3,837 research outputs found

    Specific discrimination of three pathogenic salmonella enterica subsp enterica serotypes using CarB-based oligonuceotide microarray

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    It is important to rapidly and selectively detect and analyze pathogenic Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica in contaminated food to reduce the morbidity and mortality of Salmonella infection and to guarantee food safety. In the present work, we developed an oligonucleotide microarray containing duplicate specific capture probes based on the carB gene, which encodes the carbamoyl phosphate synthetase large subunit, as a competent biomarker evaluated by genetic analysis to selectively and efficiently detect and discriminate three S. enterica subsp. enterica serotypes: Choleraesuis, Enteritidis, and Typhimurium. Using the developed microarray system, three serotype targets were successfully analyzed in a range as low as 1.6 to 3.1 nM and were specifically discriminated from each other without nonspecific signals. In addition, the constructed microarray did not have cross-reactivity with other common pathogenic bacteria and even enabled the clear discrimination of the target Salmonella serotype from a bacterial mixture. Therefore, these results demonstrated that our novel carB-based oligonucleotide microarray can be used as an effective and specific detection system for S. enterica subsp. enterica serotypes.open117Nsciescopu

    Tuning Locality of Pair Coherence in Graphene-based Andreev Interferometers

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    We report on gate-tuned locality of superconductivity-induced phase-coherent magnetoconductance oscillations in a graphene-based Andreev interferometer, consisting of a T-shaped graphene bar in contact with a superconducting Al loop. The conductance oscillations arose from the flux change through the superconducting Al loop, with gate-dependent Fraunhofer-type modulation of the envelope. We confirm a transitional change in the character of the pair coherence, between local and nonlocal, in the same device as the effective length-to-width ratio of the device was modulated by tuning the pair-coherence length xi(T) in the graphene layer.open1133sciescopu


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    Isobaric tags have been widely used for the identification and quantification of proteins in mass spectrometry-based proteomics. The mass-balanced, H-1/H-2 isotope-coded dipeptide tag (MBIT) is a multifunctional isobaric tag based on N-acetyl-Ala-Ala dipeptide containing an amine-reactive linker that conjugates the tag to the primary amines of proteolytic peptides. MBITs provide a pair of isotope-coded quantitation signals separated by 3Da, which enables 2-plex quantification and identification of proteins in the 15-250fmol range. Various MBITs diversified at the N-acetyl group or at the side chain of the first alanine provide a pair of bs ions as low-mass quantitation signals in a distinct mass window. Thus, a combination of different MBITs allows multiplex quantification of proteins in a single liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry experiment. Unlike other isobaric tags, MBITs also offer a pair of ys ions as high-mass quantitation signals in a noise-free region, facilitating protein quantification in quadrupole ion trap mass spectrometers. Uniquely, b(S) ions, forming N-protonated oxazolone, undergo unimolecular dissociation and generate the secondary low-mass quantitation signals, a(S) ions. The yield of a(S) ions derived from b(S) ions can be used to measure the temperature of b(S) ions, which enables a reproducible acquisition of the peptide tandem mass spectra. Thus, MBITs enable multiplexed quantitation of proteins and the concurrent measurement of ion temperature using b(S) and a(S) signal ions as well as the isobaric protein quantitation in resonance-type ion trap using y(S) (complement of b(S)) signal ions. This review provides an overview of MBITs with a focus on the multi-functionality that has been successfully demonstrated in the peptide tandem mass spectrometry. (c) 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Mass Spec Rev 34: 209-218, 2015.X1141Ysciescopu

    Multiplex 16S rRNA-derived geno-biochip for detection of 16 bacterial pathogens from contaminated foods

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    Foodborne diseases caused by various pathogenic bacteria occur worldwide. To prevent foodborne diseases and minimize their impacts, it is important to inspect contaminated foods and specifically detect many types of pathogenic bacteria. Several DNA oligonucleotide biochips based on 16S rRNA have been investigated to detect bacteria; however, a mode of detection that can be used to detect diverse pathogenic strains and to examine the safety of food matrixes is still needed. In the present work, a 16S rRNA gene-derived geno-biochip detection system was developed after screening DNA oligonucleotide specific capture probes, and it was validated for multiple detection of 16 pathogenic strains that frequently occur with a signature pattern. rRNAs were also used as detection targets directly obtained from cell lysates without any purification and amplification steps in the bacterial cells separated from eight food matrixes by simple pretreatments. Thus, the developed 16S rRNA-derived geno-biochip can be successfully used for the rapid and multiple detection of the 16 pathogenic bacteria frequently isolated from contaminated foods that are important for food safety.1111Ysciescopu

    Patterning of ferroelectric nanodot arrays using a silicon nitride shadow mask

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    We grew well-ordered arrays of ferroelectric Pb (Zr0.2 Ti0.8) O3 (PZT) nanodots on a SrRu O3 SrTi O3 substrate by pulsed laser deposition. A silicon nitride shadow mask with ordered holes was used for patterning of the PZT arrays. Each dot has a height of ???15 nm and a diameter of ???120 nm with a similar dome shape over a large area. The ferroelectric properties of individual PZT dots were investigated by piezoresponse force microscopy. A single dot could be polarized individually and the polarized state remained unrelaxed to ???20 min.open232

    Two-dimensional polyaniline (C3N) from carbonized organic single crystals in solid state

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    The formation of 2D polyaniline (PANI) has attracted considerable interest due to its expected electronic and optoelectronic properties. Although PANI was discovered over 150 y ago, obtaining an atomically well-defined 2D PANI framework has been a longstanding challenge. Here, we describe the synthesis of 2D PANI via the direct pyrolysis of hexaaminobenzene trihydrochloride single crystals in solid state. The 2D PANI consists of three phenyl rings sharing six nitrogen atoms, and its structural unit has the empirical formula of C3N. The topological and electronic structures of the 2D PANI were revealed by scanning tunneling microscopy and scanning tunneling spectroscopy combined with a first-principle density functional theory calculation. The electronic properties of pristine 2D PANI films (undoped) showed ambipolar behaviors with a Dirac point of -37 V and an average conductivity of 0.72 S/cm. After doping with hydrochloric acid, the conductivity jumped to 1.41 x 10(3) S/cm, which is the highest value for doped PANI reported to date. Although the structure of 2D PANI is analogous to graphene, it contains uniformly distributed nitrogen atoms for multifunctionality; hence, we anticipate that 2D PANI has strong potential, from wet chemistry to device applications, beyond linear PANI and other 2D materials.116431Ysciescopu

    Perubahan makna leksikal ‘dedak’ di media dalam talian sumbangan kepada perkamusan Melayu

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    Bahasa merupakan medium penting dalam menyampaikan hasrat, sentimen, gagasan dan cetusan pemikiran. Bahasa juga dijadikan alat utama oleh masyarakat dalam menyalurkan maklumat tersurat atau tersirat. Gaya komunikasi masyarakat dunia telah berubah seiring dengan perkembangan dunia rangkaian jalur lebar yang menawarkan pelbagai perkhidmatan dalam talian termasuklah interaksi versi moden. Masyarakat kini lebih banyak meluangkan masa berinteraksi menggunakan platform teknologi maklumat. Perkembangan ini secara tidak langsung telah memberikan kesan kepada perubahan bahasa masyarakat. Oleh hal demikian, makalah ini meneliti perubahan makna kata ‘dedak’ dalam kedua-dua kamus yang dibandingkan iaitu Kamus R. O. Windstedt (1960) dan Kamus Dewan (2007) dengan melihat perubahan makna berasaskan masa. Sumber data kajian ini diperoleh daripada media sosial iaitu Facebook dan portal berita Malaysiakini dengan memanfaatkan Teori Tangan Ghaib oleh Keller (1994). Carian enjin google trends juga digunakan untuk melihat populariti kata ini digunakan oleh masyarakat. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa makna kata dedak tidak mengalami perubahan makna yang ketara dalam kedua-dua kamus yang dibandingkan. Namun, menerusi penggunaan bahasa masyarakat dalam media dalam talian didapati kata dedak telah mengalami perubahan makna yang drastik kesan daripada ledakan situasi sosiopolitik negara. Justeru, perubahan makna ini merupakan salah satu sumbangan penting kepada perkembangan perkamusan Melayu

    Kedinamikan Bahasa Melayu di ambang perkembangan media dalam talian dari perspektif perubahan makna

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    Bahasa masyarakat dunia kini sedang mengalami perubahan drastik hasil daripada kemajuan komunikasi berasaskan pengkomputeran. Antara contoh medium komunikasi baharu berkaitan teknologi internet adalah media-media sosial dalam talian seperti facebook, instagram, twitter, blog dan sebagainya. Media-media sosial ini telahpun menjadi medium interaksi utama masyarakat moden. Kajian ini tertumpu pada menganalisis kata-kata Melayu yang dikesan mengalami peluasan makna di laman Facebook. Makalah ini memilih tiga contoh kata sebagai sampel perbincangan, iaitu kafir, kunyit dan sibuk. Ketiga-tiga kata ini dipilih berdasarkan kaedah pensampelan bertujuan dan trend penggunaannya telah disahkan dengan menggunakan Google Trends. Kerangka teori Tangan Ghaib oleh Keller (1994) dijadikan panduan untuk mengenalpasti motif-motif seseorang pengguna media sosial memilih sesuatu kata sehingga tercetusnya makna-makna yang baharu. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa ketiga-tiga contoh kata Melayu ini mempunyai trend penggunaan yang tinggi di Facebook dan telah mengalami peluasan makna yang menyimpang dari makna asalnya, iaitu kafir > “orang yang tidak Islamik”, kunyit > “golongan gay”, dan sibuk > “tak habis-habis”. Ketiga-tiga kata ini juga didapati mengalami peluasan makna pada kadar yang drastik, iaitu berubah dalam masa yang singkat selepas menjadi tular melalui perkongsian maklumat dalam kalangan pengguna media sosial, dan seolah-olahnya terdapat tangan ghaib yang mendorong makna-makna baharu ini terbentuk serta diakui sejagat dalam kalangan pengguna media sosial. Kajian ini menyumbang kepada bidang perkamusan Melayu, terutamanya dari segi meningkat kesedaran bahawa peluasan dan perubahan makna kata Melayu berlaku secara drastik susulan daripada perkembangan teknologi media sosial dan sedang memberi cabaran kepada perkamusan Melayu konvensiona