631 research outputs found

    Ultra-low coupling loss fully-etched apodized grating coupler with bonded metal mirror

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    paper ThD2International audienceA fully etched apodized grating coupler with bonded metal mirror is designed and demonstrated on the silicon-on-insulator platform, showing an ultra-low coupling loss of only 1.25 dB with 3 dB bandwidth of 69 nm

    Ultra-High-Efficiency Apodized Grating Coupler Using a Fully Etched Photonic Crystal

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    Inhibitory effects of tamoxifen and tanshinone, alone or in combination, on the proliferation of breast cancer cells via activation of p38 MAPK signalling pathway

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    Purpose: To investigate the effects of tamoxifen and tanshinone administered individually or in combination, on the proliferation of breast cancer (BC) cells, and the underlying mechanism(s) of action. Methods: Human breast cancer cell lines (SNU-306, SNU-334 and SNU-1528), and normal primary mammary epithelial cell line (HMEC) were cultured at 37 °C in Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium (DMEM) supplemented with 5 % fetal bovine serum (FBS), l glutamine (2 mM), penicillin (100 U/ml) and streptomycin (100 μg/ml) in a humidified incubator containing 5 % CO2. Cell proliferation was determined using MTT assay, while real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) was used to determine the expressions of apoptosis-related genes. The expressions of p38 mitogenactivated protein kinases (p38 MAPK) were determined by Western blotting. Results: There were only few viable cells in tamoxifen- and tanshinone-treated wells, and cell viability was concentration-dependently reduced. Treatment of SNU-306 cells with tamoxifen (30 µM) or tanshinone (20 µM) alone significantly reduced the expression of Wip1 after 72 h of incubation, and the level of expression was significantly reduced in SNU-306 cells treated with combination of tamoxifen and tanshinones, relative to those treated with tamoxifen or tanshinone alone (p < 0.05). The extent of apoptosis was significantly higher in SNU-306 cells treated with tamoxifen or tanshinone alone or in combination than in control cells (p < 0.05). Expressions of Bax, caspase 3 and p53 were significantly higher in SNU-306 cells than in control cells, and were significantly higher in SNU-306 cells treated with combination of tamoxifen and tanshinone than in those treated with tamoxifen or tanshinone alone (p < 0.05). The level of expression of MAPK was significantly higher in SNU-306 cells treated with tamoxifen or tanshinone alone, and in combination treatment, than in control cells (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Tamoxifen and tanshinone administered alone or in combination promote apoptosis in BC cells via mechanisms involving the up-regulation and phosphorylation of MAPK

    Functional characterization of Pura in vivo and in vitro - Pura knock-out mice and Pura DNA unwinding activity

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    Pura is a ubiquitous DNA- and RNA-binding protein that is highly conserved in eukaryotic organisms. Pura binds preferentially to purine-rich single-stranded DNA. To date, biochemical analyses of Pura have indicated that this protein might be involved in diverse cellular functions, including DNA replication, transcription, translation and cell growth control (Gallia et al., 2000). However, the function of Pura in vivo remains unclear. In this study, Pura knock-out mice (KO) were generated using homologous recombination techniques in ES cells. The Pura gene locus was isolated from 129/SvJ Mouse Genomic Library and partially sequenced. A targeting vector using positive and negative selection was generated for homologous recombination and was finally electroporated into E14 ES cells for five times. Out of 2400 ES cell clones only one positive ES cell clone (KO 248) was identified by Southern-blot analysis. Pura KO mice generated from ES cell clone KO 248 displayed multiple phenotypes. Apparently, they were normal when born, but developed assorted abnormalities. 12-14 days after birth they developed a severe and continuous tremor phenotype similar to shiverer mice that lack myelin basic protein (MBP) (Chernoff, 1981). This tremor phenotype continued unabated until natural death occurred. Pura KO mice seemed to have a shorter life span since none of the Pura KO mice lived longer than 6 months while the wild type mice lived normally. Pura has been shown to be involved in developmental and transcriptional control of MBP (Haas et al., 1995), therefore the MBP levels in the brain stems of Pura KO mice were investigated. It could be shown that MBP levels in 16-day-old Pura KO mice were decreased by 30-40% as compared to heterozygotes and wild type. However, MBP levels of the 63-dayold Pura KO, heterozygous and wild type mice did not show significant difference. Although Pura KO mice showed a tremor phenotype comparable to shiverer mice and displayed reduced MBP levels at the beginning of brain myelination, they still possessed 60-70% of normal amounts of MBP, which has been shown to be sufficient to rescue the tremor phenotype in transgenic shiverer mice. These data suggest that the tremor phenotype of Pura KO mice may be due to some other reasons, which are still unclear. Strikingly, 70-day-old Pura KO mice displayed a steadily increasing obesity and significantly enlarged brain size with increased lipid content, suggesting aberrant fat metabolism or homeostasis, although the underlying cause(s) are as yet unknown. Brain stems of Pura KO mice were significantly enlarged and were about three times as heavy as those of the normal mice. The hippocampus and sensoric cortex of Pura KO mice were also enlarged but had decreased weight. Moreover, more lipids were observed not only in the brain of Pura KO mice but also in blood according to blood smear analysis. It has also been shown that female Pura KO mice had more fat droplets in blood than males. Apart from the phenotypes described above, Pura KO mice displayed a different weight development curve as compared to normal mice: With the onset of tremor phenotype, Pura KO mice started to loose their weight; the weight loss of the male KO mice beginning from postnatal day 11-15 was more severer than females and their weight recovery lasted longer than females; the female Pura KO mice are heavier than males while normal male mice are heavier than females, suggesting that this obesity effect may also be influenced by animal gender. These results indicate that Pura may influence or regulate the metabolism of fat in an unknown mechanism. In the second part of this study, a new, yet uncharacterized in vitro enzymatic activity of Pura was investigated. Pura displayed a helix destabilizing activity by unwinding a labeled 17-mer oligonucleotide annealed to ssM13 DNA. This activity was independent of ATP or any other nucleosides and lacks any directionality, distinguishing it therefore from common helicase activities. 16 truncated GST-Pura were generated by PCR for mapping of the domain responsible for the DNA unwinding activity. It was revealed that the central part of the protein from amino acids 54-215 was essential for this feature of Pura. The identical part of Pura was sufficient and essential for DNA binding activity. Therefore, DNA binding could not be separated from DNA unwinding capacity. In addition, from pull-down assays, it was shown that the same part of the protein was also sufficient and necessary for Pura selfassociation. Since Pura has been shown to influence many important cellular processes, the DNA unwinding activity of the protein may establish a mechanism of how Pura functions in different cellular processes, such as replication and transcription

    Periodic Epidemic Spreading over Complex Systems: Modeling and Analysis

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    文章简介蛋白质多肽氨基端乙酰化(N-terminal acetylation)发生在蛋白质或多肽的氨基端第一个氨基酸的(N端)α氨基上,是真核生物中一种最常见的蛋白质翻译后修饰方式。该修饰是由6类N端乙酰转移酶(NAT)来完成的(Nat A至Nat F),而每一种都只作用于其特异的蛋白国家自然科学基金委;;科技部的经费支