabilidad adecuada. Esto propone que el cuestionario es potencialmente válido y se puede usar como una medida de la autoeficacia de los estudiantes de inglés como lengua extranjera.A autoeficácia desempenha um papel fundamental nos processos de aprendizagem dos aprendentes, ajudando ou dificultando o seu desenvolvimento (Bandura, 1984). Com base em estudos relacionados (por exemplo, Littel, 1991; Lier, 2010), um ponto importante afetado na aprendizagem de línguas é a autoeficácia. Para este fim, um questionário de 35 itens de auto-eficácia de alunos de EFL foi adaptado e validado pela aplicação do modelo de Rasch. O teste foi desenvolvido em persa para ser usado para alunos de EFL iranianos. Um total de 987 alunos de EFL que aprendem inglês em diferentes instituições de idiomas do Irã participaram deste estudo. Os resultados revelaram que o modelo Rasch se encaixa no teste após a remoção de 10 itens da escala. Além disso, confirma-se que a escala gozava de confiabilidade adequada. Isto propõe que o questionário é potencialmente válido e pode ser usado como uma medida da autoeficácia dos aprendentes de EFL

    Hidden Curriculum Components, Learners’ National Identity, and Self-Efficacy: A Model for Iranian EFL Teachers

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    Much of what educators address is the overt curriculum; however, there is a hidden curriculum that affects education in a very profound manner. In view of that, the purpose of the present study is to determine the relationship of EFL teachers’ perspectives on hidden curriculum components in the Iranian institutional context with their students’ self-efficacy and national identity. More specifically, the present study surveyed the probable existence of any significant correlation between EFL teachers’ perspectives on the EFL hidden curriculum components, their students’ attitudes towards their own national identity, and self-efficacy. For this purpose, a model was suggested and tested using partial least squares variance-based structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM), to examine EFL teachers’ perspectives on the EFL hidden curriculum components contributing to their students’ national identity and self-efficacy. A total of 164 institutional EFL teachers in Iran completed the EFL hidden curriculum questionnaire. Besides, 987 students (about eighty percent of their learners) were asked to fill in national identity and self-efficacy questionnaires. Based on this model, all the correlations between the latent variables were significant except for three latent variables including the relationships among EFL teachers’ perspectives on the EFL hidden curriculum components (social atmosphere, organizational structure, and interaction between teachers and learners) and their learners’ self-efficacy. In addition, the results depicted all the relationships between latent variables was positive relations; while, the relationship between EFL learners’ national identity and self-efficacy was proved to be negative

    An Inquiry into the Implementation of ICT among Pre-Service English Teachers

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    In recent years, the trend toward globalization and the needs of an information-oriented society have become a focus of attention for science educators. However, many teachers are still struggling to adopt and implement computers into their classrooms. Some researchers contend that beginning teachers are not adequately prepared to integrate computers into their teaching. Furthermore, among teachers, differences exist in instructional decision-making and behaviors when implementing new innovations into their teaching practice. This  study examines the implementation of  ICT (Information and Communication Technology) into English language instruction. Through studying aspects of learning among pre-service teachers, the study seeks to review the studies done on the impact on their new understanding of teaching and decision-making.  The results of this study can provide pre-service teachers with a direction that enables them to make the best use of technology such as ICT in learning to teach English and other core subject areas is necessary

    Teacher’s Perspectives on Null Curriculum in BA Level: 21st Century Skills in TEFL

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    Known as what educational contexts do not teach, null curriculum has been considered one of the most significant types of curricula due to its absence, being left out or overlooked. This non-existent curriculum brings an important theoretical tool to the field of curriculum development for the idea that something which is not offered to students has an educational significance and effect. To follow the purpose of the study which is teachers' perspectives on the null curriculum at the BA level, 300 university instructors were selected to participate in this study. To answer the research questions various statistical methods (one-way ANOVA, independent sample t-test, Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Scheffe’s test) have been utilized. Results of this quantitative study revealed that among the sub-constructs of the 21st century, critical thinking, collaboration skills, creativity and innovation skills, self-direction skills, technological literacy, global and local connection skills, economic and financial literacy, business and entrepreneurial literacy and media literacy should be considered as aspects of the null curriculum in TEFL curriculum in BA level in Iran, and they should be added to the present curriculum; however, communication skills are not regarded as aspects of null. In addition, Iranian EFL university instructors’ ratings on different components of 21st-century skills as one aspect of the null curriculum significantly differed. Finally, a model was proposed to describe the relationship between the ratings of the components of 21st-century skills as one aspect of the null curriculum by Iranian EFL university instructors. The findings of the present study can help to a better understanding of the ELT curriculum, aspects of the null curriculum, and 21st-century skills in the Iranian context

    Developing and Validating a Scale for Assessing Iranian EFL Teacher Educators’ Perspectives towards Twenty-first Century Skills

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    Teacher education had been addressed in various studies. Although many studies attempted to measure teachers' twenty-first century skills, there is still a gap that prompted us to investigate the area from the teacher-educators' perspectives. To accomplish the purpose, this mixed-method study aimed to develop and validate a scale to assess Iranian EFL teacher-educators’ perceptions of twenty-first century skills. To this end, the developed scale was answered by 15 teacher educators through a semi structured interview. After transcribing and analyzing the interview responses, the researcher developed a tentative version of a twenty-first century skills scale which included 26 items. Finally, the researcher distributed the scale among 351 EFL teacher educators. The results of the Exploratory Factor Analysis indicated that the scale enjoyed high validity and reliability. The extracted factors making up three components included agreement, challenges, and implementation. Based on the rotated component matrix, some changes in the organization of the items were made. This study has implications for language teachers, and teacher trainers to design teacher training courses as well as professional development programs

    Finite-element models related to widebrand tympanometry in newborns

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    Early detection of hearing loss accompanied by appropriate early intervention is important in order to avoid problems associated with delayed language development, with its impact on daily communication, educational achievement, psychosocial development and later employment opportunities. Current screening methods are associated with high false-positive rates, which can be attributed to transient conditions in the external ear and middle ear in the first 48 hours post partum. Tympanometry (input acoustic admittance measurement in the presence of a range of static pressures) is a promising tool for evaluating the status of the middle ear in newborns.Tympanometry involves both non-linear responses and viscoelastic (time-dependent) effects, and the tympanic membrane contributes to the overall response more than other middle-ear components do. We have therefore developed a non-linear viscoelastic model based on experimental data reported in the literature for excised strips of tympanic membrane. The constitutive equation of this model is a convolution integral, composed of the Ogden hyperelastic model and the exponential time-dependent function of the Prony series. The model was validated by reproducing the measured hysteresis effect with a single set of parameters. The newborn ear is anatomically very different from the adult one, resulting in a different input admittance than in adults. We have developed a finite-element model to investigate the admittance responses of the ear canal and middle ear in newborns for frequencies up to 2 kHz. The model was validated by comparison with two sets of clinical data and provides quantitative insight into the separate contributions of the outer and middle ear. The results suggest that admittance measurements could provide more information about the condition of the middle-ear if made at multiple frequencies around its resonance (around 1.8 kHz).Wideband stimuli are used to extend admittance measurements to higher frequencies. Taking into account the fluid-structure interaction (FSI) between the air inside the canal and middle-ear cavity and the structure of the ear, we have extended the frequency range of our newborn model up to 10 kHz. The first and second standing-wave modes in the canal were observed at 7.2 and 9.6 kHz, respectively, and the resonance of the middle-ear cavity was identified at 6.1 kHz. The model was validated by comparison with two sets of clinical data and provides interpretations for features that exist in the clinical data but whose significance was not clear.Our numerical models of the non-linear viscoelastic tympanic membrane and of the admittance responses of the newborn ear provide quantitative insight into the mechanics of the ear and establish a groundwork for the clinical application and interpretation of admittance measurements in newborns.Il est important de pouvoir dépister tôt une perte auditive chez les nouveau-nés et d'intervenir de façon appropriée rapidement afin d'éviter les problèmes liés au retard du développement langagier et ses conséquences sur la communication au quotidien, la réussite scolaire, le développement psychosocial et les possibilités d'emploi ultérieures. Les méthodes de dépistage actuelles produisent des taux élevés de résultats faux positifs que l'on peut attribuer au régime transitoire qui prévaut dans l'oreille externe et moyenne durant les 48 heures qui suivent la période postnatale. La tympanométrie (c.-à-d. la mesure de l'admittance acoustique d'entrée en présence des pressions statiques) est un outil prometteur pour évaluer l'état de l'oreille moyenne des nouveau-nés.La tympanométrie comprend des réponses non linéaires et des effets viscoélastiques (dépendants du temps). La membrane tympanique contribuant davantage à la réponse globale que les autres composantes de l'oreille moyenne, nous avons donc développé un modèle viscoélastique non linéaire basé sur des données expérimentales publiées dans la littérature et produites à partir de bandes excisées de membrane tympanique. L'équation constitutive de ce modèle est une intégrale de convolution composée du modèle hyperélastique d'Ogden et de la fonction exponentielle dépendante du temps de la série de Prony. Nous avons validé le modèle en reproduisant l'effet d'hystérésis mesuré au moyen d'un ensemble unique de paramètres. Sur le plan anatomique, l'oreille du nouveau-né est très différente de celle de l'adulte. Pour étudier les réponses d'admittance du conduit auditif et de l'oreille moyenne des nouveau-nés à des fréquences allant jusqu'à 2 kHz, nous avons développé un modèle à éléments finis. Celui-ci, que nous avons validé en comparant deux ensembles de données cliniques, fournit une piste d'évaluation quantitative sur les contributions distinctes de l'oreille externe et de l'oreille moyenne. Les résultats obtenus semblent indiquer que les mesures d'admittance pourraient fournir des renseignements supplémentaires sur l'état de l'oreille moyenne si elles sont faites pour de multiples fréquences au voisinage de la résonance de l'oreille moyenne (1,8 kHz).Des stimulus large bande sont utilisés pour étendre les mesures d'admittance à des fréquences plus élevées. En tenant compte de l'interaction fluide-structure entre l'air dans le conduit auditif et dans la cavité de l'oreille moyenne, et la structure de l'oreille, nous avons étendu la gamme de fréquences de notre modèle jusqu'à 10 kHz. Des observations du premier et du deuxième mode d'onde stationnaire ont été effectuées dans le conduit auditif à des fréquences de 7,2 et de 9,6 kHz respectivement, et la résonance de la cavité de l'oreille moyenne a été décelée à 6,1 kHz. Notre modèle, qui a été validé par la comparaison de deux ensembles de données cliniques, permet d'interpréter des éléments dans les données cliniques dont la signification auparavant n'était pas claire.Nos modèles numériques de la membrane tympanique viscoélastique non linéaire et des réponses d'admittance de l'oreille du nouveau-né offrent une piste d'évaluation des mécanismes de l'oreille, tout en ouvrant la voie à l'utilisation et à l'interprétation en milieu clinique de mesures d'admittance chez les nouveau-nés

    Critical Pedagogy: A Key Factor for Improvement of Iranian EFL Learners’ Self-Regulation and Writing Ability

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    As Keesing-Style (2003) puts out, although the concept of critical pedagogy (CP) has been proposed for three decades, it has not been employed in the educational settings. This study investigated the effect of employing critical pedagogy on the improvement of Iranian EFL learners’ self-regulation and writing skill. To achieve this goal, a group of 60 female EFL students (aged between 14 to 25 years old) participated in the free paragraph writing course based on their scores on a Writing Placement Test and a Self-Regulation Questionnaire. Participants were divided into two control (N=30) and experimental (N=30) groups. The learners in experimental group were taught paragraph writing via CP. In contrast, the learners in control group were taught paragraph writing through traditional pedagogy. In both control and experimental groups, two tests including a Writing Placement Test and a Self-Regulation Questionnaire (SRQ) were administered before and after the treatment to check the participants’ progress or regress. After a five-month study, twenty sessions of treatment, it was revealed that applying CP can significantly affect (sig = .000) Iranian upper-intermediate female EFL learners’ writing skill. Meanwhile, implementation of CP greatly reinforced (sig = .003) the learners’ self-regulation skill.

    Iranian EFL Learner’s Communication Strategies:

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    Email has become a widespread medium of communication between students and their instructors, however; there is a limited amount of research on instructional role and uses of email in academic context. The present study investigated the communication strategies in email messages sent by Iranian EFL students to their male instructors in relation to their socioeconomic status (such as family income and education level). Moreover, the relationships between communication strategies and gender were examined. Email message sent by male and female students to their male instructors during the academic year 2012-2013 were analyzed for communication strategies (requesting, negotiating, reporting, social). The results of quantitative and qualitative statistics revealed that there were significant relationships between communication strategies and participants’ socioeconomic status. In addition, there were significant relationships between communication strategies and gender.

    Developing, localizing & validating code of professional ethics through PLS-SEM: EFL university instructors’ perspectives

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    “The field of ethics in teaching as a moral profession is a robust and compelling one. It captures the interest and imagination of scholars, researchers, and practitioners alike because it is so very important and integral to the world of education”. For the same purpose, the major aim of the current paper was to come up with a code of professional ethics for the academic context of universities through the available literature and to later on localize (50 EFL, English as a foreign language, university instructor-participants) this code through a semi-structured interview so as to adapt it according to the needs of Iranian English as a foreign-language university instructors. Afterwards, the code was utilized to design an instrument for the aforementioned instructors’ understanding and commitment to professional ethics. Finally, partial least square variance-based structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) was employed to establish the reliability and validity (80 Iranian English language university instructor-participants) of the already designed instrument. The thorough analysis of the literature resulted in 4 major components (commitment to profession, learners, society and organization) for the code along with relevant items for each. The localization process of the code revealed that to Iranian university instructors, only two of the four components of professional ethics stand as crucial (commitment to profession and learners) and there needs to be abundant awareness-raising measures regarding the other two aspects of professional ethics. Overall, this study concerns Iranian English as a foreign-language educators/teachers and the results exhibited that educators display commitment to learners and profession but should become more aware of commitment to organization and society. The availability of the postulated code at universities can be one such measures which also stands as one of the important implications of this research. The instrument also turned out to be reliable and valid and there existed only two items which needed to be eliminated out of the instrument through the validation process