492 research outputs found

    The minimal base size for a p-solvable linear group

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    Let VV be a finite vector space over a finite field of order qq and of characteristic pp. Let GGL(V)G\leq GL(V) be a pp-solvable completely reducible linear group. Then there exists a base for GG on VV of size at most 22 unless q4q \leq 4 in which case there exists a base of size at most 33. The first statement extends a recent result of Halasi and Podoski and the second statement generalizes a theorem of Seress. An extension of a theorem of P\'alfy and Wolf is also given.Comment: 11 page

    On a conjecture of Gluck

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    Let F(G)F(G) and b(G)b(G) respectively denote the Fitting subgroup and the largest degree of an irreducible complex character of a finite group GG. A well-known conjecture of D. Gluck claims that if GG is solvable then G:F(G)b(G)2|G:F(G)|\leq b(G)^{2}. We confirm this conjecture in the case where F(G)|F(G)| is coprime to 6. We also extend the problem to arbitrary finite groups and prove several results showing that the largest irreducible character degree of a finite group strongly controls the group structure.Comment: 16 page

    The minimal base size for a p-solvable linear group

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    Every coprime linear group admits a base of size two

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    A proof of Pyber's base size conjecture

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    Building on earlier papers of several authors, we establish that there exists a universal constant c>0 such that the minimal base size b(G) of a primitive permutation group G of degree n satisfies log⁡|G|/log⁡n≤b(G)1 we have the estimates |G|